Sunday, November 11, 2012

Episode Review: November 8th, 2012

Arnav is shocked to hear that Aarav is his son and thinks Khushi has lost it.  He tells her again that nothing of that sort happened between him and Sheetal.  Khushi then shows him the DNA test results which state that he is Aarav's father.  Arnav does not believe what the tests states and wonders how this could be.  Khushi tells him that Aarav needs him and it's his right to have a father.  An angry Arnav tells Khushi that whoever is important to him and who has a right will be decided by him and he leaves the room.  Downstairs as the family is having dinner, Arnav passes by stating that he will eat later.  Sheetal thanks Arnav for everything he's done and tells him and the family that her and Aarav will be leaving tomorrow as their flat has been finalized.  They ask her to stay a few days but she refuses.  Aarav asks Arnav if he will continue to visit him as he is his only friend.  Arnav assures him that he is not alone in the world and the two share a hug, with him thinking about what Khushi told him.  The family feels sad about Aarav leaving, stating that the mood of the house will now change.  By the poolside, Khushi asks Arnav about what the next steps will be.  He tells her that he will have to go and find out the truth in order for this to be cleared, as long as Khushi is with him.  Together, they go to Sheetal's room where he tells her that Khushi has informed him on Aarav being his son.  Before he can finish, Sheetal begins to break down, stating that she didn't want to meet him and they only met by chance.  She says that Aarav is only her son and that they do not want any of his help or money.  Arnav tries to explain to her that no one is trying to take Aarav away from her but she continues to cut him off, stating that they will be leaving tomorrow and asks him to forget whatever happened.  Khushi asks about what will happen to Aarav and Sheetal says that time will heal his wound.  Khushi stops Arnav from yelling at Sheetal and he leaves angry.

They return to their room where Arnav tells that he doesn't know what's going on but promises to fix everything.  As the two share a hug, he tells Khushi to trust him as he will make everything right.  Khushi thinks to herself that she too must do something to make everything.  Later that night, Khushi is about to leave the room, with her suitcase packed.  She's decided to leave the house in order for Arnav to accept Aarav as his son.  She sees Arnav sleeping and as a finally goodbye, places a kiss on his cheek.  Just as she gets up to leave, she feel a pull on her dupatta.  Arnav holds her dupatta and sees that her bag is packed, asking her if she's leaving.  He asks her if she thinks that leaving will fix everything.  He then asks her that if all this were true, would she leave him.  She hugs him saying that she does not know what to do in this situation.  Arnav tells her that no matter how hard she tries, the two of them will not be separated.  Arnav and Khushi will always be together.  The next morning, Arnav is in his room, wondering how this all could have happened.  He tries to explain to Khushi but she says that they will find a solution to all this.  He tells Khushi that he was not that type of guy in college and if something happened, he would have remembered.  He decides to ask Sheetal to find out what happened and wants Khushi to come with him as he wants everything to be revealed in front of her; no more secrets between them.  The two go to ask Sheetal more information but she tells them to let the matter go.  She tells Arnav that on the night of graduation, he was very drunk and it was that night that they ended up sleeping together.  This completely shocks Arnav who states that none of this could have happened.  When Sheetal begins to describe the events that occurred, Arnav quickly cuts her off.  He asks her that even if this did happened, why didn't she tell him about it.  She says that because he called off their relationship the next day, she decided to not mention anything.  A few days later, she found out she was pregnant and decided to raise her kid on her own.  She tells them to let whatever happen stay in the past and decides to leave the house right away.

Sheetal begins to leave the house, with Khushi following her trying to stop her.  They get to the stairs and Sheetal informs Aarav that they are leaving right now.  As Khushi tries to convince Sheetal not to leave, Arnav stares at them from the top of the stairs.  All of a sudden, Sheetal falls down the stairs and Khushi ends up saving Aarav from the fall.  The doctor says that she has a sprain and needs a few days rest.  The family tells her to stay a few more days, since she can't really walk but she wants to leave.  Arnav tells them to stay and then returns to his room.  When Khushi comes to check up on him, he apologizes for everything that has been happening and asks her not to asks him any questions for some time.  Khushi tells him not to apologize for anything as her love for him has not lessen nor has her faith in him been tarnished.  Surprised at her actions, he asks her how she can be this calm and understanding and she says that it's because of him that she can.

What worked: Arnav's reaction to Sheetal's story.   Arnav was shocked and seemed confused to Sheetal's story of what happened on graduation night.  His reaction to the story basically said that there was no way that any of that could have happened.  Even though in the past Arnav didn't believe in relationships or marriage and wanted a live-in relationship, he never allowed any girl to be extremely close to him, physical or emotionally and he's made that point very clear to Khushi.  Based on his reaction, a part of him feels like this whole story is completely fake and that there may be more to this, which is why he asks Khushi not to ask him questions for a while; he needs time to get to the bottom of this.  Looks like it's time for Mr. Raizada to start playing detective to figure out what's going on.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: N/A

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