Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Episode Review: July 3rd, 2012

Episode Review: July 3rd, 2012

Arnav continues to search for Khushi by calling out her name.  He is relived when he spots her laying on a nearby edge.  Arnav tries his best to revive an unconscious Khushi, either by rubbing her hand, calling out her name or giving her CPR.  Fear begins to set in with Arnav as he flashes back to the times where she spoke about dieing.  Determined not to lose the love of his life, Arnav continues to try to revive Khushi. Unable to revive her, Arnav places Khushi's hand over his heart hoping his heartbeat will wake her up. Miraculously it does.  A relived Arnav is happy to see that Khushi is alive. After a long hug, the two depart from there and back to the Raizada Mansion.  As they are about to enter the house, Khushi informs Arnav of the fact that Shyam was the one who had planned his kidnapping. Inside the house, Anjali tends to an injured Shyam.  He purposely crashed his car in order to fake a story about being hurt.  Soon, an injured Khushi enters the house which shocks and stuns everyone.  When they ask her what happened, she gives no reply.  Arnav then enters the house, battered and bruised, which further stuns and shocks the family.  When asked how he got to that condition, he too gives no reply.  Mami proceeds to ask him questions on how he escaped from the kidnapper's clutches.  Everyone is confused as to what Mami is saying as they all felt Arnav went to Scotland.  Mami then reveals the honest truth, that Arnav did not go to Scotland but instead was kidnapped.

What worked: The flashbacks when Arnav was trying to revive Khushi.  Each flashback in this scene was perfect.  From the Heer-Ranjha scene to their poolside conversation, each flashback was used perfectly.  The Heer-Ranjha scene reminded Arnav of his biggest fear; losing Khushi forever; and the fact that he couldn't revive her was making his biggest fear come true.  The poolside conversation of them expressing their feelings gave Arnav one more hope; their heartbeats are one.  The scene was beautifully carried out.

What didn't work: N/A

Episode Highlight: Arnav placing Khushi's hand over his heart.  Arnav knows that this is the connection they share; their heartbeats are one.  The way he took her hand and placed it over his heart hoping that his heartbeat woke her up was beautiful.  As long as one of their heart beats, the two will never be separated.  Their joint heartbeats show the strength and power of their love; that as long as their heartbeats are together, they can overcome anything.

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