Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Episode Review: November 20th, 2012

Khushi begins her audition by stating her name (only as Khushi Kumari Gupta) and states that she loves to cook because cooking and feeding people is what makes her happy.  Unfortunately, the female judge does not seem to like her and dismisses her before she can finish but the male judge asks her to continue.  He asks her why she wants to become Mrs. India and she states that she wants to do this competition in order to make a name for herself.  She wants to prove to her husband and to herself that she is more than just a wife, but that she too has a personality.  She wants to do something that everyone may think is impossible for her to do to show that she can do anything as long as she puts her mind to it.  Just then, another contestant (with a serious attitude issue) comes in and gives her audition, stating that she's here to win and nothing else.  While leaving, she looks and Khushi and makes a comment on how low the standards have become for the competition that they are now taking middle class girls.  Khushi is not at all pleased with her comments.  At the house, Arnav is helping Aarav with his homework, with Anjali commenting on how good of a teacher he's become.  When Khushi arrives home, Nani asks her how her parents are (signalling that this is what they told Arnav where she went).  She plays along with the story, stating that her parents are okay and heads to the kitchen, while Arnav feels that there is something wrong.  In the kitchen, NK asks Khushi how her audition went and she begins to explain everything that happened.  Unfortunately, she doesn't think she'll make it to the next round based on what the other women looked like but NK reassures her that she probably did great and to not worry.  Just then, Khushi is preparing to make jalebi, as she's obviously tensed, but NK stops her.  He tells her that she can't eat jalebi if she wants to be Mrs. India.  Khushi claims however that she's only making jalebi and won't be eating them.  However, when NK asks her if there was ever a time where she only made jalebi and didn't eat them, Khushi realizes that he's right and that she won't be able to control herself.  Instead, NK hands her a carrot and states that from now on when she gets nervous, she should eat carrots.  So far, she doesn't seem to be enjoying her pageant journey. 

Later that night before going to bed, she's talking to the carrot, stating that they will only be acquaintances for a while.  Just as she turns around, she sees Arnav standing there.  He gets her to sit on the bed and tells her that he knows she didn't go to her parents house that day as he spoke with her mother.  He asks her to tell him what is really going on as he is getting an uneasy feeling about what she is doing.  Khushi tries to argue back with him, stating that his uneasy feeling is not true.  However, when Arnav states that whenever she goes to do something, something always goes wrong, he ends up getting yelled at by her.  In an attempt to cheer her up, he brings her chanas.  At first, she is happy seeing the chana and is about to eat them until she remembers how the women at the pageant audition called her middle class.  She tells Arnav to take them away but doesn't say why.  Seeing that his wife is very nervous about something, her decides to put a smile on her face by kissing her on the cheek.  When he goes to kiss her on the lips, she is hesitant and quickly gets up, only to be stopped by Arnav.  He then carries her to the bed and lays her down, asking her if she is now all right before turning out the lights.  The next morning at the breakfast table, Khushi is preparing Aarav's breakfast while constantly staring at her phone.  Arnav asks her if she's expecting a call and she says no, stating that she's been so used to the phone.  After he leaves for work, Khushi wonders with the family why the pageant people have not called her yet.  Just then, she receives a call from them however, she is too nervous to pick it up.  Before it's disconnected, Aarav answers the phone and hands it to Khushi. 

She tells the family that she's made it to the next round, with the family explaining to her that she's been chosen by the pageant people.  As she celebrates being chosen, Arnav hears her excitement and asks her why she's happy being chosen.  He returned because he forgot a file and she makes an excuse of receiving an SMS stating that her number was chosen to be in a draw to win money.  However, Arnav explains to her that those are just scams, takes his file and leaves for the office.  After he leaves, the family congratulates her on making it to the next round but both Aarav and NK remind her that level two is usually the hardest round.  However, Nani encourages her to persevere and that everything will be okay.   Before leaving the meet the pageant people, she takes the family's blessing and their best wishes.  However, she feels only half the happiness as she still can't share it with Arnav.  At the pageant office, all the chosen candidates are sitting there (including the fake and snotty contestants).  As the women begins to explain the next steps, Khushi quickly comes in late, surprising Amrita that she made it to the next round.  The women tells them that the pageant's sponsors will be here and will be looking to see what the women can do.  So for their task, they have to be able to show their personality and talent off to the sponsors but they won't be getting any help from anyone.  Khushi is now worried as says to herself that she doesn't know how to do much.

Today's episode is what I like to call a "set-up episode" where the audience is further introduced to the storyline, the characters and allows for the story to be set up in a certain way.  Therefore, nothing really stands out or works/doesn't work but the episode overall was okay.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: N/A

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