Friday, November 23, 2012

Episode Review: November 23rd, 2012

Khushi tells Vikrant to let go of Natasha's hand.  Vikrant looks stunned at her response and asks who she is.  She states that she is a women who is not going to stand by and watch another women being mistreated.  She then calls out Vikrant on his behaviour, stating that he is like all the other guys who think it's okay to misbehave with women.  He doesn't seem happy with her statements and after looking at her, states that she isn't meant to be at the pageant and wonders how she made it this far.  He then gets her to do her walk but she ends up falling down.  When he asks what she'll do if she wins the contest, she states that she wants to help people who want to do things on their own.  He then tells Sam to get her ready for the swimsuit round, and this shocks her.  She states that she won't take part in that round and refuses to budge even when the other girls try to persuade her.  Arnav then walks in stating that there will be no swimsuit round, saving Khushi.  He tells Vikrant since he is the main sponsor of the event, he can change the rules at anytime.  After looking at Khushi relieved, he leaves.  Sam tells Khushi that she is lucky Arnav saved her and she agrees (in her head).

Khushi goes to Arnav's cabin to thank him for helping her out.  He states to her that he wasn't helping her out but helping everyone.  She says that without his help she would have handled Vikrant and Arnav asks her how: by wearing a swimsuit or leaving the competition.  Upset at him, she leaves the cabin to run into Natasha.  She yells at Khushi for interfering in her problem and tells her to stay out of it the next time.  Later that day, Khushi is walking home and is wondering what kind of a girl Natasha is.  She tries looking for an auto but sees none.  Arnav then comes by with his car and tells her to get in as she won't get an auto.  Still upset from earlier on, she refuses to get in to take any help from him.  Not wanting to argue, he takes off, leaving her speechless.  She continues to walk along the road to be followed by a creeper.  She ends up being cornered by a wall and is scared till she sees Arnav's car pull up.  She then grabs a stick from the ground and scares the creeper off.  After seeing Arnav, she agrees to go home with him.  At home, they ask her how her day went and he sarcastically says that she had a really interesting day.

Later that evening, she comes down for dinner and sees everyone eating really good food and is upset she can't eat it.  Arnav then comes and gives her a box but she thinks that he brought her something fatty.  Instead, he brought her a low fat sandwich, that way she can still eat and indulge in taste.  After dinner, Arnav notices Khushi practising her yoga poses by the poolside.  Unfortunately, she struggles with it.  As she is about to fall, Arnav catches her balance and helps her finish off her pose and places a kiss on her cheek before the two start staring at each other.

What worked: Arnav being the sponsor of the event.  Whether or not she wants to admit it, it's a good thing that Arnav is the sponsor of the event.  As the sponsor of the event, he has the ability to change the format of the competition, including removing the swimsuit portion of the competition.  This part would have been the end of Khushi's journey for sure but with Arnav there, he was able to help her out in some way.  She says that she wants to do this herself but in order for that to happen, she'll need his help a bit along the way.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi standing up for Natasha.  This looks like the beginning of a brand new (but weird) friendship.  Khushi's dealt with one Laad Governor before, in fact she married to him too so she knows how exactly to deal with another one.

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