Sunday, November 11, 2012

Episode Review: November 9th, 2012

Everyone is in the living room and Khushi helps Sheetal to walk so that he sprain heals faster.  Nani asks Payal as to Akash's whereabouts and she tells him that he is busy with a U.S. deal.  Just when she says that, Akash walks in all happy.  He tells them that he was successful in sealing the U.S. deal but will now have to go there for a few months to make sure everything is done right.  Hearing this, the family becomes emotionally, with Mami wondering how long it will be before she sees her son.  Anjali tells them not to worry since they can always video chat with him.  Mami then tells Payal to also go with Akash to the U.S since Akash will miss her.  On hearing that her sister will be leaving, Khushi too becomes emotional.  Seeing everyone sad about Akash and Payal's departure, Arnav assures everyone that he will make sure that Akash's work is completed as soon as possible.  Arnav then asks for Aarav and Sheetal states that he's by the poolside.  As Arnav goes to see Aarav, he wonders how there are so many similarities between the two.  He reassures Aarav that his mom will be okay and that she'll recover fast.  Aarav then tells him that in a few days, both he and his mom will be gone from the house.  Shocked at his response, Arnav tells him that if he doesn't want to go he can stay, with Aarav stating that he didn't stop them from leaving before.  He tells Arnav that he thought he liked him but realized he was wrong when he didn't stop them from leaving.  He tells Arnav that he hates him and wonders why he can't live with his dad like other kids.  Shocked to hear this, Arnav remembers how he and Khushi tried to persuade Sheetal to tell Aarav who is dad is.  Aarav confirms Arnav's suspicions when he states that Sheetal told him about his dad long ago but promised her he wouldn't say anything.  Arnav apologizes to him but is soon hit with a shocking fact.  Aarav asks him why he left him outside of an Ashram.  At this point, Arnav is confused and Aarav explains that Sheetal came by to meet him and told him that his dad left him there.  She even told him that if he acted like Arnav, he would eventually accept him.  Starting to put the pieces together, he apologizes to Aarav and asks him to keep their talk a secret as he wants to surprise Sheetal with something and Aarav agrees.  Sheetal then receives a phone call but is annoyed with the person on the other end.  Apparently, the people at the Ashram keep calling her to check in on Aarav.

Everyone returns to the living room, where Akash states that their flight is tomorrow.  Since Akash and Payal are leaving for a few months, Arnav suggest they have a small party that night.  Khushi is surprised seeing Arnav suggest a party and Sheetal states that they will be leaving that night.  Arnav however asks her to stay and states that he has a surprise for each person that night.  He then helps Sheetal return to her room and Khushi wonders why all of a sudden, Arnav is showing so much care to both Sheetal and Aarav, wondering if the surprise is including both mother and son into their family.  After helping her to her room, Arnav apologizes for not being there when she needed him the most but assures her that he will fix his past mistakes.  After he leaves, Sheetal unties the bandage on her foot and reveals that she is not injured.  She talks to herself, stating that she's waited for the day to come where he pays for all the deeds he didn't do, finally being rewarded for all the hard work she's put in.  As Arnav comes down the stairs, Khushi notices that he's a little too happy.  He tells her that it's because Sheetal told him a joke.  He then tells her to make sure that both Aarav and Sheetal are comfortable and provide anything that they need.

Khushi is now really nervous and begins to make jalebi.  She wonders if it's her time to leave the house but calms herself down.  At this time, Garima and Buaji enter the house and smell jalebis being made.  They ask Khushi if there's anything wrong and she tells them that she is making jalebis for Payal.  Payal meets her family and NK asks for the family's help on decorations.  Aarav then passes by, bouncing a ball and ends up slipping and hitting his knee on the table.  Khushi decides to put some haldi on it but Sheetal tells her that its okay.  She says Aarav is a strong boy and that he'll be fine.  Khushi decides to tend to Aarav's injury and wonders why Sheetal is behaving like this all of a sudden.  As she leaves, Sheetal states that Khushi should get used to doing this because once she gets her money, she will be long gone.  Later that evening, Payal is packing their bags for tomorrow.  Arnav checks up on her to make sure everything is all ready for tomorrow.  He assures her that he will take care of Khushi.  After they leave, Sheetal comes downstairs.  She hears Arnav's phone ringing and sees that it's Aarav's diabetes doctor calling.  Before she can answer it, Arnav takes his phone from her and answers it.  He tells her that his doctor was just updating him on his sugar level.  In his head, Arnav states that in a few more hours, Sheetal's real intentions will be revealed.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: Sheetal's sudden change in character.  I realized from the day she left Aarav alone at the store the day after he was kidnapped, Sheetal was no positive character.  However, she hasn't really been shown as evil and conniving and to show that all of a sudden ruins the flow of the story.  I would have liked to see it progress for a few episodes.

Highlight: Arnav and Aarav's poolside talk.  A lot of game-changing events have occurred by the poolside throughout this show.  From Arshi's almost kiss to Arnav's and Khushi's cheek kisses to their Holi confession, the poolside was a great place for a lot of information to be revealed.  It's only fitting then that Arnav discover the truth about Aarav by the poolside.  Aarav admits to Arnav that he knows he's his father but ends up giving Sheetal's plan away when he asks Arnav why he left him at the Ashram.  This gets ASR's brain working and it looks like he's beginning to put the puzzle pieces together.

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