Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Episode Review: July 25th, 2012

Khushi then sees Arnav walking up the stairs and onto the porch.  She quickly tells Buaji to go and drink water while she calls up Arnav.  She informs him that they are at a hospital and tell him to come pick them up.  She hides from Arnav, waiting for him to leave.  Once he's gone, she takes Buaji back to the house.  Once inside the house, she calls up Arnav and tells him that her and Buaji have returned home and that he doesn't have to pick them up.  Confused as to how she is acting, he questions her on what the doctor says. Khushi makes up an excuse of not meeting the doctor but states that Buaji needs a lot of rest.  After the phone call, Arnav decides to call someone up.  Back at the Raizada mansion, Nani and Mami are sitting around when they receive a call.  When they answer they call, there is no response.  The phone rings again but there is still no answer.  Just then, Anjali says that she is going out but does not want anyone to come with her as she wants to be alone right now.  Back at the Gupta House, Buaji has fallen asleep and Khushi is pleased that she is not awake.  Just then, the doorbell rings.  When she answers it, she finds a doctor and Arnav.  Arnav had called the doctor to check up on Buaji.  In order to not get caught, she makes an excuse of Buaji sleeping but the doctor states he can still do a check-up even if she is asleep.  They go inside and are start to do a check-up on Buaji when Khushi tells the doctor to check her stomach.  After Arnav leaves, Khushi makes up a story about Buaji having a hard life and losing her son.  She claims that as her only niece, she comes here to make Buaji happy but her husband (Arnav) keeps asking her so many questions.  The doctor falls for the story and promises Khushi to handle Arnav's questions.  As the doctor leaves, he tells Arnav that Khushi should stay here for a few days.  Khushi leaves to get the medication but Arnav takes it from her and says he will get it.  As she struggles to get it back from him, he asks her to do one thing, which is already known to her.  He leans in to kiss her but before he can, she grabs the prescription out of his hand and pushes him away stating that he lost the bet.  He them comes up to her, places his arm around her shoulder and kisses her on the check, surprising her.  He says that he does not lose bets and then departs.  Back at the Raizada Mansion, Mami sees that Anjali is talking to someone.  When she calls out her name, Anjali quickly attempts to close the door and begins to act like she's talking on the phone.  Just then, her phone rings.  She pretends to redial it to re-schedule the conversation.  Mami wonders who she was talking to as she wasn't on the phone before.  Back at the Gupta house, Buaji and Khushi are having tea when the phone rings.  Khushi picks it up and it happens to be the landlord calling.  Before she can speak to him, he says something to her that upsets her.  Before she can tell Buaji what it is, there's a knock at the door.  She opens it to find Arnav there, demanding to know why Khushi did this, with her asking the same question.  Buaji invites Arnav into the house and he begins to tell Buaji about a sad story he heard.  He retells Khushi's made up story to the doctor and Khushi begins to panic.  She then takes Arnav away on the pretense of wanting to speak to him.  In her room, Arnav demands to know why Khushi lied to him about Buaji's health but she demands to know why he paid the entire rent amount.  She corners him against the door, stating that she does not want any favours.  This angers him to which he corners her against the door and states that she is his wife and that he too has a relationship with this house.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi attempting to get away from Arnav.  Whether it was getting him to drive from place to place to making up a false story, Khushi just can't seem to get rid of her husband.  Arnav Singh Raizada has turned from the arrogant, rude business tycoon to the loving and caring husband and son-in-law.  He's determined and relentless in making sure that her and her family are okay.  It was cute to she what other ways she would come up with just to get rid of her relentless husband.  The fact that he kept coming back to her house is a sign that in the future, she won't be able to get rid of him that easy.  The more she tries to run from him, the harder he will pull back.  Whether it is him calling the doctor to giving her a kiss on the check, Arnav has made one thing clear to Khushi: he's here to stay, forever.

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