Monday, July 30, 2012

Episode Review: July 30th, 2012

Buaji and Amma walk in to find the on the ground.  They help them get up and suggest Khushi take Arnav inside.  Arnav says he is fine but Buaji tells him that he must be hurt so she will massage him, which Khushi happily agrees to.  Arnav says there is no need and he doesn't want to cause her so much trouble.  Amma tells Buaji there is no need as Khushi is there and she will give Arnav a massage, the which he happily agrees.  In their room, Khushi brings in the oil and Arnav begins to take off his shirt. Khushi questions him on what he is doing and he replies to her that the problem is not with the shirt but with his back.  Khushi reluctantly helps him take off his shirt and he then asks her where her smile is.  He says that it's his 24 hours and he'll decide what to do with them, so all she has to do is smile.  Arnav then lays down on the bed and Khushi begins to massage him.  As she is massaging him, he says to her that she must be happy that he fell.  He says she must have thanked Devi Mayya for punishing him for what he is doing.  She then asks Arnav what he thinks so, he gets up and pulls her down onto the bed with him.  He tells her that when she is quiet, her eyes say everything.  The two stare at each other and Arnav points out that her nose has become red again.   

After the massage, Buaji and Amma leave for a while.  Just then, a delivery arrives at the door.  Arnav tells them to put the boxes inside while Khushi looks confused.  He says to her that she wanted to make money, so he's got work for her to do.  She must pack all the gifts in 40 minutes.  As she starts to pack them, Arnav makes her job a little harder by purposely turning on the fan.  Halfway into completion, he checks up on her and tells her that the tape should not be here (on her face) but here (on her mouth).  As he leaves, he puts his hand in a box and takes something out.  She ends up finishing the packing with time to spare but Arnav shows her a cup that has been left out (he took it out purposely).  He tells her to find the box it's missing from and to place it back in it.  She unpacks all the gifts to find the one with the cup missing, but now she must repack all the gifts again.   

At the Raizada house, Anjali is in her room and is surprised to see Arnav come by.  She asks him why he is not at the Gupta house and he tells her that since she made kheer and he wasn't there, he knew she wouldn't eat either.  They feed each other kheer and Anjali tells him how it felt to see the CD of the baby.  He promises her that he will be there for her.  Khushi thinks Arnav forgot about their deal and her celebration is interrupted by his phone call.  He tells her that she has to stay awake all night as he could need anything at any moment.  Fed up with him taking advantage of her, she decides to give him a piece of her mind.  As Arnav is going to sleep, Khushi calls him up seeing if he needs anything, to which he says no.  Throughout the night, she constantly calls him up seeing if he needs anything, disturbing his sleep.  When he turns his phone off, she calls on the landline.  He tells her to let him sleep.  With his phone turned off and the landline engaged, Khushi sends the manager over to Arnav's house.  He tells Khushi to stop disturbing him and that she should go to sleep.  She tells him that if he doesn't put his phone back on, she will send everyone in the office to his house.  Khushi is watching TV and drinking chai to keep awake.  She begins to call Arnav again when her phone is snatched away by Arnav.

What worked: The original characters of Arnav and Khushi.  It was great to see them back to their old selves.  Arnav irritating and making life difficult for Khushi and Khushi taking all his challenges in stride and irritating him right back.  It was this Tom-Jerry bickering that brought the two lovebirds together in the first place.  With the return of the bickering, hopefully it will bring the two together for good this time.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi constantly calling up Arnav.  Like the saying goes, "You reap what you sew.”  It was the classic Arnav-Khushi relationship we we're all used to seeing: each of them taking turns to irritate the other.  Arnav's plan to have Khushi stay up all night backfired on him as she kept him awake too.  To a point, Arnav still underestimates Khushi's ability to turn a situation around in her favour.  Not only did she follow his orders, but she also taught him a good lesson: be careful what you ask for.

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