Thursday, November 8, 2012

Episode Review: November 6th, 2012

Khushi goes into Sheetal's room, demanding to know who Aarav's father is.  Sheetal tells her that she has no right to ask the question but Khushi states that it's very important for her to know.  Sheetal tries to avoid answering the question but Khushi continues to probe her.  When she states that she's put that part of her past behind, Khushi then asks her why she kept a Karwa Choth fast that day.  Sheetal thinks Kuhshi is under a misunderstanding but she says she saw her look at the moon through her dupatta and then at Arnav.  She even tells her about seeing her drinking water from her own cup.  She asks her why she would keep a fast for Arnav and Khushi tells her it's because Arnav is Aarav's father.  She then shows her the DNA test results and asks if these test results are fake.  She is shocked to see the paper and begins to apologize to Khushi.  Khushi asks her why she didn't say anything before and she states that she wanted to protect Aarav from getting hurt.  When she asks why she didn't tell Arnav, Sheetal says she feared Arnav taking Aarav away from her and states that Aarav is the only thing she has in this world.  She says she came to here to look for Arnav but soon found out that he was already married.  She was ready to leave when for some reason, she had to stay back.  She begs Khushi to not tell Arnav about this as it will just cause more problems.  Khushi agrees but really wonders if keeping this a secret is the right thing to do.

Later that night, Khushi is unable to sleep, thinking about what to do about the whole Aarav-Arnav situation.  Arnav is awake as while and senses that Khushi hasn't fallen asleep.  As he asks her what's wrong, he sees that she is upset.  She explains to him that she was just thinking about her father and how she was lucky enough to have someone in her life that she can call her dad, after losing her biolgical dad.  She then states that Aarav too must be aching to call someone his dad.  Arnav agrees, holding Khushi's hand and the two return to bed.  The next morning, Khushi arrives at the dining table to see some of the members having breakfast.  Aarav comes down too and Sheetal tells him to have breakfast.  He tells her that he will be done school early today as there is a function that he does not want to stay for.  He mentions that it's a father's day function and Khushi feels upset.  Sheetal says she'll pick him up early and the two will go see a movie.  He returns to his room without eating breakfast but Khushi decides to take it upstairs for him.  Upstairs, Aarav tells her that he can do things by himself and that he doesn't need anyone else; not even his dad.  Khushi feels that even if Aarav doesn't admit it, he still wants a father.

As Khushi goes to her room, Arnav notices she's upset and asks her why.  She explains to him how she feels bad for Aarav not having a father, explaining to him about Aarav not wanting to stay for the father's day function.  Khushi asks for Arnav to go to the function with Aarav but he states that he can't because it would be wrong.  He says that him going might make Aarav happy right now but what about the future.  He says they need to look at the bigger picture and can't just do these things to make Aarav happy for a short while.  Khushi begs him, stating that no one better then him can understand the effects and hardships of having to grow up without a father.  Arnav agrees with her but still states that he won't go to the function.  Khushi then goes to Sheetal's room and tells her that she has to tell Arnav the truth about Aarav as he needs his father.  Sheetal begins to yell at Khushi, telling her that there will be dire consequences if she takes that step.  She asks her about what would happen if Aarav wishes to stay in the house with Arnav of if Arnav took sole custody of him.  She says that she can't live without Aarav and won't live away from him.  She then asks Khushi that based on the situation, if she would be willing to leave Arnav then or if she would wait for Arnav to leave her.  Hearing this, Khushi becomes worried and her fist states she's a little angry.

What worked:  Sheetal asking Khushi if she would leave Arnav or is she would wait for Arnav to leave her.  Sheetal has mentioned the one thing that Khushi has feared the most; losing Arnav.  The way her fist clenched her dupatta said it all, she doesn't want anyone splitting up her and her husband.  With Sheetal mentioning this, she planting seeds in Khushi's head to get her to do things, to get her to think a certain way and to a point, exposing her real plan.  Is Sheetal trying to sneak her way into Arnav's life using a fake kid? 

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: N/A

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