Thursday, July 19, 2012

Episode Review: July 19th, 2012

Khushi goes to Akash and Payal's room where she begins to apologise to Akash for what she said to him.  She tries to explain to him why Payal kept the secret from him but Payal interrupts her and again tells Khushi to stay out of their problems.  Nani and Mami then appear where Mami blames both Khushi and Payal for making Anjali's life miserable right now.  Nani tells Mami that whatever happened to Anjali was not right and that Khushi is not to blame; instead Shyam is to blame.  Khushi goes to her room and opens her closet to find a surprise; Arnav sitting in the closet.  She is shocked and surprised to see him, remembering when she hid in his closet.  Arnav tells her that he just wanted to re-create some of their past memories and asks her if she remembers anything.  When she says no, he throws water in her face reminding her of how she threw chai in his face.  When she storms off, Arnav grabs her arm and is about to yell at her when he remembers what NK said about being calm.  Nicely, he asks Khushi why she is walking away from him and she gives him a defiant response.  Angry, he grabs her arm and holds it around her back, like he always did.  She flashes back to their first meeting and he begins to take her hair to one side.  As he draws her near, she pushes him away and throws water on his face.  Angry, he pulls Khushi back to him.  She states that he is misbehaving with her and he says that he hasn't even started and that he could so much more since she is his legally wedded wife.  She states that he married her by force and that she doesn't consider him as her husband.  Arnav suggest she consider it now and begins to draw her near again.  Just then, one of the servants tells them that Nani is calling for both of them.  Nani asks both of them why they are wet and they state that they had each spilled coffee and tea on themselves.  She tells them about the puja in the evening and they leave to get dressed.  Going up the stairs, he stops her and tells her that she will claim him as her husband and that he will make her claim him as her husband.  She asks him if he's been dreaming these days and states that this won't happened.  He says that she will come running into his arms.  Khushi says that the day she comes running into his arms, she will consider him her husband, but tells him that it won't happen in this lifetime.  They make a bet on this and she leaves.  NK witnesses all of this and says "Iss war ko kya naam doon"?  Arnav goes to Anjali's room to make sure she is ready.  He then gets a phone call stating he has a meeting today in Agra.  He goes to cancel the meeting but Anjali tells him to go to it.  In his room, he informs Khushi that he is going to Agra.  They have a cute fight where he asks her to come along but she refuses.  After he leaves, Khushi states that she will not run into his arms, she will not claim him as her husband and she does not want to see the Taj Mahel.  Later that evening, Khushi begins to hear loud noises.  There are huge gusts of winds and a lot of lightning, scaring her.  Then the lights go off in the entire house.  Frightened, Khushi begins to go to the fuse box until she sees a shadow.  As she shouts out, there is no response.

What worked: The lighter mood of the episode.  We didn't have people being upset and depressed and it was nice to see a change from all the drama.

What didn't work: Akash's point of view.  I'd like to see where Akash's head is at right now.  So far, we know that he is upset with Payal for hiding the secret but we haven't seen anything else.  I'd like to see him ask her about why she kept it a secret and to maybe try to understand why things happened in that way.

Highlight: The return of the nok jokes between Arnav and Khushi.  The challenging, the defiance, the stubbornness.  It was great to see this all come back.  Khushi knows Arnav is trying to please her but she won't give into him that easy and Arnav knows Khushi is playing hard to get.  It's great to see them at their old bickering selves again because this is why we all fell in love with them.

On a side note, NK had the best line of the evening: "Iss war ko kya naam doon"

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