Thursday, November 8, 2012

Episode Review: November 5th, 2012

Arnav catches Khushi's fall and the two remember how she fainted during her Teej fast.  Mami then asks if the moon has come out or not.  Arnav then points to the sky again but Khushi does not look this time.  He turns her head to make her see that this time, the moon has indeed come out.  Excited, she tells everyone that the moon has come out.  She gives Arnav a kiss on the cheek before retreating downstairs.  All the women and the guests in the house begin to break their fast.  Mami breaks her fast by talking to Mamaji over the phone and seeing his picture.  As the women in the house break their fast, Anjali takes pictures of the event.  While taking pictures, Nani notices that Anjali is a bit upset.  Anjali admits that she is indeed a bit upset at seeing all these festivities and admits she is reminded of her past but assures Nani that she's okay.  Anjali then notices NK underneath a table.  He's hiding under the table to break his Karwa Choth fast so that no one sees him.  Anjali goes up to him and takes his picture.  He then scurries out from under the table and ends up seeing Sheetal through the chandni.  Khushi also breaks her fast by seeing Arnav through her chandni.  She states that she won the bet, which he agrees and says that he will now have to allow her to do all these fasts for him every year.  He gives her water and then feeds her a jalebi.  All this time, Sheetal is watching them.  As everyone gets seated around the dinner table, Khushi is by the poolside cleaning up.  Arnav notices Khushi there and calls for her to come and eat, stating that he won't eat without her.  Sheetal comes there too and asks her if she needs any help.  Khushi states that she's all done the work and remembers that she left her thali under the table but decides to get it after she eats. 

As she and Arnav leave, Sheetal begins to pretend to do some work.  She then looks at the moon through her dupatta.  After looking at the moon, she turns around and calls out Arnav's name to which he turns around, causing her to see him through her dupatta.  She then quickly puts her dupatta down and makes the excuse of telling him about a call she received from one of their old friends.  Khushi sees this and begins to sense that Sheetal is attempting to break her fast.  She tells Arnav she will join him at the table in a while and hides behind a wall.  She watches Sheetal take her (Khushi's) cup of water that Arnav make her drink from and drinks the water, breaking her fast.  This shocks Khushi but reaffirms her suspicions of Sheetal keeping a Karwa Choth fast.  As everyone sits down for dinner, Arnav takes Khushi upstairs.  He tells her to get dressed as he is taking her out to a restaurant for dinner.  She politely refuses to go, stating that she doesn't feel like going.  She then goes to put some files away while Arnav calls to cancel the reservations.  She then notices an envelope with her name on it.  When she opens it, she sees they are legal papers for a company called KKGSR Catering Service.  Arnav tells her that he took her Dabba service and made it into a legal catering business.  He says that she can now operate her business anyway she wants, and that too legally.  He says that since she kept a Karwa Choth fast for him, he decided to gift her her own catering business.  Feeling bad about refusing to go to dinner with him, she apologizes to him. 

She tries to put a smile on his face and is successful after she uses her little weird antics.  She asks him how he remembered her Dabba service and he says that he just wanted to do this for her so that she can be financially independent and not rely on anyone for money.  As he says to her that he may not be there for her in the future, she quickly slaps him, getting him to stop talking.  She tells him not to say such things like this, especially after all the nice things he said to her.  He explains to her that he was being practical and that there was no need to slap him.  He apologizes and the two head down to eat when Aarav comes by and asks Arnav for a favour.  Downstairs, Aarav is playing a game of chess with Arnav as the family watches on.  They comment again on how similar the two are, which gets Khushi nervous again.  As she goes to the kitchen,  one of the servants gives her an envelope; it's the DNA test results.  She thinks this is a sign from Devi Mayya and decides to open in.  As she opens and reads it, she begins to cry; she has just found out that the test states that Aarav is Arnav's son.  Just then, Aarav wins his game of chess: check mate.

What worked: Khushi reading the DNA test result.  This adds a whole new twist to the story; a twist of a misunderstanding beginning to form.  After reading the DNA results, Khushi feels heartbroken, and rightfully so.  Any women who finds out that their husband has a kid with another women would feel that way.  With the DNA results pointing to Aarav being Arnav's son, her doubts and suspicions have been clear, or have they?  Are these the real DNA results or are they forged by someone else who is out to split Arnav and Khushi up.  Whoever is behind this plot knows how to toy and play with Khushi's emotions and they are so far doing a great job with it.  This has finally set up the next part of the story to unfold.

What didn't work: The pace of the track.  It's great that Khushi has now seen the DNA results but I would have liked for this to occur a week ago as it would have helped for the story to move further instead of putting nonsense in it.

Highlight: The track is finally moving.  Looks like the people at 4Lions have finally got their stuff together and their focus is back on.  Let's hope their focus stays there and they are able to do this track some sort of justice.

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