Friday, November 30, 2012

FINAL EPISODE: November 30th, 2012

Tonight's episode is the last episode for Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon and it is with a heavy heart that I write this.  Overall, the show has been amazing, telling a beautiful love story in a unique and interesting way, providing great comedy and intense romance along the way.  There were several missed opportunities where the writers could have taken the show further by developing all the characters but unfortunately that didn't happen.  Something has happened (most likely behind the scenes) that has caused for the show to come to an abrupt ending.  There was still so much more they could have done with the show and the story and it's unfortunate that we won't be able to see all that.  Let's all cherish the good memories we've had of this show and together say good-bye to a show that brought us so much life, love, laughter, happiness (and to a point pain) into our lives.  Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon, you will be truly missed.


Khushi begins to answer the questions about Aarav and Anjali and they too answer questions about Khushi.  During Aarav's question, he admits that he never called her mom before until now and says "I Love You Mom" and Khushi feels very happy, giving Aarav a hug.  At the ends of the round, the judges states that one of the contestants is the winner and that person is Khushi.  She is ecstatic but Amrita is not.  Backstage, Khushi looks to be on the phone or fixing her hair.  Arnav comes by and apologizes for irritating and bothering her.  He makes up for it by kissing her on the cheek.  Khushi tells Arnav to watch what he's doing, as someone may see but he doesn't care who sees them and the two just stare at each other.  Amrita comes by and sees both Arnav and Khushi staring at each other and thinks that Khushi is flirting with Arnav in order to win the contest.  As they gather for the next round, the lights suddenly go out.  Then, Amrita goes on stage and shows pictures of Arnav and Khushi backstage earlier that day, including him giving her a kiss.  She apologizes for bringing a fake husband but demands Khushi be removed from the competition by trying to seduce and flirt with one of the judges.  Arnav tells everyone that Khushi is allowed to do all of this because she is Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada; his wife.  Everyone is shocked at his statement.

He states that he didn't tell anyone about this to allow Khushi the opportunity to do something on her own.  Khushi states that she only wants his support and tells the judges that if she has made any mistake, she should be disqualified.  Riya tells Khushi that since she's come this far, she can't be kicked out and allows her to continue to compete.  Arnav however states that he won't be there for the final round as he wants her to do this on her own.  The next morning at home, Khushi is looking for Arnav and doesn't like the fact that she won't see him all day, not even at the competition.  Suddenly, he comes by, placing his hand over her eyes.  He tells her that she may not see him but she can sense him.  As long as she senses him, she will know that he is there.  During the last round, Amrita gets disqualified for cheating and Natasha admits that she wants to be a simple person like Khushi.  During Khushi's turn, she remembers the first time she met Arnav, on the ramp and wishes that he was there for her.  Arnav appears at the corner and says to Khushi that he is here for her.  The judges begin to ask her questions and she answers all of them.  When they ask what she would do if she only had 24 hours to live, she states that she would spend it with her family and her husband.  After a discussion, the judges declare Khushi the winner and she is crowned Mrs. India with everyone very happy for her.

Back at home, Arnav show Khushi a surprise; the whole family has gathered together to congratulate her on her accomplishment.  She cuts and cakes and feeds everyone.  Khushi tells Arnav that it was because of him that she knew what love was and both are very happy. The episode ends with Khushi and Arnav staring at each other while flashbacks of their various encounters, romantic moments and journey to their love are played.  The episode ends with the final scene being Arshi's wedding, where he carries her into the house.

A beautiful ending to a beautiful show.

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