Thursday, November 8, 2012

What the Heck is Going On?

What on Earth is going on with Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?  We were fine a few weeks ago with the audience split on liking and not liking the current track and now fans are in an uproar after hearing news of Barun leaving the show to take a break.

It is utter chaos right now, with fans posting like crazy on the India Forums board, begging for Barun not to leave, fans protesting outside the sets and setting up another protest tomorrow, fans emailing, calling and mailing StarPlus (SP), the production house and everyone else they can contact and people taking to social media to let out their frustration.  What has happened to the show we all used to love and cherish?

On Barun taking a break
So far, that's all that's been said in the media; he's taking a break.  Nowhere did it state when he would be taking a break or how long it would be.  Now, let's consider that he is indeed taking a break, we don't know the reason behind his decision.  Fans started to blame his upcoming movie or the fact that he might have got another offer.  Did anyone consider the fact that he may be taking a break for personal reasons?  For family and friends?  For his health?  Now let's consider this "break".  When I first read this, I was shocked but as I conducted my research one thing donned on me and it's the biggest question I really have.  Is Barun taking a break because HE wants to or is he BEING MADE to take a break?  Is the story being written in a way to write him off the show temporarily?  Is him stating that he's taking a break to take the heat from the writers wanting to write him off for some time?  Is he doing this on his own accord or is someone making him do this?  Politics are at work in every industry and especially present in the entertainment industry.  I can't help to shake the feeling that some form of politics is at work here and is a driving force behind this "break" being taken.

In regards to various articles and sources
I practically have had enough of these various articles, sources, videos, etc...claiming that Barun is leaving/taking a break.  It's getting really annoying to having to watch these articles appear, refuesl the fire that seems to have died down for a bit.  A piece of information, it's not hard to fake an article.  Journalists take one article, reword it a bit and then release it under their name stating it's their's.  In regards to the audio video that has Barun confirming that he's taking a break, that audio could actually be an old clip or modified to sound like his voice.  Lastly, if he or the production house hasn't even made an official statement yet, where on earth are all these audio, videos and articles coming from claiming they spoke to him?

In regards to the show
Over the last few months, the show has been facing trouble, with the endless rumours of Barun quitting/leaving the show and then with Deepali and Akshay finally putting the papers down.  4Lions, the production house that runs IPKKND, hasn't been able to recover from the constant problems that have continued to plague them for months, starting with Daljeet putting her papers down.  On top of that, they faced a PR problem when one of their own staff leaked some information (don't know if it was true or not) that ended up causing an uproar.  All these problems and rumours have affected the show.  Right now, the show stands at its biggest crossroad yet and what their decision will be is something that everyone is waiting for.

In regards to the fans
I will give it up to the fans who went down to the sets today (and plan on going tomorrow as well) to make their voices heard.  I don't recall dedication like this before.  Second, I admire all the fans who have been calling up SP, mailing them and emailing practically everyone related to IPKKND.  However, I find this to be a bit overwhelming.  Right now, the fans need to give the PH and the channel to figure this out.  Spamming them won't really help the solution.

Right now, there is so much going on that its getting hard to keep track of.  The one thing for sure that's happening is the departure of Akshay and Deepali.  Tomorrow is Akshay's last day and Deepali will exit a day after, meaning their last episode should air sometime next week.

To Akshay and Deepali: It was enjoyable to watch the both of you on screen.  You are both talented actors and you will be missed on the show.  Best of luck to your future endeavors and may you be successful in them.

Now in regards to this whole "break" thing, I'm waiting for an official announcement from either Barun, the channel of the PH to clear this mess up or I'll wait for Noreen Khan to air her interview with Barun (will air this coming Tuesday).  Until then, let's all just try to relax for a bit.

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