Friday, November 23, 2012

Episode Review: November 22nd, 2012

It's the next day at the pageant it's the first day of training.  The girls are introduced to Sam, their trainer for the entire competition.  When he comes in, he makes fun of all the girls, saying that the girls look nothing like models and he'll have to do a lot of work on them.  He then gets the girls to stand in a line to go through their current outfits and unfortunately, Khushi is first in line.  When Sam see what she's wearing, he tells her that she has no sense of fashion, her clothes are definitely last century and she should definitely not made the net round.  As he goes down the line, he stops by Natasha (the mean model) and compliments her on her outfit.  He then tells the women to get changed as they will be beginning their workout session.  All the women change into the spare clothes except for Khushi who didn't seem to get the message.  She reassures Sam that she'll be able to do her training in her suit outfit.  The training starts with some yoga poses.  All the girls are able to do the poses except for Khushi who struggles.  After that, they move on to a heavy breathing and meditating exercise which Khushi finds quite amusing.  Back at the house, the family is talking about how much they miss Payal and Akash, as without them the house seems very empty.  Even Mami admits that without Khushi around now, she doesn't have anyone to make fun of stating that she really does in fact like Khushi and Payal.  Just then, they get a phone call from Kumlesh Kariji, Khushi's favourite reporter and astrologer, who wants to do an interview with Khushi's family for the Mrs. India pageant.  Excited that media will be coming to the house, Mami goes to touch up her makeup.  When the media crew arrives, they begin to interview the family about Khushi but Mami interrupts them, trying to place the interview on her.  Unfortunately, both NK and Mami are fighting for the camera's attention, causing them to stop the interview and leave the house.

Back at the pageant place, the workout session is complete and they have now moved onto the training portion.  It looks like Sam enjoys picking on Khushi and gets her to begin the ramp walking practice.  After one round, Khushi ends up imagining Sam as a general giving orders to the ladies.  Just then, Arnav walks in.  He sees Khushi and states that he came by to meet the contestants.  He begins to walk towards Khushi but ends up speaking to Natasha, complementing her on her pictures.  Seeing the face Khushi made at his comment, he asks Sam who she is.  Arnav then asks how her workout went and Sam tells him that she did well, doing 15 Surya Namaskar.  Khushi is pleased at herself but is then shocked when Arnav tells him to make it 30 instead of 15.  He then tells him that the girls will be on a strict diet, meaning that they cannot have anything sweet like chocolate, barfi or jalebi.  Hearing she can't have jalebi, Khushi has a shocked reaction to which Arnav asks her if she likes jalebi.  As she answers no, he takes his leave, wishing the contestants good luck.  After he leaves, Khushi says to herself that Arnav was flying very high today and that he should wait until he gets home so she can actually show him what she does and doesn't like.  The girls then break for lunch.  As Khushi eats a vegetable sandwich, she's stopped by Sam who hands her a salad instead.  She then smells the aroma of samosa and tracks the smell down to Natasha.  Natasha tells her that her dietician allows her a samosa a day but that Sam won't understand it.  She gives Khushi a samosa and tells her to keep her mouth shut about it.

Just as lunch comes to an end, the girls are excited to be meeting Vikram, the co-host for the event.  Amrita explains to Khushi that Vikram is a number one flirt and doesn't remember which girl he's flirted with.  Vikram than enter the room and begins to walk down the line of the girls.  He stops in front of Natasha and tells her that just by looking at her, she has the best shot of winning the competition.  When he asks her for coffee, she refuses and begins to walk away only to be stop by him grabbing her hand.  Natasha becomes scared at this gesture and Khushi takes notice of this as Vikram tries to persuade her not to take his offer as an offence.  Knowing that Natasha is not comfortable, Khushi tells Vikram to let go of her hand.

What worked: Sam declaring Khushi as his next project.  His statement of this reminded me of the movie Miss. Congeniality where the most un-lady like girl was transformed into a beautiful women.  Unfortunately, Khushi's personality is such that she'll draw anyone's attention, good or bad.  Even though Sam was picking on her for her outfit and some of the exercises, I feel as if he'll be a big support to her during the competition.  We'll probably be seeing more of him over the next couple of episode as he preps the girls and Khushi for the big pageant day.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav picking on Khushi at the pageant workout.  Arnav better learn to sleep with one eye open because messing with Khushi is something he doesn't want to do.  He should know from their several past challenges that Khushi will not only accept all his challenges, but will also find a way to get even.  Be careful Mr. Raizada.  Overall, it was cute watching him pick on her a little bit.  When he came in stating that he wanted to meet the contestants, you knew he was really there to only checkup on Khushi to make sure she was okay and I think she knew that too.  What I liked most is how all the girls are mesmerized by the great Arnav Singh Raizada, thinking he's some sort of God.  Unfortunately, that "God" was brought to his knees by none other than Khushi.  The day when everyone finds out that Khushi, the middle class bhenji, is the wife of Arnav Singh Raizada will be absolutely priceless.

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