Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Episode Review: July 16th, 2012

Anjali hugs Arnav, thanking him for sending her flowers.  While looking at Khushi, he hints to her that he knows whos favourite flowers they are.  Later that evening as Khushi is walking up the stairs she runs into Payal who hides something behind her back.  Payal presents Khushi with a light green sari.  Soon after, NK comes by and takes Khushi upstairs.  Before allowing her to enter her room, her gifts her a present; a bangle.  He states that this bangle is a promise from him to her that he will always be there for her throughout life.  He then leads Khushi to her room.  In her room, she notices that its very dark and walks towards the poolside to find that it is lit up with dangling lights.  Seeing the decorations, a smile is brought to her face.  Just then, she sees Arnav come from behind her.  He attempts to say something to her but again is unable to.  He says that he knew how she decorated the poolside with lights on Diwali so he thought about doing that today.  Arnav suggest they cut the cake but Khushi, now miffed with him, refuses to do so.  As Arnav lights the candle, the wind blows it out.  All the while, Khushi is refusing to co-operate and states that since its her birthday, he can't force her to do anything.  He then gives her a knife to cut the cake but when she refuses, he take her hand and makes her cut the cake.  While cutting the cake, Anjali enters Arnav's room and attempts to call out his name.  When she sees Arnav and Khushi cutting a cake, she becomes upset and leaves.  As he attempts to feed her, she again refuses to which he forcibly makes her eat.  In retaliation, she states that on his birthday, she'll light a mosquito coil and make him lose his voice and will be sure to bring a ton of sweets; and this brings a smile to his face.  She then states that she wanted none of this.  All she wanted was a simple happy birthday from him and that would've done.  As she leaves upset, Arnav tries to comprehend what she just said.  An upset Anjali retreats to her room, flashing back to how Shyam was accused, to how she caught Khushi with him to how Arnav defended Khushi.  In her room, she looks at the bouquet of flowers and then remembers that Khushi also likes red roses and throws the flowers on the floor.  As she crys, she wonders why Arnav has forgotten about her so easily after  everything that just happened with her.  She wonders why Khushi seems to be more important in his life then she is. She even wonders why Arnav loves someone else more then he loves her.

What worked: Anjali realization.  In today's episode, Anjali realizes that she is not the only women in Arnav's life; Khushi is also a part of his life.  Anjali has always been dependent on the men in her life, be it Shyam or Arnav.  Now that Shyam is gone (for now), she has fully become dependent for support on Arnav.  With Arnav wanting to spend some time with his wife, Anjali begins to feel that she is no longer important in his life.  The fact that she said that Arnav now loves someone else more then he loves her shows how bad her mental state is.  She may be talking to him and the rest of the family and she may be up and about but mentally she's not stable.  She's self pitying herself, she feels like she worthless, she feels alone, she feels insecure.  Arnav is her biggest support and he cares dearly for his sister but at the same time, he cannot ignore his wife, the one person he almost lost. At this time, Anjali needs actual medical help to get her out of this.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav and Khushi's nok jokes during the cake cutting.  There's only so much nice Arnav can be  before the ASR comes out.  As much as Arnav tries to be the sweet, loving and romantic type, he always resort to his ASR style.  The nok jokes between them were cute and reminded us why we fell in love with them.  We got to see the powerful ASR again demand that his wife do something, while Khushi resorted to her stubborn and headstrong nature.  Arnav's attempt at romance is cute.  He's never been romantic before so this is completely new to him while at the same time, Khushi is playing hard to get.  This will be entertaining to watch.

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