Thursday, November 1, 2012

Episode Review: November 1st, 2012

After seeing the pictures, Khushi thinks that Sheetal has not put her past behind her.  Aarav then walks into the room and asks Khushi what she is doing there.  Khushi tells him that she came to tell him that he played very well in the game today.  He says that they won mainly because of Arnav and goes on to say that he likes him; he finds Arnav cool.  As he goes to clean up, Khushi comments on the fact that not only are Aarav and Arnav similar in behaviour but are also very fond of each other.  Arnav returns to his room to find Khushi sitting on the bed.  He sits beside her and jokes saying that it's good she's not hiding in the cupboard like last time.  When he asks if she's okay, she says yes to have him ask her why she made jalebi.  She says that since they won, she thought about distributing sweets.  Before changing, Arnav quickly checks his email.  When Khushi asks him if he had fun today, he states that he did and says that he's glad Arnav is not like other children.  He says that he's thinking of taking Saturday off to spend more time with Aarav and it seems Khushi is miffed with this.  He thinks there might be something wrong with her as she handed him her clothes instead of his.  The next morning, Sheetal is helping Aarav with his homework.  She looks through his book to find that Parents Day is coming up.  When she brings up this topic to Aarav, he states that he doesn't want to go to Parents Day and perform.  His reason: everyone will ask where his Dad is, like every other school he's been to.  Sheetal gets his to promise to attend Parents Day, which after they will discuss about his Dad.  Aarav promises but also asks his mom to promise him to take him to meet his dad.  Unfortunately, Sheetal cannot promise that.  With the whole family present, Aarav states that she promised to introduce him to his dad when they moved to India.  Sheetal tells him to accept the fact that his dad is not in his life and that she is his mom and dad.  Not wanting to accept it, he states that he wants his dad and wants to know who he is.  He then has a tantrum where he throws his books and school stuff all over the place before going to his room.  Nani tells Sheetal that she should tell Aarav who is father is but Sheetal says she can't.  Khushi goes to pacify Aarav and finds him in his room with the radio on a loud volume.  She tries to talk to him in a loud voice but soon realizes that he's shut the radio off.  Aarav tells her that he's fine but Khushi says she didn't come to see if he was okay but that she came by to ask him for help with something.  However, since his mood is off she doesn't think he will help her. 

Nani and Anjali then notice Khushi by the poolside attempting to garden.  They wonder what she's up to but Anjali figures it out; she's trying to cheer someone up.  Just then, Aarav comes by the poolside and notices Khushi struggling with the gardening.  He helps her fix her mess and she's glad that at least this helped his mood to change.  Just then, Sheetal comes by with a gift for him.  Khushi leaves the two of them alone to talk.  Sheetal tries to explain to him that whatever he is doing, she is doing it for his own good.  She ends up promising to him that she will take him to meet his dad the next day and he is ecstatic but she looks worried.  At the office, Arnav can't seem to work, thinking about what Aarav said earlier that morning.  He calls up Khushi to checkup on Aarav and she assures him that he is doing better then before.  After he gets home, Arnav and Khushi both go to talk to Sheetal.  They advise her to tell Aarav who is father is as it is a big deal for a kid his age.  They know she has her reasons for not telling him but they think that it might help him to calm down a bit and not lash out.  Sheetal tells them about how Aarav has grown up without a father, stating how he would avoid going to the playground.  She tells them that if she tells Aarav who his father is, it will create more problems for him.  This one step of hers could impact a lot of lives and she can't take away their happiness just for her own.  The next day, Aarav comes down all cheery and happy, talking to everyone really politely.  This scares everyone but they happily accept it.  Khushi asks him the reason for the change in his mood and he tells her that he is very happy today as his mom is taking him somewhere today.  Sheetal comes by and begins to Aarav dressed for school.  Unfortunately, Aarav doesn't want to go and tries to remind her about going to see his father that day.  On hearing this, Khushi is pleased Sheetal will be taking Aarav to meet his father.  She feels relieved and no longer thinks that Arnav could be his father.

What worked: N/A                                                                

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: N/A

***On a side note, it's been two weeks since this track began yet it feels like it's been going on for two months.  At this point, the month and a half kidnapping track is more interesting and entertaining to watch then this.

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