Friday, July 27, 2012

Episode Review: July 27th, 2012

At the Gupta house, Khushi is collecting and counting the money she saved up.  She realizes she doesn't have enough to pay the rent so she decides to make a few calls.  She calls up her business partner from her dabba service and asks to borrow 24000 Rs.  He tells her that he can't do that since his current state is not too well.  He then tells someone else that he had to lie or else he would lose his job.  Khushi then goes to Happy Singh and asks for a job.  He too denies her a job and says that he can't help her.  Once she leaves, he says to himself that he had to lie as Arnav said this would bring him and her closer together.  At his office, Arnav is reading a file and counting down the time until Khushi arrives; and she apparently arrives on schedule.  He asks her what happened and as she tries to tell him, he interprets her words in a different way.  She asks if he enjoys seeing her in this condition to which he relies yes.  She says that she'll work for him for a month if he pays the rent however Arnav has other plans.  He says that she does need to work for him for a month but instead only for a day.  For 24 hours, she must do everything he tells her to do and he'll pay the rent.  Khushi agrees to the deal.  Arnav shows up to the Gupta house on the excuse of being there for some business and Buaji and Amma are glad he's staying for awhile.  Anjali returns home from her doctor's appointment and pulls out the sonography CD of the baby.  Just then, she gets a call from Arnav who checks up on her to make sure everything is okay.  He then asks her if i'ts okay that he stay at Buaji's for the night to which she says yes.  After the phone, she stares at the CD and begins to cry.  In their room, Arnav sets some rules for Khushi to follow during their deal which include the fact that she cannot get angry and that she must always be smiling.  When he tells her that right now he is her boss, she wants to call him "Laad Governor" but he says Arnav is fine.  He then tells her that he wishes to watch TV but wants her to entertain him.  She starts off with a stock market newscast, mocking his company's stocks falling, then switches to music and then to news, scaring him with a report about a wife giving her diabetic husband tea with sugar in it.  When he asks her to dance, she ends up twisting her ankle.  He then applies bam on her ankle and notices her payals.  He asks her if she wears them all the time and she says yes as they are her mothers. She then tries to get up to go do some work but Arnav refuses to let her.  However, Khushi wants to do the work by herself so Arnav carries her there instead.  On the way, he slips on water and the two end up falling down.

What worked: Arnav's tactics to woo Khushi back.  Like the saying goes: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.  Arnav has done exactly that.  He can't beat Khushi's plan of constantly going to Buaji's to push him away so instead, he'll join in on her plan.  Arnav tactics or using irritation, annoyance, deals and challenges to win his wife back are not surprising.  Arnav has changed since falling in love but he has not lost his ASR personality.  These tactics were in fact the way the two fell in love in the first place.  If they worked the first time around, they're bound to work the second time too.  The only snag in his plan is that he has 12 days to complete it or else one of the most important people in his life will walk out forever.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Anjali's progress.  It's nice to see the writers making progress with Anjali's character.  They have slowly begun to show the more happier side of her (ex, her talking to the rest of the family members again) and also remembered to show that she is still coming to terms with what has happened to her (ex, her crying at the sonography CD).  The fact that Anjali allowed Arnav to stay at Buaji's overnight and cared for her health shows that the loving, caring and understanding side of her is still there. 

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