Monday, October 15, 2012

Episode Review: October 15th, 2012

Anjali tells Khushi that she can't plan anything for Arnav's birthday as he doesn't like celebrating his birthday.  Khushi says that he must have been like this before marriage but after getting married, he must have changed.  She tells them that he will be happy to see all the preparations she's made but Akash tells her that she will only get yelled at.  As she goes to make a call, Anjali wonders how Khushi will feel when Arnav does not like the preparations she's done.  Suddenly, Arnav appears and asks what they are talking about.  Khushi arrives back in the room talking on the phone about the sweets order.  Realizing what she's up to, Arnav asks to speak to her and she tells the family that he called her so nicely.  In their room, Arnav tells Khushi not to plan anything for his birthday as he does not like celebrating it.  When she tries to argue, he tells her to treat his birthday as any normal day.  Upset, she returns to the living room where Akash is telling NK the story of how one of Arnav's clients wished him a happy birthday and ended up not even saying good morning to him.  The family tells her not to worry about Arnav not wanting to celebrate his birthday and says that he is like this.  Khushi wonders what kind of a person he is; they are totally opposite.  As she goes off to make a plan, Mami decides to order a few movies to watch, instead of watching Arnav being angry.  Khushi is on the phone talking to a tailor when Anjali comes up to her but she reassures her that nothing will happen.  Khushi goes to her room to get one of Arnav's suits for the measurement but is surprised to find him sitting in the room working.  She tries to sneak one of his suits out, claiming to send it to the laundry but Arnav catches onto what she's doing on stops her.  So, she resorts to Plan B.  Khushi pretends to be romantic with Arnav in order to get his measurements.  She tells him to close his eyes as she feels shy disclosing her heart to him.  As he does this, she quickly takes his measurements while being "romantic".  When Arnav tries to hug her, she ends up ducking and he finds her on the floor; awkward moment.  Arnav suggest they spend so time together if the weather is so great for romance but Khushi makes an excuse of having work to do and leaves.  Arnav wonders what she must have planned for tomorrow.   

The next day, Arnav wakes up seeing Khushi and wonders what she's going to deal.  She surprises him by telling him that he has to go to work today and to hurry up.  Arnav thinks that she's going to gift him something when she lifts a box on the table but she's only getting her bangles.  Arnav asks Khushi what plans she made today as he does not like surprises but she assures him that she has planned nothing as he told her to treat his birthday as any normal day.  As he comes downstairs, he gets a call from Aman and he thinks that he's called to wish him a happy birthday but he only called to inform Arnav about a meeting.  As he greets Mami and Nani, neither of them wish him a happy birthday and he seems surprised.  During breakfast, he thinks Khushi has made a special meal but shocked to find out the she didn't.  At the office, he and Akash are working on a deal.  Arnav asks him if he forgot anything and reminds him that it is his birthday.  Akash says he remembered but reminded Arnav of the fact that he does not like celebrating his birthday.  They go to order lunch when Khushi walks in with a bag.  Arnav thinks she's brought a special lunch, with a personal note.  However, he is surprised when she reveals no special lunch; just the usual.  As she starts to leave, she retreats back, saying she forgot something.  Arnav thinks she's going to wish him a happy birthday but instead, she hands him a digestive tablet and leaves.   

In the evening, Arnav and Akash return home to find the family looking and laughing over a laptop.  They tell them they are watching a trailer of Salman Khan's film.  Just then, there's a knock at the door.  Khushi goes to see who it is and it's someone with a cake.  The delivery guy informs her that his boss sent it for Arnav for his birthday.  Khushi thanks him for the gesture but says they cannot accept it and to take it back.  She says that Arnav does not like celebrating his birthday and that's why they can't accept the cake.  This surprises and angers Arnav who watches Khushi with an angry stare as she returns to the living room.

What worked: Everyone not wishing Arnav a Happy Birthday.  Remember, be careful what you wish for because it may just come true.  Like every year, Arnav does not celebrate his birthday and nor does he like hearing birthday wishes so as per his wishes, no one around him wished him a happy birthday, completely surprising him.  It's the typical scenario of telling someone not to do something when you're expecting them to do it anyways.  Why would Arnav be mad if this is something that he wanted?  Well this may be what his mind wants but not what his heart wants.  Arnav is human and like every human, wants to celebrate their birthday, even if they don't admit it.  Every time he saw Khushi, he thought she'd do something but surprises him when she acts normal, causing him to be upset.  This situation is teaching Arnav a lesson; be careful what you wish for.  Remember last year when the family gave him the silent treatment after he said no to the sangeet because he doesn't like loud music.  That incident back then taught him that even if he gets what he wants (ex. no noise or sounds) he still seems to be unhappy.  The same thing is being repeated in this case.  Khushi has put her plans on hold in order to abide by Arnav's wishes.  Unfortunately, abiding by his wishes didn't make him happy; it just made him angry.  Hopefully, this situation (a second time around) will really teach Arnav about wanting things a certain way as wanting something and actually receiving it does not produce the same level of happiness.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi's romantic "measurement".  Oh Khushi, what a girl has to do to get her man a gift.  Unfortunately, her plan of sneaking his suit out doesn't work so the next best thing is to play romance.  She sort of gave him hints on what she was doing, as she complimented him every time she took a measurement.  I'm surprised Arnav didn't pick up on what was going on.  Then again, he probably went along with it instead of questioning her.  The funniest part; Arnav failing to hug his wife to find her kneeling on the floor by his leg.  Can you say awkward. 

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