Sunday, November 4, 2012

Maha Episode Review: November 3rd, 2012 (Starplus viewers) or November 4th, 2012 (ATN viewers)

Aarav is finally conscious and Sheetal goes in to checkup on him with the rest of the family leaving them alone.  He apologizes for what he did and Sheetal tells him that she too wants him to meet his dad but that can't happen at this moment.  Khushi witnesses this and is happy with what she sees.  Sheetal informs the family that Aarav is feeling much better.  HP then brings a thali with mehendi on it, reminding Mami of it being Karwa Choth the next day.  On hearing about Karwa Choth, Anjali seems to be upset, remembering how she used to do it for Shyam, but reassures Khushi that she is fine.  Arnav doesn't seem to care about the upcoming festival and leaves to go upstairs.  Payal states that she will be keeping a fast this year but doesn't know if Khushi will too.  Khushi states that she too will keep a Karwa Choth fast.  She then remembered what happened during her Teej fast and prays to Devi Mayya, asking for her to help her make this fast a success.  As the women begin to have mehendi applied, Khushi is anxious to go eat before its midnight.  Sheetal comes by and sees the women applying mehendi and asks if she can join them.  Mami asks if she too is keeping a fast but she tells them that she just likes getting mehendi applied.  As Sheetal gets mehendi done, Khushi ponders over her actions.  She then runs into Aarav who asks what all the noise is about.  Khushi explains to him that tomorrow is Karwa Choth and he tells her that this is the fast Sheetal keeps for Aarav's father.  This gets Khushi thinking.  Upstairs in her room, Khushi is eating as much as she can before midnight.  When Arnav comes in, Khushi explains to him that she's eating anything she wants so that she won't be reminded of food tomorrow, even refusing him from touching her food.  Arnav asks her why she is doing the fast and she explains that it's her first Karwa Choth fast.  Arnav remembers how she fainted during her Teej fast and tells her that she won't be able to keep a Karwa Choth fast, pointing out to her how she's stuffing her face.  He challenges her that she won't be able to keep this fast and that if he wins, she won't be able to do any fasts in the future.  Khushi agrees to his challenge.

Early the next day, the women are in the kitchen preparing food to eat.  As the women cook, Anjali is reminded of memories of doing a Karwa Choth fast but reassures the women that she is fine.  Nani gives Mami her sargi and Mami gives both Payal and Khushi their sargi.  Nani then feeds the three women kheer before they begin to eat their sargi.  NK is also present and joins them too.  Sheetal then appears and when she sees the kheer, she tells Nani that it's her favourite dessert and asks to have some.  This get Khushi wondering whether or not Sheetal has indeed kept a Karwa Choth fast.  Later that day, Khushi has a bad dream of Arnav breaking Sheetal's fast.  She gets up and tries to calm herself down but the lack of food isn't helping.  Downstairs at the dining table, Anjali and Arnav are enjoying their breakfast, much to the dismay of Mami.  When Khushi and NK arrive, they feel the temptation to eat but restrain themselves.  As Mami leaves the table, not wanting to be tempted, NK scolds both Anjali and Arnav for what they are doing.  NK then admits that he too is doing a Karwa Choth fast, surprising them both.  He says he's doing it to get a good wife and he indirectly describes his perfect girl to be someone like Sheetal.  Just as Sheetal walks in, Khushi suggest she have breakfast too but uses the excuse of not eating oily food in the morning and then excuses herself.  Khushi then leaves and Anjali and Arnav finally stop their act.  She asks him why he is doing this to Khushi and he says that he doesn't want Khushi to be doing all these fasts for him.

