Thursday, July 12, 2012

Episode Review: July 12th, 2012

As the doctor continues to call out Anjali's name, Arnav tries to search for his sister.  Anjali is seen heading into one of the clinic rooms.  As she walks in, she remembers Arnav's slap, her telling Shyam he was going to be a dad and Khushi reminding her about her baby.  She picks up a pair of scissors and stares at them.  Arnav meets up with the doctor and they both search for Anjali.  Back at the house, Mami is scolding Khushi and Payal for being responsible for ruining the peace in the house.  Nani and Mami both pray and hope nothing bad happens to Anjali. Arnav finds Anjali in the room holding the scissors and thinks she may do something to herself.  He barges in an removes the scissors from her causing her to go into panic mode.  She claims she doesn't want a child who will remind her of the times she spent with her husband.  She also states that since no one has respect for the father, the baby will be all alone like her. Arnav tries to calm her down but she goes into a panic fit and ends up passing out.  He brings her home and everyone is relived she is ok.  When Arnav takes Anjali to her room, she ends up in a different emotional state and asks him why the happiness has left the house.  She asks him to make everything like the way it was before and bring Shyam back to the house.  Later that night, Mami tells Arnav what happened that afternoon.  She informs him that Khushi had gone into Anjali's room to speak with her.  An angry Arnav searches for Khushi as he remembers how Anjali was trying to hurt herself. He drags Khushi back to their room where he yells at her for going into Anjali's room.  Without giving her a chance to explain herself Arnav blames her for Anjali's current condition.  He states that had she not enter their lives, Shyam would not have done anything like this and his sister would have been happy.  Before leaving, he says that she is the biggest mistake of his life, leaving a heartbroken Khushi hurt by his words.  As Arnav takes a drive, he recalls what happened that day, even recalling a childhood flashback.  He also recalls memories of him and Khushi during the time he was kidnapped.  At that point, Arnav regrets what he said to Khushi and decides to return home.

What worked: Anjali's impulsive decisions.  Anjali's decision to abort her child shows what kind of a mental state she is.  She doesn't really know what to do as she herself has not fully come to terms with what has happened.  She is only reacting to situations, causing the people around her to worry.  These impulsive decisions of hers show that she is still suffering from the shock and at the same time, show that part of her refuses to believe any of it.

What didn't work: Everyone's constant cries and worries for Anjali.  I understand that they are worried for her and her condition at this time but come on.  How do they expect Anjali to come out of this if all they do is worry and cry around her.  It's time for the family members to understand what happened and be strong for Anjali.  They really need to help her get out of this shock as she is not capable to do so on her own.  By allowing her to mellow in her own grief, they are only making her situation worse.

Highlight: Arnav blaming Khushi for Anjali's condition.  This is going to be the mother of "I'm sorry".  Arnav has just dug himself a big hole and practically buried himself in it.  Yes, he is upset and angry with the situation and feels helpless but that does not give him any excuse to go blame the one person who practically saved the family and his own life.  I'm not surprised at his behaviour but I am shocked that he still has not learned from his past mistakes.  This scene sets the stage for Arnav's ultimate redemption.  He's going to have to prove himself big time in order for her to forgive him.  Advice to Khushi: Make the boy beg.  This just may be his biggest lesson to date.

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