Saturday, November 10, 2012

Episode Review: November 7th, 2012

Sheetal tells Khushi that she cannot take away the happiness of others just for her own.  This leaves Khushi is some thoughts.  At school, Aarav is waiting for Sheetal to pick him up and sees all the kids coming with their parents, making him feel sad.  He feels even worse when one of his friends ask him about his Dad and the kids make fun of him for not even knowing his Dad's name.  While getting ready to leave the house, Khushi prays to Devi Mayya, asking her to fulfill this one wish of hers.  Since Sheetal is stuck in traffic, one of the teachers makes Aarav sit with the other kids inside.  He is reluctant to do so but finally agrees, pulling out a book to read instead of watching the function.  Sheetal and Khushi both arrive at the school and Khushi informs her that she came here with a wish and hopes it gets fulfilled.  Inside, the school competition function starts.  The competition will be a father-son act with the pair playing instruments against other father-son pairs.

As Khushi and Sheetal enter the gym, they see that the competition has started.  Father-son pairs begin to volunteer for the competition, picking to play the flute, guitar and tabla.  When the announcer encourage another pair to come forward, Arnav states that they (he and Aarav) will play the drums.  His entrance surprises everyone and Khushi is pleased that he came.  The pairs make their way to the stage and the kids take the first round, each playing their chosen instrument.  After the kids have played, it is now the parents turn.  Khushi realizes that Arnav may not know how to play instruments and wonders what will happen next.  However, she is surprised when he ends up playing the drums very well against the other parents.  Sheetal states that he was a very good drummer in college.  One by one, the father-son pairs begin to drop out until Aarav and Arnav are the only two standing.  They are declared the winners and Aarav states that he's very happy, kissing Arnav's hand and saying "Thanks Dad", to only apologize later.  Arnav doesn't mind and congratulates Aarav on their victory.  Seeing how much they've bonded, Khushi decides she can no longer keep this a secret and decides to tell Arnav the truth.

At home, Aarav is telling everyone what happened during the competition, thanking Arnav for making it happen.  Nani and Mami both see that Aarav has changed Arnav and feel that Aarav has given him the skills to be a father.  They both point out that because of this change, Arnav can now start a family of his own.  On hearing this, Khushi smiles and leaves, with Mami thinking she's shy but Arnav notices the unhappy look on her face.  Sheetal finds Khushi in the kitchen and tells her that she noticed her unhappy look and explains to her that whatever she is doing (trying to bring Arnav and Aarav together) needs to stop.  After she leaves, Khushi says that she has to tell Arnav the truth and can't keep a son away from his father.  She decides to tell him the truth and accept whatever happens after that.  In the evening, she goes to her room to find it dark, lit just by candles.  She finds a letter and a rose on the bed and begins to read it.  Arnav has written his feelings in the letter.  Half way through the letter, Arnav appears to finish it off.  He tells her that because she came into his life, he became a better person.  He says that when they are close, their heartbeats race but when they are apart, they are still together; explaining to her that this is their love.  He approaches her to kiss her but she turns away, with Arnav wondering what's wrong, asking her if she heard what Nani said to them about starting their own family.  Khushi asks Arnav about another person entering their little world.  When she brings up Aarav, he thinks she's upset because he called him dad but Khushi tells him that Aarav called his own father dad; Aarav is his son, leaving him shocked.

What worked: Khushi telling Arnav that Aarav is his son.  In the past, Khushi has kept secrets away from people for their best interest.  A perfect example is when she kept Shyam's true identity a secret from the entire Raizada family in order to keep their family together.  However, when Arnav came to know of half the secret, Khushi's life was turned upside down.  Yes, she did end up falling in love with Arnav and is now married to him but the consequences of what happened do to her keeping the secret have taught her that the truth must come out, no matter what the consequences are.  Furthermore, with her telling him that Aarav is his son, we can finally get to see what Sheetal is really up to.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: N/A

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