Khushi joins Mami by the poolside, where they both sit and keep each other company as they fight the temptation to eat.  Just as Khushi says no one can disturb them, Arnav walks in asking if either of them want something to eat.  He then asks Khushi to make him aloo pakoras and Khushi heads to the kitchen.  There, she tells him that she will ask HP to make them for him but Arnav wants them made by her.  Then, in a sexy and seducing voice, he tells her that the pakoras made by her are the best.  He then begins to describe the way she makes the pakoras, tempting her into actually making them.  Falling into his trap, Khushi begins to make the pakoras while Arnav watches.  As she is about to taste one of them, she stops herself and asks him why he is doing this to her.  She hands him the pakoras but he refuses them and leaves the kitchen, telling her that since no one is looking, she can eat one.  Khushi takes the pakoras to the living room and offers them again to Arnav, stating to everyone sitting there that he has requested she make them.  He again refuses and leaves, telling her she should offer them to Sheetal since she is there guest.  Sheetal refuses the pakoras, stating that she doesn't feel like eating.  Just as Aarav is about to say something to her (about her fast that day) Sheetal quickly interrupts him and changes the topic to him doing his homework.  The two leave to go upstairs but they hand her a plate of the pakoras to eat later.  A while later, Khushi goes to Sheetal's room to see if she ate the pakoras.  She happy when she finds the empty plate under the bed but gets disheartened when she sees HP eating the pakoras instead, stating he got them from Sheetal.  Khushi is now fully convinced that Sheetal is keeping a Karwa Choth fast.

It's now the evening and everyone is ready for Karwa Choth.  The guest begin to arrive and family mingles with them.  Mami asks if the moon has come out yet and Khushi goes to the poolside to check.  There, Arnav is on the phone with Aman as he sees Khushi come by.  Unfortunately, the moon has not come out yet but she begins to imagine seeing food on the table.  She asks Devi Mayya not to test her like this, especially in the matter of food.  Arnav tells her to eat something as no one is looking and this gets Khushi mad.  She tells Arnav that she has kept this fast for him, for his long life so that they can be together for a long time.  Arnav apologizes and the two share a hug, with him asking her what he can do to make her feel better.  She points to the sky, asking for the moon to come out.  Arnav shows her her reflection in the pool, stating that she herself is the moon.  The two then share a dance by the poolside as he spins and lifts her.  A happy Khushi tells Arnav that today is a very special day for her as it's her first Karwa Choth.  While arranging her thali, some of the teeka goes into her eye and Arnav help to blow it out.  As she reaches for her thali, Arnav takes it and holds it out of reach from her.  The two almost share a kiss when Khushi makes a grab for her thali.  She then gets her earring stuck to his shirt, which he removes, remembering the last time it happened.  As she tries to leave, he blocks her way and he catches her fall.  He tells her that he will always be around to help her.

After watching today's Mahaepisode I can confidently say one thing: Sheetal is definitely playing some sort of game with Khushi.  She is no positive character and definitely has something up her sleeve.

My main reason comes from the girl herself.  A few episodes ago when she was looking at pictures, she told Khushi that she had put that part of her past (Aarav's father) behind her.  However, if she put that part of her past behind her, why would she be observing a Karwa Choth fast then and that too for Aarav's father.  Throughout her time at the Raizada house, she has made all of her actions and words regarding Aarav and his father very visible to Khushi, making sure that she either sees something or hears something in particular.  The question remains as to what exactly is Sheetal trying to do.  Was she sent by someone to split Arnav and Khushi up?  Is she doing this on her own accord or is she being blackmailed?

What worked: Khushi noticing Sheetal's behaviour during the Karwa Choth festivities.  As Khushi continues to notice and take into account Sheetal's odd behaviour, she is one step closer to finding out what she is exactly up to.  Sheetal has kept her Karwa Choth past a secret to all, avoiding eating anything the family offers.  Not surprisingly, Khushi is the only one who notices Sheetal's strange behaviour and puts it together that she is keeping a fast.  Ever since Khushi has noticed the similarities between Aarav and Arnav, she has suspected Sheetal of hiding something.  The fact that she kept a Karwa Choth fast for Aarav's father, and that to a secret from everyone else, proves to Khushi that she indeed is hiding something.  Now, it's yet to be seen if she actually is hiding something or is Sheetal just playing with Khushi's mind.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav.  Throughout the entire episode, Arnav was an absolute treat to watch.  Whether it was him challenging Khushi to annoying her to romancing her, it was a delightful treat to watch.  I loved how he convinced her to make aloo pakoras for him; with his seducing voice.  Arnav really truly does care about Khushi and it's his care for her that gets him to question why she is observing a Karwa Choth fast.  Knowing that she's doing it for his long life, he brings a smile to her face by spending a few romantic moments with her, including their poolside dance.  It's nice to see this mischievous and cute side of him; it's a change from the angry young man that we saw from one year ago this time.

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