Thursday, July 5, 2012

Episode Review: July 4, 2012

Everyone is shocked on hearing that Arnav was kidnapped.  They question them on if this is true and Khushi replies that this is true.  Mami states that she wanted to inform the family many times about Arnav being kidnapped but Khushi constantly stopped her.  When Akash asks why no one but Khushi knew he was kidnapped, Arnav replies that his kidnappers did not want anyone knowing about him being kidnapped.  When Mami asks why they kidnapped him, Khushi tells her that they did not want any ransom money but instead, wanted to kill Arnav.  Mami asks both Khushi and Arnav who kidnapped him and Khushi says that the mastermind is in the house, infront of everyone.  She says it is Shyam.  Everyone is shocked to hear this and Anjali questions Khushi on why she is saying these things about her husband.  Mami states to Khushi that while she was helping her to locate Arnav, they did not find one clue that pointed the finger to Shyam being the mastermind but Khushi states that she does indeed have the evidence against him.  Shyam begins to defend himself stating to Anjali and the family that he would never do a thing like this and that Khushi is just making up stories.  Khushi begins to present all the evidence she collected: him creating the changed Will papers, the blood stain on his shoe and Arnav's passport being with him.  Using his words, Shyam deflects each of the evidence presented and continues to manipulate Anjali with his words.  When Shyam asks if she has any other evidence to prove this is all true, NK finally returns home.  He is glad to see that Khushi and Arnav have returned home safely.  Khushi asks NK to tell everyone the truth about Shyam being the mastermind behind the kidnapping as he knows everything.  Bravely, NK states that whatever Khushi is saying is the truth; that Shyam is behind the kidnapping.  Shyam claims that NK has also gone crazy and he is only saying everything that Khushi told him.  When NK states that he saw Shyam talking on the phone to the travel agency about making it look like Arnav went to Scotland, it shocks Shyam.

Fabulous episode.  The truth has been exposed, no more dragging, no more hiding, no more secrets.  It's about time that Shyam's true colours were exposed.  Though I didn't think it would happen this quick, I'm glad that it's finally coming out.  Amazing performances by Sanaya, Abhaas and Karan.

What worked: Arnav's silence.  For once, Arnav was quiet.  He didn't say anything, didn't cut anyone off and didn't interupt anyone.  This allowed Arnav to do two things: 1) Be able to hear all at once and 2) Be able to observe Shyam's behaviour throughout the entire situation.  Arnav's silence was very much in character.

What didn't work: Everyone constantly saying "I don't understand".  I felt that the constant "I don't understand what's going on" was a bit overplayed.  It sort of ruined the flow of the secrets being exposed as the characters had to reassure that whatever was being said was true.

Highlight: NK defending Khushi.  If there ever was a true friend, that person would be NK.  His actions in the episode displayed what a true friend meant.  To stand by the truth even though it may hurt people and to defend a friend who's at no fault.  NK standing by Khushi shows the strength of their friendship and their trust and faith in each other.  NK is not only a great friend but also a brave person and supportive family member.

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