Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Episode Review: July 11th, 2012

As Khushi shyly smiles, Arnav states (using her full name) that she knows how to be shy.  When he approaches her, she begins to walk back and he states that it is time that she stop moving back and start moving forward.  He continues to playfully flirt with her and then lets her leave, glad that he put a smile on her face.  In the kitchen, HP informs Khushi that Anjali has still not eaten anything.  With Nani not home, Khushi decides to take the food plate to Anjali.  In her room, an upset Anjali looks at past pictures of her and Shyam.  Khushi walks in and requests that Anjali eats something in order for her to take care of her health.  She states that if she wants, she can be mad at her but to not punish herself or her health.  Khushi reminds Anjali about the child she is carrying and that she needs to take care of herself for the child's sake.  As Arnav and Akash return from work, Arnav asks Akash to take Anjali to her doctor's appointment.  As Akash enters her room, he is unable to find her.  Arnav, Akash and Khushi quickly search for Anjali in the house and are unable to find her.  HP informs the family her saw Anjali leaving in an auto but couldn't hear where she was going.  As Arnav leaves to look for Anjali, an auto blocks his way, demanding his payment.  Arnav realizes this must be the auto Anjali took and questions the driver on where her dropped her.  He says he took her to a nursing home (turns out to be a maternity clinic) and Arnav quickly heads there.  Everyone at home is worried as to where Anjali went.  Nani states that she was the last person who went in her room and no one else did after that.  Khushi states that she did go into Anjali's room, but it was to give her food as she was not eating anything.  At the clinic, Anjali tells the doctor that she no longer wants the child, shocking the doctor.  The doctor demands to know what happened to make Anjali make this decision but she refuses to give an answer.  The doctor states that what Anjali is asking for is wrong, even against the law to a point but Anjali is firm on her decision.  She says that if the doctor is not going to help her, she will goes elsewhere.  Arnav arrives at the clinic and quickly searches for Anjali.  Anjali is seen leaving as the doctor calls out her name, to which Arnav hears this.

What worked: Anjali's turmoil.  This is a woman who just had her happy world shattered and does not understand why it happened.  She had no explanation from her husband and won't take any explanation from anyone else.  She has become a cocoon and has resorted to taking impulsive steps.  Daljeet has performed Anjali's grief, sadness and turmoil excellently.  At this point, Anjali doesn't know what to do.  The family's concern for Anjali's well-being definitely shows one thing: how much they sheltered her from the real world.  The fact that they always kept her happy and let her live in her perfect world is now coming to back to bite them.

What didn't work: Inconsistencies in the story.  Yes, Khushi exposed Shyam as the mastermind behind the kidnapper and seeing Khushi would remind Anjali of that.  The only problem is that the writers are forgetting that Arnav threw Shyam out of the house and Payal had exposed Shyam's past with them, yet not one of them is being requested to stay away from Anjali for some time.  Logically, seeing anyone of these three people would remind her of what happened yet only Khushi is being asked to stay away.

Highlight: Arnav flirting with Khushi.  It's cute to see a husband flirt with his wife, even if it is for a bit of time.  For the first time, he noticed that she too can be shy and was somehow impressed.  Him stating that it was time for her to stop moving back and instead to start moving forward shows that he wants to take their relationship to a different level.  The scene was cute and definitely showed us a peak of the Arshi romance that is soon to come.

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