Thursday, July 26, 2012

Episode Review: July 26th, 2012

Arnav wants to know why Khushi has lied to everyone just to come to Buaji's but she refuses to answer.  After Arnav keeps demanding an answer, she tells him that she had to lie to everyone to come here; she wanted  a change.  Arnav asks her why she didn't just ask him and she reminds him of what happened on her birthday.  She apologises to him for lying and says that everything will be fine in 13 days.  Confused, Arnav asks why 13 days but she gives no replay.  Arnav tells Buaji he is leaving. Before going, he tells Khushi that he is with her and questions her on what is wrong but she says that nothing is wrong.  At the Raizada Mansion, Mami notices Anjali taking to herself and is both confused and surprised.  She wonders what is going on with Anjali as she looks like a ghost and does not seem herself.  Scared of the whether outside, she goes to Payal's room and asks her to come sleep with her in her room.  Arnav returns home and finds Nani and Payal awake.  Nani points out that time has flew by and Payal reminds her that in a few days, her and Akash would have been married for 6 months.  Nani then points out that both her grandchildren would have been married for 6 months, stunning Arnav.  He makes an excuse of feeling sleepy and leaves.  In his room, he reflects on the words Nani just said, the words he said to Khushi the night of their wedding and how he stopped her from leaving the house.  He suddenly realises why Khushi returned to Buaji's house; because the contract marriage will soon be expiring.  Khushi is seen speaking to Devi Mayya saying that another day has passed and that after 12 more days, she will no longer be Arnav's wife.  Arnav says to himself that he has only 12 days to win her back but that when he does, she will forever be Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada.  He states that she may think herself as smart, but he is Arnav Singh Raizada and everything now will happen according to him.  Khushi then has a dream about Arnav placing money in a plate ontop of her head.  She suddenly wakes up from the dream glad that its only a dream.  Just then, her parents return home and she is glad to see them.  They too ask her why she is here and Buaji tells them that she's been asking her that questions but that she just doesn't give an answer.  There is then a knock at the door and Khushi sees its the landlord.  He asks her for the rent money and Khushi tells him that her husband had paid him.  The landlord informs her that her husband has stalled the check and that if she does not pay him within 24 hours, they will have to evacuate the house.  At the Raizada Mansion, they continue to receive blank calls and Mami brings this up to Nani.  They then ask HP where Anjali is and he informs them she has gone out.  When they call her up, she tells them that her doctor's appointment was early and she didn't want to disturb anyone.  She even refuses for anyone to come pick her up.  Khushi goes to Arnav's office where she finds him talking on the phone.  She tries to talk to him but he is constantly on the phone.  Angry that he is not listening to her, she takes the phone away and demands he listen to her.  She asks why he stalled the check to which he points out to her that she got upset when he gave the money and now she's getting upset because he took the money back.  She then tells him the landlord only gave them 24 hours to pay the rent.  Arnav asks her if she needs his help.  Khushi states that she does not need his help and that she will figure this out.  Before she leaves, he states that he's heard this line before from her and that he has a feeling she will come back to him for help.  As she leaves. He says to himself that she will return to him before the contract ends.

What worked: The mystery building up around Anjali.  Who could Anjali be taking to and who could those blank calls be from.  Could it be Shyam trying to reconnect with Anjali?  Only time will tell but this adds a new turn to the show, instead of always showing Anjali as depressed.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav's plan to win her back. Oh Khushi, you really don't know your husband.  So now that Arnav has figured out why Khushi has returned home, he's going to use her own game plan against her.  He knows what irritates her and he knows what she'll do but his plan this time isn't to anger her or to accept defeat.  Instead, all he wants is for her to come back and fully accept him as her husband.  Let's see if Arnav's plan works this time.

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