Friday, July 6, 2012

Episode Review: July 6th, 2012

Shyam states that he only signed the papers to get Khushi off his back as he didn't know what she would do if he didn't.  He tells Anjali that Khushi has been after him for a long time and always found excuses to be around him.  Payal tells Shyam to stop blaming others for his own faults and informs him that her and Khushi have only stayed this quiet for Anjali's sake and for the sake of the family's happiness.  She tells the family that for months, Shyam stayed at their house as a paying guest, lied about being single and even got engaged to Khushi.  Khushi tells Anjali that she never wanted the truth to come out like this and only kept quiet for the sake of the family's peace and happiness.  Arnav sees his sister's condition deteriorating and begins to take her out of the room when Shyam stops him.  Shyam asks Payal to provide engagement photos as proof but she says they don't have any because their father was very ill at the time.  He then begins to work on Akash saying that both the sisters are out to destroy the family.  Shyam then questions Payal on why she stayed to quiet for so long and before she can answer he says that she stayed quiet because she didn't want her marriage to break.  Shyam continues to spin his words and make it look like Khushi and Payal are lying while Khushi and Payal struggle to get the family to believe them.  Shyam then stoops to a new low by telling Khushi to stop dreaming about a life with a married man.  When Khushi states that she can't bear to be around Shyam, he asks her why she was always around him for the last few days; from feeding kheer to wanting to destroy Arnav.  NK states that Khushi was lying to him the whole time to earn his trust so she could find Arnav.  Shyam asks Khushi if its true that she said she wanted to destroy Arnav.  When she says yes, it shocks Arnav but she claims she only said that in order to win Shyam's trust.  Shyam also calls her characterless and a person who will do anything for their benefit.  She begs Arnav to believe her as he knows that she could never do anything like this.  She tells him that yes she has no solid evidence against Shyam but asks Arnav to look into her eyes to see her honesty which will show what is right and what is wrong.  Arnav approaches both Khushi and Shyam and then slaps him, stating that this slap was for lying and betraying his sister.  He then slaps him again, this time for misbehaving with his wife.  Arnav goes on to state that his sister and his wife are the two most important people in his life and that Shyam made a mistake by hurting them.  He then tells Shyam to get out of the house and when he fails to leave on his own accord, Arnav begins to drag him out.  Shyam stops him, asking him how dare he do this to him, to which Arnav responds that he has not shown Shyam what he could do and that if he does show him what he could do, Shyam would be spending the rest of his miserable life in jail.  Before throwing him out of the house, he tells him to thank Anjali's prayers that he is letting him go in this state.

Today was a power packed episode with a lot going on.  We have several secrets coming out, Khushi and Payal's reputations being stained, Arnav finally reacting to everything going on and Shyam's endless excuses.  I definitely commend Abhaas Metha on his performance today.  Since the shows inception, he has definitely played the role of the evil Shyam brilliantly, making us hate him more and more each day.  Even though today's episode revealed a lot about Shyam and his past, it also leaves a lot of unanswered questions and the possibility of new misunderstandings.

What worked: The revealing of past secrets.  Having the engagement secret come out allowed for Shyam to dig his own grave.  For him to deny the engagement, even though Payal and Arnav know about it, put loopholes in his excuses.  Also, for him to say that Khushi was always after him and that he loves only Anjali showed Arnav what a disgusting liar he is as he knows the truth (from the terrace scene and what Shyam told him afterward).  Shyam dug his own grave and with two slaps, Arnav helped him lay in it.

What didn't work: The constant begging and pleading for the family members to believe them.  It got repetitive to a point that I actually wanted the family not to believe them and then in the future, realize that Khushi, Payal and NK were right all along.

Highlight: Payal defending Khushi.  Yes, Arnav's words and two slaps were powerful but Payal's defense of Khushi was more powerful.  It showed that just like Khushi, she herself would do anything for her sister, including having her own reputation stained.  Payal has kept quiet for a long time and has seen that Khushi has made several sacrifices for her happiness.  She couldn't bear to see Khushi in anymore pain and decided to finally end the silence.  Payal bravely stood in the line of fire for Khushi and even took on Shyam for her, something a true sister would do.  Today, Payal has shown that Khushi will always have a support in her, no matter what happens here on after.

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