Monday, July 16, 2012

Episode Review: July 14th, 2012 (For StarPlus viewers) or July 15th, 2012 (For ATN viewers)

Arnav is surprised that it is Khushi's birthday and Buaji scolds Arnav for not knowing it is her birthday.  After the aarti, both Khushi and Arnav take Buaji's blessings and the rest of the family wishes Khushi a happy birthday.  As Arnav attempts to say "Happy Birthday" to Khushi Buaji threatenes him to stay for lunch which he agrees to.  He then notices Buaji taking nazar of Khushi to which he finds cute.  Buaji asks her if Arnav has wished her a happy birthday to which she says no.  She even tells Buaji that Lavanya had told her that till this day, Arnav has never wished anyone a happy birthday, which surprises Buaji.  At the Raizada house, Payal is making some of Khushi's favourite dishes when Mami walks in.  To spoil her dishes, Mami complains about the snacks tin being to high up, so Payal goes to get it for her.  This ends up causing Akash's lunch to burn.  When he comes in asking for his lunch, Mami informs him that Payal was to busy making stuff for Khushi.  Akash yells at Payal telling her that she needs to stop paying so much attention to her sister and start paying more attention to him.  He even requests Payal to give him the same importance in her life just like she does for Khushi.  At Buaji's house, Arnav attempts to explain himself to Buaji on the fact that he did not know it was her birthday.  He says that he would be able to make up with his wife but wonders why Buaji is miffed with him.  Buaji tells Arnav that in order to please her, he must eat whatever she has made, to which he agrees.  However, Buaji has something else planned for him.  During lunch, she continues to pile food on his plate, to which he quietly eats.  He again attempts to say happy birthday to Khushi but is interrupted by Buaji.  Buaji states to Arnav that she is no longer miffed with him as he continued to eat everything that was given to him.  Later that day, he presents Khushi with a present to which she is surprised; a new bag.  He says that since her old one ripped, her got her a new one.  She shows Buaji and Amma her gift and says that its from Aman, Arnav's manager (his name was on the parcel).  Upset, Arnav takes Khushi to the side and reminds her that he gave her the gift.  When she asks him if he picked it out, bought it and packed it; to which he replys no; she makes him realize he has not bought her the gift.  He then says to Buaji and Amma that he should be leaving and is about to ask Khushi to come along.  Khushi thinks he's going to the office and tells him to go and she will be home soon.  Arnav however says that he's going home, so Khushi makes the excuse of wanting to speak to her father in order not to go with Arnav.  As Arnav leaves, he asks Khushi if she will indeed return home, to which she says she has no other option but to do so. 

At the Raizada house, Arnav informs Nani that today is Khushi's birthday.  Nani is surprised that Khushi told no one of her birthday but then realizes what she did.  Knowing the condition of the house and everything that happened, Khushi would not want her birthday to be celebrated in such a big manner.  When she asks Arnav is he had wished her a happy birthday, he makes an excuse of a conference call and leaves.  Arnav is then sitting by the poolside doing something on his laptop when NK comes by.  When he sees Arnav searching about birthday surprises, NK gets happy.  He realizes its Khushi's birthday and is glad to see that Arnav wants to do something nice for her.  Arnav asks NK to leave him alone as Khushi is already upset with him.  NK realizes that Arnav must have forgotten Khushi's birthday and begins to give him ideas on how to pacify her.  NK puts forth a few good suggestions, from bringing Salman Khan for her to singing "Happy Birthday" to her, to taking her on a trip, but Arnav turns down each of them.  NK reminds him not to turn down his ideas as it was his New Year's Eve plan that brought them together.  Arnav then gets an idea of how to please Khushi.  On her way back home, Khushi is constantly complaining about her new bag.  She stops by the market to buy some vegetables and places them all in her bag.  When she returns home, Arnav is glad to see her.  Before he can say happy birthday to her, he is shocked to see what she has done to the bag; it seeped tomato juice.  The two have a discussion on the function of a bag and Khushi is shocked when Arnav tells her the bag cost 2 lacks.  Nani then comes with a puja thali and takes Khushi's aarti and blesses her.  Khushi then hands out laddoos that Buaji gave her to Nani, Payal and NK.  They all then leave Arnav and Khushi alone as he again attempts to say happy birthday to her, which he again fails at..  Khushi then decides to go to her room, but Arnav stops her saying that she can't go in there just yet.  Not knowing what her husband means, she retreats to the kitchen.  NK assures Arnav that all preparations have been made and Arnav then goes to answer the door.  However, Anjali ends up answering the door and gets a bouquet of red roses.  When she reads the card, she assumes they are from Shyam.  She tells Arnav that Shyam had sent them but he corrects her saying that he himself sent them.  Before he can tell her who they're for, she assumes they are for her and hugs her brother.  All the while, Khushi notices all this.

What worked: The mahaepisode was not full of intense drama but instead was on a more lighter, happier, funnier note which was nice for a change.  We've had plenty of drama filled episodes so it was nice to see a much happier and funnier episode, where we see Arnav bonding with Khushi's family, her miffed with him and Arnav trying to pacify her anyway possible.  I know a lot of people were expecting more from this episode, especially after watching the promo for it.  However, I was pleased with it as the episode has done a good job of setting the stage for future stories: Arnav's redemption, Akash-Payal relationship issues and what role Khushi plays in the Raizada house.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: There were a few highlights from the episode.

Arnav trying to please Buaji.  It's nice to see how much he cares about her family and that he wants to see them happy.  It's really nice to see how his relationship with Buaji has changed since first meeting them.  At first, Buaji didn't really like the Raizada's, especially after the way Arnav treated Khushi but she now treats him with so much love.

Akash and Payal rift.  Finally there some "real" tension between the two.  This tension shows that Payal and Akash may have fallen in love and gotten married in the way they wanted to but they aren't as strong as Arnav and Khushi.  Akash is beyond angry at Payal for keeping such a big secret and is even more upset with her because she is worried about her sister.  Akash and Payal may have trust, love and respect for each other but there is no understanding between the two.  Akash does not understand why Payal kept Shyam's identity a secret and why she cares so much about her sister right now and until Akash understands this, their relationship will continue to drift apart.

Arnav and NK's poolside conversation.  It was nice to see NK give Arnav various ideas on how to please Khushi, even though Arnav turned each one of them down.  It was cute and funny and was really sweet when Arnav stated he wanted to do something from the heart for Khushi.

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