Saturday, November 17, 2012

Episode Review: November 15th, 2012

Khushi begins to fix the dress and ignores Arnav's attempts to talk to her.  Just as she finishes, a guy bring the back-up copy of the dress, surprising Khushi that there was a duplicate.  Arnav notices that she's angry at him and motions for everyone to leave them alone.  Khushi begins to yell at Arnav for making her look like an idiot in front of everyone for fixing the dress when there was a duplicate.  He tells her that he doesn't care what anyone thought but states that he found what she did cute.  He says that the phone call in the morning was fake and that he was pretending so that she would get jealous and come to the office.  Once at the office, he would be able to pacify her and they could then go somewhere.  Still upset, she tells him that he knows how to affect and that he takes advantage of the fact.  She then states that she doesn't want to talk to him and leaves, leaving him shocked that his attempt to pacify his wife failed again.  Khushi returns home eating chana and complaining over the fact that Arnav always knows how she'll react in a situation and what her actions will be.  She says that in order to prove him wrong, she needs to do something that will completely shock him.  She then notices a Miss/Mrs India pageant competition ad on the paper and decides to enter the competition, in order to prove that she has the courage, intelligence and confidence to face the world.  While in the kitchen, Khushi is contemplating over whether she should actually enter the competition or not.  When she realizes that she'll have to walk and talk in front of so many people, she decides not to enter the competition but is determined to prove herself.  Just then, Arnav walks in the kitchen but since Khushi is still mad at him, she walks right out.  He tries to grab her to talk to her and she ends up falling into his arms.  The two stare into each other's eyes and share a "rabbe ve".  However, this moment turns awkward when it's shown that both Nani and Mami are watching them have their moment.  Mami makes a comment of the two always romancing each other and that their honeymoon period is not over.  Arnav explains how Khushi came to work and helped him out of a situation.  Khushi thinks that Arnav is over exaggerating but Anjali thinks that Khushi is really talented.

She goes to Aarav's room and asks him to eat fruit but he's too busy playing a game.  When Khushi mentions how he's always playing that game, Aarav states that by playing the game, he is becoming a good player.  He explains to Khushi that in order to get to the next level, he has to pass the first level.  In order to do that, he must at least try and attempt the first level and once he does that continually, he becomes a good player.  When Khushi asks him about not being able to pass the level, he tells her that he won't know he can pass it unless he tries.  After he leaves, Khushi feels that Aarav definitely has a point; she doesn't know if she can do the Miss/Mrs India pageant unless she tries and decides that she will participate.  Later that day while the family is downstairs, Khushi comes downstairs, barely walking in heels.  The family is afraid of her falling and wonder why she is wearing heels if she can't walk in them.  She lies about them being a gift and wanting to wear them before she can't fit into them.  She then struggles to walk to the kitchen while the family wonders what she could be up to.  In the kitchen, Khushi ends up falling on the ground.  Just as she does, Arnav calls her up.  Not knowing what she's doing, he tells her that she can do anything as long as she puts her mind to it.  Later that day, she is in her room, practicing walking with a book on her head and listening to western music.  NK comes in, hearing the music and asks her what she is doing.  She states that she was only doing something different and asks him to take some photos of her.  As she begins to pose (horribly) NK reluctantly takes the pictures, lying about how good they are.  Unfortunately, when Khushi sees the pictures, she realizes their horrible.

Later at the dining table, Khushi is seen to only be eating fruits and salad, which surprises the family.  She then attempts to eat fruit (including grapes) with a fork and knife.  NK tells her that she can eat fruit with her hands but she uses her fork instead.  Upstairs, Khushi attempts to do her makeup to reseamble that a of a pageant girl.  Suddenly, Aarav comes in, asking her what she is doing.  She gets him to promise not to tell anyone and tells him about taking part in the Miss/Mrs India pageant.  She asks him for his help and he agrees.  She then puts on her heels, turns on a fan, puts on the music and begins to walk, stopping in very bad poses along the way.  Aarav tries to encourage her that she's doing well.  Just then, she falls down and the entire family comes running into her room, wondering what she is doing.

What worked: Khushi wanting to take part in the Miss/Mrs. India pageant.  I'm going to enjoy watching Khushi attempt to be a pageant girl because I personally find this cute.  Khushi has always been a very beautiful girl but she's never been the most graceful.  While she attempts to be a pageant girl, it will definitely challenge her as she will have to learn new skills but she is a very determined and hard working person so she will be up for the challenge.  I would love to see Khushi become Miss/Mrs. India just to see the look on Arnav's face.  This crazy, weird and clumsy girl from Lucknow has transformed into a gracious swan, becoming Miss/Mrs. India.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Nani and Mami watching Arnav and Khushi's "rabbe ve".  There have been several times that Khushi and Arnav have had a "rabbe ve" moment in public with several people watching and I've always wondered what their reaction to them staring and having a moment would be.  Today, Nani and Mami answered that question for me.  They definitely had no idea what was going on and you could feel the awkwardness.  Though, I must correct Mami on her honeymoon statement; Arnav and Khushi have never had their honeymoon but that would definitely be a treat to watch.

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1 comment:

  1. We are actually watching these few episodes in South Africa, dubbed in English. It truly is an amazing show
