Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Episode Review: July 17th, 2012

Late in the evening, Khushi is seen sleeping while Arnav approaches.  He looks at the clock and sees that there is 5 minutes until midnight.  He sits next to her and stares at her lovingly.  He moves a strand of her from her face, places a rose next to her pillow and says "Happy Birthday Khushi".  He wishes her all the happiness in the world and places a kiss on her forehead.  As he looks away, Khushi appears to be awake and is touched by his gesture.  When he goes to look back, she pretends to be asleep and then he leaves from there.  The next morning, NK knocks on Arnav's door waking up.  Annoyed that NK is trying to ruin his mood in the morning, Arnav questions as to what he is doing here so early.  NK asks Arnav about what happened last night and he tells him that he said happy birthday to Khushi but she was asleep.  NK points out to Arnav that he knows nothing about girls and begins to give him ideas on what to do next; which include talking romantically to her and doing something nice for her.  Later that morning, Arnav goes to see Nani.  He asks her to make a special dish that he and Anjali always used to eat as kids when they came over; aloo-puri.  She agrees to make it but when she questions him on why all of a sudden he wanted this dish, he makes up an excuse.  Breakfast is sent up to Anjali's room and as she is about to eat, she receives a phone call.  Its a reminder call for her monthly appointment and upon hearing this call, she flashes back through the memories of her being excited at being a mother.  At the breakfast table, Arnav pushes out a chair for Khushi but she chooses to sit infront of him instead of next to him.  Instead, NK sits next to him.  Nani tells Khushi that she know she likes aloo-puri and asks her to try some.  All the while, Arnav and NK are having a silent conversation where he tells him that he asked Nani to prepare this dish for Khushi.  As NK is about to blurt out the truth, Arnav stops him which causes Khushi to realize what Arnav was doing.  She makes an excuse of not really feeling well enough to eat anymore and leaves.  Anjali decides to ask Arnav to accompany her to her doctor's appointment but before she can ask him, she overhears him on the phone asking for something for his wife.  When Arnav asks Anjali if she needs anything, she says that she is fine and leaves.  She then says to herself that Arnav is no longer with her but in fact that he has gone away from her.  Nani informs Payal and Khushi about  a puja for Anjali in the evening and invites to two to come along, but Khushi suggest she stay at home.  Arnav is in his room waiting impatiently for Khushi to return.  When she does, he tells her that the ironed clothes are on the bed.  When she goes to pick them up, she sees a present and reads the card.  She decides to ignore it which causes Arnav to be upset.  He moves the present to be more visible to her but again, she ignores it.  Not liking her defiance, Arnav takes the present and when she re-enters the room, he shows it to her asking if she can see it now.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav and NK interaction. Its refreshing to see Arnav interact with other members of his family.  His interaction with NK is histarical.  Naturally, Arnav is annoyed and bothered by NK but here, we see that he is going to NK for help and advice on how to pacify Khushi.  Highlight of the episode is NK pointing out to Arnav that he is the type of husband who says "Happy Birthday" to his wife while she's sleeping.

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