Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Episode Review: July 9, 2012

After Arnav throws Shyam out of the Raizada Mansion, he tells Anjali that he fully trusts Khushi and what she said and that throwing Shyam out of the house was for her benefit.  Hearing this, Anjali faints, causing everyone to panic.  When she awakes, she is still in shock.  Arnav asks to speak to his sister alone but Nani first wants some answers.  Arnav agrees to answers all their questions and they leave Arnav and Anjali to talk.  Arnav tries to explain to his sister that what he did, he did to protect her.  Anjali reflects on the good times she had with Shyam only to remember what Khushi said that day and Arnav's slaps.  She asks her brother to leave her alone, even calling him "Arnav", and escorts him out of the room.  Nani is about to console Khushi but Mami hurries her away.  Payal tries to talk to Akash about what happened but he's not in the mood to hear any reason.  As Payal and Khushi console each other, the rest of the house members reflect on all the good and happy times they experienced with Shyam, not wanting to believe that he is evil.  All this time, NK looks on helplessly.  Later that night, Khushi spots Arnav by the poolside who is busy pondering his thoughts.  When she nervously goes to give him tea, he notices her shaking and takes the tray from her.  As she turns around, her gently grabs her wrist. Unable to control her emotions, the two share a long hug, finding peace in each other's arms.  Arnav carries her to the bed and lays her down to sleep.  As he begins to leave the room, she grabs hold of his hand.  He sits next to her, placing his hand on her cheek as she falls asleep.

What worked: Flashback scenes of everyone.  The flashback scenes from the various family members showed how much of a relation Shyam had with each of them.  It also showed the pain each family member was going through as they just couldn't believe that someone they loved dearly would ever do that to them.  In addition, these scenes also showed how Shyam had strategically built each relationship differently to make sure they never doubted him.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav and Khushi's hug.  There's only one word to describe that scene: beautiful.  There were no words, no gestures and no sound, just pure understanding.  Arnav knew Khushi was worried and Khushi knew Arnav was hurting. They just couldn't find a way to make it stop for either of them.  Instead, they found peace in each other's arms, showing that the strength of their love can get them through anything.  The fact that Arnav consoled her and offered that peace she was looking for shows him attempt at redemption and wanting a fresh new start with his wife.  Arnav and Khushi's love is beautiful when they try to express it but its magically when they don't need to say anything at all.

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