Sunday, November 4, 2012

Episode Review: November 2nd, 2012

As Sheetal is getting Aarav dressed, he asks about them meeting his dad that day, just like she promised.  Instead of answering the question, Sheetal ignores what Aarav is saying and proceeds to tell him how to behave in school.  Aarav realizes that his mom lied to him and tells her that she lied about going to meet his dad, just like every time.  Sheetal tells Aarav they will talk about it later and tells him (cold heartedly) to go to school.  A crying and broken hearted Aarav leaves to go to school.  Khushi tells Sheetal that what she did was not right and everyone else agrees.  They understand that she has her reasons for keeping his father's identity a secret but they don't approve of her lying to a child.  She says that she wants to tell him but can't because it would make him unhappy.  Later that day, she overhears Mami talking about how she always leaves Aarav alone.  Sheetal heads to the kitchen where Khushi is cooking.  She then gets a phone call and after staring at Khushi, leaves the kitchen to receive it.  She tells the principal that she sent the school fee cheque with Aarav but the principal tells her that Aarav is not at school.  Everyone is now worried.  Sheetal states that she doesn't know why Aarav is not at school when she dropped him to the bus stop.  Unfortunately, Mami states that this morning, she didn't drop Aarav to the bus stop, getting caught in her lie.  Before she can respond, she's interrupted by a phone call with the teacher stating that Aarav did not even get on the bus that morning.  Khushi decides to call Arnav up and informs him of Aarav not being at school.  Khushi, Sheetal and NK then head out onto the streets looking for Aarav and asking anyone if they've seen him.  They return home with no luck and NK informs the police of Aarav missing.  Arnav and Akash return home and Sheetal tells them what happened that morning.  She blames herself for Aarav going missing and calls herself a bad mother.  Arnav asks Sheetal where she'd promised to take Aarav to meet his dad and she tells him about the cafe. 

Arnav, Khushi and Sheetal head out to the cafe to see if Aarav is there.  Along the way, they are still looking for him on the streets.  Aarav, on the other hand, has indeed ditched school that day and is heading to the cafe.  Unfortunately, he doesn't know the way so he asks someone for directions.  Aarav reaches the cafe and is sitting at a table waiting for his dad.  He wonders how he'll be able to recognize his dad but then remembers his mom saying how his dad is just like him.  The manager comes up to him and asks him if he's waiting for someone and he tell him he is waiting for his dad.  After some time passes, the manager tells Aarav that his dad has not arrived yet.  Aarav lies about where he lives and the manager suggest that Aarav go home and that if his dad shows up, he'll let him know.  Knowing he won't get another chance to meet his dad, Aarav hides in the cafe.  Arnav, Khushi and Sheetal show up at the cafe, asking the manager if they saw a boy waiting for someone.  The manager explains to them how he saw the boy and says that he went home.  Khushi suggest they go home to see if Aarav came back but Sheetal states that Aarav won't go home, knowing this is his only chance to meet his dad.  They search the cafe for Aarav with no luck in finding him.  Sheetal then sees a door that is slightly open and the manager tells them it's the freezer.  When they open the door, they are shocked to find Aarav sitting inside.  After bringing him home, the doctor does a quick checkup and informs the family that Aarav will be okay.  Everyone leaves the room to let Aarav rest.  Outside, Arnav is upset at Sheetal's actions and tells her that what she did was not right.  Next time, she better be careful what she tells Aarav, especially for his sake.

What worked: Sheetal's behaviour.  Her behaviour throughout the entire episode points to all of this being one big ploy.  What kind of mother watches her kid cry before her and tells them to "Go from here" and "Go to school".  Is she that cold hearted?  What kind of a parent sends a school fee cheque with a child to school?  If I remember correctly, my parents didn't trust me with money until I was at least 10, let alone at the age of 5. What really helped was when Mami caught her lie; she had not gone to drop Aarav to the bus stop that day.  She was caught in her lie but was saved from answering because of a phone call.  For a mother who just found out that her child did not go to school and is missing, she didn't seem that worried; it was sort of a fake feeling.  She definitely is hiding or plotting something and that was seen by her actions in today's episode.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: N/A

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