Monday, November 12, 2012

Episode Review: November 12th, 2012

Khushi is trying to call up Arnav but he doesn't seem to be answering his phone and gets worried.  Anjali asks her if she's spoken to Arnav and wonders where he could have gone.  The family gathers together and Payal and Akash state that they will be leaving in an hour and wonder where Arnav is.  When Sheetal comes downstairs asking if Arnav arrived, Buaji wonders why she's asking for him if she's suppose to be his friend.  Just then, Arnav returns home.  He tells everyone that he has a surprised for them and says that he's invited a few more people over.  Before he introduces the guests, he asks Khushi to stay with Aarav.  Arnav calls in Pranav (the person she said she spoke to during Karwa Choth).  The guy states that he hasn't seen or spoken to Sheetal in years.  Next, he calls in a lady who happens to be Sheetal's landlady.  She states that Sheetal had been living at her house as a paying guest for two years, up until a few months ago.  Next, a guy comes in stating that Sheetal came to him and asked him to train Aarav to play basketball.  As these statements come in, the family is shocked and surprised.  Sheetal tells Arnav to stop trying to insult her in front of everyone but he says he is only telling the truth.  Next, he calls in a man who tells the family that Sheetal has defaulted on her credit cards and owes money.  Lastly, he calls in a women who is from the Ashram.  She hugs Aarav and tells the family that Aarav has been at their Ashram for 6 years, until two months ago when Sheetal came by and took him away.  The pieces are now being put together; Aarav is not Sheetal's son.

Arnav tells the family that Sheetal was broke; had no money and owed a lot of people.  So, she put together this whole plan. Aarav starts to talk about what Sheetal had told him, but she quickly silences him.  Arnav reassures him that nothing will happen to him and encourages him to say the truth.  Aarav tells the family that Sheetal came to the Ashram and said that she was his mother and that Arnav was his dad, who left him at the Ashram when he was young.  He says that Sheetal told him to act exactly like Arnav in order for Arnav to like him.  The entire family is shocked.  Arnav tells them that since Sheetal was broke, she decided to hatch out a plan to extort money out of a rich ex-boyfriend (him).  She pretended to be helpless in order to gain the sympathy of the family.  He tells Sheetal he figured out her plan the day she mentioned the graduation night.  He says that he was not drunk that night and was only pretending to be drunk so that his friends would not force him to drink; he remembered everythign that happened that night.  He tells Khushi that from the day they met her, every single thing that has happened was planned out; from the kidnapping to Aarav fainting to her not getting their flat to Karwa Choth.  He says that she made sure all her actions were noticed by Khushi so that Khushi would put the pieces together.  He says that Sheetal knew that if Khushi thought Aarav was Arnav's son, she would sacrifice everything in order for him to get his right.  He states that she was about to leave the house too.  Sheetal states that she did nothing wrong.  She just needed some money and if she took some from Arnav, it wasn't going to hurt him; it's not like she killed anyone.  Angry at what she did, Khushi slaps Sheetal.  She states that she may not have killed anyone but to play with a child's heart, to lie to him and to try to break her marriage is no less then killing someone.  Khushi calls herself stupid for believing all of this but Arnav says she's not stupid but great as only great people sacrifice their happiness for others.  Arnav has one last surprise for Sheetal; the cops.  They arrest her on the terms of fraud and take her away.

He thanks the people for coming and for their co-operation.  The women from the Ashram thanks them for saving Aarav from Sheetal and tells them that Aarav will be returning to the Ashram.  Aarav says goodbye to everyone and while they are leaving, Khushi stops them, telling Arnav that they can't just let Aarav go.  Arnav says that he promised to always be there for Aarav and says that he can live with them but the women says she can't allow that unless he's adopted.  Arnav then states that they will adopt Aarav and the entire family is happy. Arnav asks Aarav if he would like for him and Khushi to be his parents and Aarav agrees,  giving him a hug.  Anjali tells them that she is really proud of them for what they did and wishes that everyone have a brother and bhabhi like Arnav and Khushi.

What worked: Arnav and Khushi deciding to adopt Aarav.  I know quite a few people are upset that Arnav and Khushi adopted Aarav instead of Anjali but I'm glad that they were the ones to do so.  In fact, it stays true to their characters.  Arnav lost his parents at the age of 14 and even though he still had some of his family around, he knew what it was like to grow up without a father, being able to relate to Aarav.  Khushi lost her family at the age of 8 and was adopted by Garima, thus being given a new family.  She can relate to in the sense that she too knows the feeling of losing your family and wanting to get it back.  Knowing how their lives were when they lost their parents and how they grew up, this step of theirs allowed them to give a child a new life, a new family and new hope.  They are helping to stop the cycle of children growing up without parents.

What didn't work: The entire track.  The track had potential but had such a horrible execution that it was not even worth the watch.  They spent so much time in introducing the track and unfolding it and then rushed the ending in 2-3 episodes.  Why then spend so much time on it beforehand if this is how you're going to wrap it up. (I'm guessing the off-screen drama surrounding the show has a lot to do with this)

Highlight: The track ending.  That statement says it all.  What was promised as "the track we had all been waiting for" ended up being the biggest disappointment for the show.  I'm just going to ignore the fact that this track ever took place.

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