Friday, November 16, 2012

Episode Review: November 14th, 2012

After the aarti is completely, Nani hands out the laddus, starting with Aarav who intially refuses but is forced to eat by Anjali and Khushi.  In the living room, the family is exchanging Diwali gifts.  Arnav then hands out his presents to the family.  His present to Khushi is a picture of her at her modeling shoot at the company.  She then asks him what he got Aarav and Arnav states that he forgot to get Aarav something.  Aarav seems upset but Arnav says that he has to talk to Aarav as well and asks him to go to his room while he follows.  Khushi wonders if Arnav will yell at Aarav for his behaviour and she follows them to see what's going on.  As Aarav enters his room he screams, causing everyone to rush up the stairs.  His room has been completely transformed.  It's now a complete kids room with toys, a bike and games.  Aarav absolutely loves his Diwali present, thanking Arnav and calling Arnav the world's best dad.  The family too is happy with what Arnav did, stating that he knows how to make Aarav happy.  Arnav agrees, stating that some things make people happy more than fireworks and laddus (making this reference directly to Khushi).  In their room, Khushi asks Arnav if his way of pacifying Aarav is to buy him expensive things and Arnav says yes.  Khushi tells Arnav that he is spoiling Aarav.  By buying him expensive things, he is not showing Aarav the value of money but is instead spoiling him.  She says that now Aarav will think that when he misbehaves, he will be rewarded for that behaviour.  Arnav states that he was trying to make Aarav feel comfortable and feel like he is in his own house.  Not wanting to argue with her, he tells Khushi that all decisions regarding money will be taken by him.  Khushi is upset at his statement, telling him that just because he earns and she doesn't means that she has no say in how the money is spent.  She reminds him that she used to run a dabba service before and if she wanted, she could do it again and make more money than him.  She also reminds him that it was because of her that he escaped from the fraud clients and because of the clothes she wore he received the contract.  Angry, Arnav tells her that in order to run a business one needs money and in order to make money, one needs a brain, confidence and courage to face the world and make their dreams come true.  None of which Khushi has.  As he leaves, Khushi realizes that he's given her a challenge and decides to prove him wrong. 

The next morning, Khushi waits for Arnav to leave before thinking of her next step.  She puts on one of his suit jackets and begins to act like him and soon realizes that she won't be able to do it.  She then decides to listen to the advice of the horoscope person.  Using the video, she practices the tips and suggestions he present on how to show confidence and courage and she finally decides to put them to the test.  Downstairs when the door bell rings, she tells HP she will answer the door.  Using the skills she learned, she orders 10 liters for milk and then asks if she can get a 10% discount tomorrow if she orders the same amount (the milkman says yes) and she exclaims to herself that she knows how to do business.  All the while, Mami is watching her and asks why she ordered 10 liters of milk.  Khushi tells her the many things milk can be used for, leaving her confused and wondering what Khushi must be up to.  At the dining table, everyone is still in the mood to celebrate Diwali again.  Arnav asks Aarav if he slept well and NK reveals that the two of them were up all night playing games.  Arnav notices that Khushi is still upset and realizes that he might have been too rude to her the night before.  He wants to take her out somewhere but knows that she won't come.  He decides to convince her in her style. 

He calls up a female employee and congratulates her on her deal, stating that only smart and intelligent people can only work for him.  As he leaves for work, Khushi follows behind him.  When he sees her, she wishes him a good day at work and returns to the dining room.  Arnav is surprised his plan didn't work.  He thought she would've been jealous by the phone call and come with him to work where he would pacify her.  Instead, she's bidding him goodbye.  At the office, Arnav is going through the designs for the models.  He's pleased when Khushi arrives and offers to help, since she is smart and intelligent.  She tries to use her confidence and courage skills but they seem not to be working.  After looking at one dress, her bangle gets stuck in the thread and it ends up ripping the dress.  She begins to apologize for ripping the dress and Arnav tries to reassure her that it's okay.  She then confidently states that she has everything under control, asking for a sewing kit to fix the dress.  Before Arnav can say anything, she tells him that she doesn't need his help.

What worked: Arnav and Khushi's opposite views on parenting.  Aarav is not their biological son and they're already having opposite views on parenting.  Wonder what will happen when they have their own child.....that'll be a sight see.  I like the fact that Arnav still thinks that money can buy happiness.  He might have changed since falling in love with Khushi but that doesn't mean his views have changed.  I'm glad this part of their characters is being brought back into light in the story as we haven't seen it since Arnav's qualms about marriage.  Based on how he grew up, Arnav thinks that money can buy happiness and uses expensive gifts to pacify people.  Khushi however knows the value of money and really understands how to obtain happiness.  Neither of their views are wrong, as this is how they both grew up, but it's interesting that Arnav still believes in money buying happiness as that didn't work well when he was trying to pacify Khushi on her birthday.  With the introduction of Aarav into their lives, we can expect a return to the bickering Arnav and Khushi.

What didn't work: No Payal and Akash.  They've only been gone a day and I already miss them.  The show seems incomplete without them around.

Highlight: Khushi's new attitude.  I've got one thing to say: You go girl!!  You take his sorry self down.  You make him eat his words.  If Arnav Singh Raizada has the audacity to stand there and tell his wife that she doesn't know how to run a business, she doesn't have courage or guts and doesn't have a brain, then Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada has every right in the world to prove her husband wrong and take him down.  It's time to remind the man who he married; the same girl that had the guts to tell you off in front of your family, the same girl who lived up to every challenge thrown at her and the same girl who rescued her husband from kidnappers.

P.S.  I am no longer following any news regarding the show.  The only thing I am now doing is watching the show and writing my review.  I have too much going on right now and prefer not knowing what is going on off-screen as it ruins my experience of watching the show.

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