Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Episode Review: October 10th, 2012

Shyam admits to the family that he is indeed bad and evil as he killed his own child.  He goes up to Arnav and tells him that at least he should have known how bad he was as he was lucky to escape during the kidnapping.  Shyam states that he will kill anyone just to inherit the money and property and bursts into an evil laugh.  Seeing and hearing this, Anjali grabs holds of her mangulsutra.  She flashes back through the film footage she just saw and then rips off her mangulsutra, throwing it to the ground and ending her marriage.  When she drops to the couch, the family surrounds her and Arnav asks if she's okay.  Suddenly, Shyam realizes what he's just done and begins to panic.  Khushi apologizes to Anjali for revealing the truth to her in this manner but she says that they had no choice as they knew they had to get Shyam to confess to his own misdoings for Anjali to believe them.  Knowing his back is against the wall, Shyam tries to talk his way out of it, saying that this is all a master plan done by Arnav and Khushi who have played games with his mind to get him to confess to things that he didn't do.  Anjali then gets up and begins to walk aimlessly towards the stairs.  Shyam walks with her, apologizing to her.  He tries to convince her that he's not lying and then blames this all on Khushi, stating that she has had bad intentions since the beginning.  Khushi goes to Anjali to make her understand that Shyam is lying to her and that everything she saw and heard was true.  Shyam then states that he could never kill his own child and this causes Anjali to turn and face him.  

 Staring right at him, she slaps him across the face, making the family proud of her.  She tells him that the child was her daughter and would never have a relation with a person like him, calling him a murderer.  She asks him why she should not believe her family so that he can keep taking advantage of her.  She says that they kept warning her against him, yet she chose to believe and stand by him when all the evidence was against him.  She says that all she wanted was a little bit of love but he could not even give her that.  She tells him that she hates him more than she ever used to love him and tells him to get out of her life for good.  Taking his cue, Arnav goes upstairs, grabs Shyam by the collar and drags him out of the house, handing him over to the cops.  The cops inform him that they have been told everything by NK and will take it from there.  Arnav then heads back to Anjali and the two share a hug with him telling her that the bad time is finally over.

Anjali heads to her room alone.  As she looks around her room, she is reminded of the good times she spent with Shyam.  She remembers the promises he made her, the gifts he gave her and the times he was there to comfort her.  She then flashes back through all the good memories along with the videos she just saw downstairs.  Unable to take it anymore, she puts her hands to her ears and screams for the flashbacks to stop.  Hearing her screams, the family comes running upstairs.

As the family runs upstairs, Anajli begins to gather Shyam's things; from his clothes to his books to the pictures and gifts.  The family comes in to see her putting all of these things into a suitcase.  After placing his things into the suitcase, she drops her wedding ring into the pile.  She then proceeds to pour kerosene over the items.  Knowing what she's about to do, Nani tries to stop Anjali but Arnav says that she needs to do this.  Anjali then lights a match and drops it, burning his things and all the memories associated to it.

What worked: Shyam's confession.  Shyam dug his own grave and has now laid in it.  It seems Shyam has some sort of a split personality which is why he ended up confessing his misdoings without realizing it until it was too late.  Shyam not only confessed his wrong doings to the family but to Anjali as well, the one person who really needed to hear it and the one person he didn't want to reveal to.  The end of Shyam has finally come, with Anjali throwing him out of her life and the family knowing the reason as to why he married her in the first place; for the money and property.  Even though the villain, the main driver of the show has seen his exit, I just can't shake the feeling that this is probably not the last we've seen of him.  Who knows, he may return in the future.  With all guesses and predictions aside, I'd like to thank Shyam for being such a great villain and to Abhaas for portraying him brilliantly.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Anjali.  From finding out that her husband is a murderer to her standing up for herself and throwing him out of her life, Anjali was at her best today.  Today, Anjali decided to take her life into her own hands and for a change, make a decision on her own.  She realized how much Shyam had used her and for what, money, property and a lavish lifestyle.  With her breaking off her mangulsutra and burning his things, she officially ends her marriage with Shyam.  It took a lot of courage, a lot of strength and a lot of bravery for her to do what she did and she found that courage, strength and bravery from her family; her biggest support system.  Daljeet was amazing today, displaying Anjali's emotions perfectly.  Not only did she portrayed a broken hearted wife perfectly, she portrayed a scorned woman brilliantly.  I'm very interested in seeing how Anjali's character progresses from here on and if we get to see a much stronger and independent Anjali.

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