Monday, July 23, 2012

Episode Review: July 23rd, 2012

Arnav tries to explain to Anjali that nothing has changed.  He tells her that before marriage, he was not in love with Khushi and he only married her to protect Anjali at the time.  He says that after marriage, he ended up falling in love with Khushi.  He reminds Anjali of the time she told Arnav about a girl coming into his life that he could not live without. He tells Anjali that Khushi is that girl but her coming into their lives does not change their brother-sister relationship.  Happy to hear this, Anjali hugs her brother.  Khushi is seen speaking to Nani, trying to explain why Arnav had come home early.  Nani tells her not to blame herself and that everything will be okay.  Later that evening, Payal apologises to Akash for yelling at him and explains that she was just frustrated at the fact that she was being left out.  Akash tells Payal that he understands and wants the two of them to start anew and move on from what happened.  Arnav on the other hand is seen in bed speaking to a sleeping Khushi.  He tells her that he cleared everything up with Anjali and that everything is okay.  He even states that it's much easier to talk to her while she's sleeping.  He then places his hand onto hers and falls asleep.  The next morning, Nani overhears Khushi talking to Buaji.  Khushi tells Nani that Buaji is not feeling well and asks if she can go see her.  Khushi is delighted when Nani approves but asks her not to tell Payal so that she doesn't get worried.  When Arnav returns from his morning run, Nani informs him on Buaji's health.  He goes to his room to find Khushi packing and states that he's coming with her.  When she ignores him, he gives her the chana her bought for her and she happily begins to eat them.  When they drop, they both kneel down to pick them up and Arnav states that she doesn't have to kneel down to accept him as her husband.  When she remembers their bet, she quickly gets up and continues to pack.  As Khushi is leaving, she asks Payal to forgive her for meddling in her marriage.  Just then, Anjali comes to talk to Khushi.  She asks about Buaji's health and tells Khushi to eat before leaving and Khushi is ecstatic that Anjali finally spoke to her.  As she says her good-byes to the rest of the family, NK suggest that Arnav drop Khushi to her house, otherwise he would heartbroken.  As Arnav drops Khushi to her house, he tells her that everything will be okay and that Buaji will be fine.  Seeing that she's not responding, Arnav asks if something else is bothering her and then sings a line from her "aaj mausam hai suhana" song, putting a smile on her face.  When he wants to go meet Buaji, Khushi stops him saying that if he comes in the house, Buaji will spend all her time looking after him she won't be able to rest.  She then leaves, while Arnav looks on.

What worked: The progress of the story.  It's nice to see the family members begin to accept what has happened recently and try to move forward from it.  Anjali and Arnav's conversation shows how strong their relationship is.  It was great to see Arnav finally tell his sister why he married Khushi and that she has no reason to be insecure as it helps Anjali to make more sense of the situation and gives her the platform to begin to rebuild her life. The family members have started to digest everything that has happened and have begun to rebuild their lives.  It will be a long while until everything becomes okay again, but it is a start.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav talking to a sleeping Khushi.  One word for this scene: Awwwwwwwwwww.  This really shows how much Arnav has changed.  From the arrogant and ruthless Arnav Singh Raizada to the sweet and loving Arnav.  If anyone ever told Arnav that he would not only marry but fall in love with the girl who ruined his show, he probably would have laughed. Before, he was constantly fighting with her, insulting her and at time ignoring her.  Now, he is hiding in cupboards, re-creating past moments and buying her chanas to make her smile and win her back. The fact that he wanted to go with her to Buaji's house clearly shows how much he's changed, since last time they went, he originally did not want to go.

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