Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Episode Review: November 26th, 2012

Arnav catches her fall and the two stare at each other.  They both ask each other what the other is doing there and Khushi says that she's trying to lose weight, stating that Sam says her waist is too big.  Figuring out there's no point in arguing with her, Arnav agrees and says that as a sponsor, she should lose more weight.  However, as a husband he says that she should put on more weight.  Khushi is irritated by Arnav's comment and states that she has to lose the weight.  Feeling offended, he tells her he understands that she has to put her career life ahead of her professional life and then leaves.  Khushi is not happy with the dilemma she's in.

The next morning at the pageant place, Sam warns the girls not to do what Khushi did.  He then tells them that the next round is the talent round where they will have to do something to impress the judges.  The girls than spend time practising their acts.  Sam then comes with clothes for the girls to wear and says that whatever they get they must wear, no changing.  Khushi wonders how she'll be able to wear those clothes but Amrita assures her that with practice, she'll get use to it.  She then tells Khushi that Sam is looking for and takes the opportunity to slit her dress.  Later that evening, reporters are talking to Arnav, asking him questions about the event.  He then sees Khushi is a long blue dress and is mesmerized.  He then notices that she's uncomfortable in it and feels bad for her.  Suddenly, a guy comes up to her and says that she looks really beautiful and stands apart from the other girls.  Arnav becomes angry at the guy talking to his wife like that and Khushi notices, saying thank you to him and calling him bhaiya, to which Arnav has a laugh.

The round begins with each girl taking a chance to show their talent and then walk the runway.  Natasha says that she can make a floral organic dress in ten minutes but fails to finish it.  Amrita does a magic acts which is pleased by the judges.  Khushi goes up and wonders what to do.  She then begins to imitate and act like the judges, Riya and Jay, copying the way they talk and act.  She then imitates Sam, followed by Amrita and Natasha.  Everyone enjoys her act, including Arnav.  As she does her walk, she stops midway.  She realizes that her dress is ripped and Arnav realizes something is wrong when she puts her hand behind her back.  All of a sudden, the lights go off and Arnav quietly takes Khushi to the side where he helps fix her dress.  When the lights go on, he takes his seat again, putting down a stapler indicating to Khushi what he was doing.  She then confidently completes her walk and he is proud of her.

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