Thursday, November 29, 2012

Episode Review: November 28th, 2012

Khushi is sitting by the poolside when Nani comes by.  She tells Khushi that she understands her dillemma and won't make matters worse.  Unfortunately, she starts telling Khushi about a dream she had last night about her winning Mrs. India and that she should go with her.  Khushi thinks its a great idea until she sees Arnav and remembers what he said.  She then tells Nani that she can't take her and leaves.  Soon after, each family member takes their turn trying to convince Khushi that they are the person she should take with her tomorrow: from Anjali to Mami to NK to even Aarav, who tells her he loves her.  However, Khushi says no to everyone and realizes that Arnav must be enjoying all this.  She yells at Arnav for putting her in this situation and walks off.

The next day at the pageant, everyone has brought their husbands along and Khushi feels unhappy that she couldn't bring Arnav along.  Amrite introduces her husband to Khushi.  We later find out that her husband is a fake, paid to be there and act like her husband.  Unfortunately, she sees Jay standing behind and wonders if he overheard her.  Khushi then gets a call from Arnav who tells her that he may not be with her, holding her hand and walking side by side with her but that doesn't mean he's not with her.  He states that no matter what, he will always be there with her.

The round then starts with Amrita and Jay asking her a lot of tough questions.  He then reveals that her husband is a fake and that she's disqualified from the round but not the competition.  Natasha goes next and she answers all the questions correctly.  Unfortunately, her husband can't answer a single question correctly.  Its now Khushi's turn and she goes on stage alone, with Arnav wondering if she really told everyone at the house not to come with her.  Just Riya begins to make fun of her for no one showing up with her, Nani makes her appearance.  She is soon followed by Mami, Anjali, NK and Aarav.  Khushi states that she can't choose just one person of her family so she brought them all.  Arnav isn't surprised at her action, calling his family crazy.  The judges ask the family several questions and they answer them correctly, with the help of each other.  For one of NK's answer, he states that the one thing Khushi can't live without is her lovely husband, making a reference to Arnav.  Khushi and Arnav then stare at each other.

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