Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Episode Review: November 21st, 2012

Khushi is worried over what to do since she doesn't know how to walk in heels or prepare for an audition.  However, Amrita tells her not to worry and to just watch what others do and just copy them.  The girls then prepare to give their audition to the judges and sponsor.  The girls begin to prepare their walk and Khushi watches them. She then attempts to practice her walk in high heels but ends up bumping in the rude girl who taunts Khushi for not being able to walk in the shoes.  The girls then prepare their outfits and their makeup, with Amrita making a suggestion to Khushi as to which lipstick she should wear.  Khushi, on the other hand, doesn't understand the rude girl who has done no practice at all.  The judges are in the room and are waiting for the sponsor to arrive.  Just then, the sponsor arrives and it is none other than Arnav Singh Raizada.  The judges thank him for coming and promise the event to be bigger than last year since AR Group is sponsoring.  They then take their seats and wait for the auditions to begin.  The girls are gathered together and they wait for their names to be called to begin their audition.  One by one, the women walk into the room, walk the runway and answer the judges questions.  Last to go is Khushi.  She prays to Devi Mayya asking her for the strength to do this and steadily and slowly walks to the room.  As she enters the room, Arnav is shocked to see her there.  Once Khushi is in the room, she sees Arnav and is completely stunned to see him there.  Neither can believe that the other person is there.

The women encourages Khushi to begin her audition and to not be nervous.  Khushi begins to climb up the steps but soon falls down, causing Arnav to get up from his chair and telling her to watch her step.  Gathering her courage together, she gets up and walks down the ramp, trying to hold her balance.  Just as she gets to the end and before she can answer any questions, she quickly grabs her heels and runs straight out the door.  At home, Nani has done a prayer, wishing success for Khushi and is handing out laddus.  Anajli mentions how the only thing wrong in this situation is the fact that Arnav does not know about Khushi's secret.  Just then, Khushi rushes into the house looking worried and holding her heels and hides behind the couch.  She then says to herself that this is a bad hiding spot and then goes to hide behind a wall before hiding behind curtains.  All this while, the family wonders why she is acting this way.  They end up asking her what happened at the auditions and before she can answer, Arnav walks in stating that he will tell them what happened.  Khushi quickly hides behind Anjali as Arnav tells the family that Khushi is participating in the Mrs. India pageant.  Unfortunately, the family is not shocked or surprised at his statement but have the "oh no he found out" look on their faces, allowing Arnav to realize that everyone except him already knew about this.  They all try to make excuses to avoid his anger but are stopped from leaving.  He then asks Khushi why she didn't inform him about taking part in the Mrs. India pageant but she says nothing.  Just then, Nani, Mami, NK and Anjali stand in a line blocking Arnav from Khushi and she is happy that the family is protecting her from him.  Unfortunately, this family shield quickly falls apart as soon as he steps forward, with everyone getting out of his way.  As he gets to Khushi, she runs upstairs.

In their room, he asks her why she didn't tell him about taking part in the competition and she says she wanted it to be a surprise.  Unfortunately, he didn't like attending a event to only be surprised to see his wife there too.  She explains that she is only participating in the competition to prove that she can do something on her own, which is why she is competing under her maiden name.  Arnav refuses to let Khushi compete as he states that the fashion industry is not for her and that the contestants are so competitive that she won't survive.  Khushi on the other hand is adamant that she can take care of herself.  Arnav then gives her another perspective by stating that since he's the sponsor, it will be odd for him to watch her be made fun of or get yelled as he won't be able to take it.  He refuses to lie but Khushi states that he won't be lying as long as he doesn't tell anyone that she is his wife.  As long as he treats her as a contestant, there will be no awkwardness.  He asks her to reconsider taking part as she won't be able to do it but Khushi confidently states that she will indeed be able to do it.

What worked: Arnav seeing Khushi at the Mrs. India pageant auditions.  Can you say BUSTED!  It was only a matter of time before Arnav found out Khushi's secret and what a great way to find out, right at most opportune moment.  Khushi set out to compete in the Mrs. India pageant in order to prove to Arnav that she can do more than just cook jalebi and she kept her participation in the pageant a secret from him, probably knowing that he won't approve.  Now that Arnav has found out that Khushi is taking part in the Mrs. India pageant, things are going to get interesting, especially since his company is the sponsor for the event.  This leaves Arnav in a tight situation as he can't back out from being a sponsor nor can he reveal that Khushi is his wife so she doesn't get any special treatment.  Whatever happens, it's going to be hilarious to watch.

What didn't work: No Payal and Akash.  I absolutely loved the part where Arnav finds out that his entire family knows that Khushi is taking part in the competition but it would have been more hilarious to watch if Payal and Akash were still there and they too were in on the secret.

Highlight: Arnav finding out that Khushi is taking part in the Mrs. India pageant.  I had to put this as both what worked for the episode and the highlight of it.  Just the look on their faces when they saw each other at the auditions was priceless.  Arnav was completely shocked seeing her there and Khushi knew she was busted.  Also, another highlight in the episode is when he finds out that his family was also in on this secret.  Yes, Arnav is the last person to know about this and for good reason.  If he'd known earlier, he would've said no, now it's too late.  It was also cute how they stood in front of Khushi to protect her from his anger but that shield didn't last long as it only took him one step for everyone to move aside.  Khushi is still the only one brave enough to take on his anger.

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