Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Episode Review: October 2nd, 2012

Khushi and Arnav return to their room.  To act like nothing weird has happened, Khushi talks about their walk outside and looking at the stars.  As Arnav opens a curtain, he notices another camera fitted into a plant.  He turns to Khushi and he sort of gestures to her that there is another camera in the room.  After both have changed, Arnav pulls Khushi onto the bed.  He leans in to kiss her but then remembers about the camera being present in their room.  So instead, he says that he's tired and the two decide to go to bed.  Arnav pulls the covers over both their heads for some privacy and they cuddle underneath the blanket.  Khushi tells him that she likes this small world of their, while Arnav makes a smart remark.  He then tells her that they are finally properly married, with all the rituals completed.  The next day, Khushi serves the family chai, while keeping alert for any cameras.  She goes to the kitchen and begins to make poodi halwa.  Nani and Anjali come into the kitchen and begin to talk to her about her first meal.  As they taunt and tease her, they end up making her nervous and scared that she may make a mistake.  Even Buaji calls her up to remind her not to make a mistake with her cooking.  They leave her alone to cook until Mami comes into the kitchen, making her nervous all over again that she ends up putting more water into the poodi dough.  At the table, everyone starts to eat what Khushi made but soon realize that it doesn't taste good.  However, they all pretend to enjoy the food, not letting her realize it taste bad.  However, when she tastes it herself, she realizes that it's bad, even stopping Arnav from eating.  Arnav tells her that she made the meal with love and therefore, he has no complaints.  Khushi then suggest they all open the wedding presents together and Anjali says she will ask Shyam to join them too, not really pleasing Arnav.

Everyone then begins to open the wedding presents with Arnav keeping a close eye on Shyam.  Arnav then takes Khushi hand and begins to leave until NK stops them but Anjali says its okay for them to be alone.  Before going upstairs, Khushi asks NK for a favour; to make sure no one leaves the living room until the presents are opened.  Without a reason, NK agrees to Khushi's request and she follows Arnav upstairs.  Shyam tries to make an excuse to leave by saying that he is tired but NK says that since he is part of the family, he can't leave until all the presents are opened.  Anjali is happy at this statement but Nani realizes something is not right.  Arnav and Khusi enter Shyam's room and as Khushi acts as lookout, Arnav begins to search his laptop.  Downstairs, Shyam again attempts to leave the room but NK again is able to stop him from leaving, making the family a bit surprised.  However, when NK gets a call, Shyam is able to leave the room to see what Arnav and Khushi are up to.  Arnav then finds a file with videos in it and when he and Khushi begin to watch them, they are surprised to find that they are videos of them returning from the wedding and of them in their room. 

They then see the video of him and NK discovering the weird wire and notice a guy wearing a blue bracelet; the one that Shyam also wears.  As they go through more videos, they continue to see the same guy with the blue bracelet but unfortunately cannot see the face.  When Khushi notices that one of the videos was from Anjali's room, she gets scared that the cameras may see them too but Arnv reassures her that there are no cameras in the room.  All the while, Shyam walks upstairs to check up on Arnav and Khushi.

The two than see a video of the blue bracelet guy spreading glass shards onto a carpet.  The video then goes blurry and Arnav tries to figure out what happened next.  They then re-watch Anjali's fall, which caused her miscarriage.  A furious Arnav states that the glass shards have something to do with Anjali's miscarriage and says that he won't let the person get away with it.  As Khushi tries to calm Arnav down, they begin to hear footsteps approaching.  Shyam begins to head towards a room and when he opens the door, he looks a bit surprised.

What worked: Arnav and Khushi working together.  The last time the two paired up was a year ago to bring Payal and Akash together.  The two have now come together to take down the villian once and for all and they know that it's not going to be easy.  Khushi has had her experience of dealing with Shyam and trying to expose him.  She knows it's not easy as Shyam has several excuses and lies as cover-ups.  Arnav has never taken on Shyam head-to-head, so working with Khushi and using her experience is a bonus for him.  The two also make an awesome team, each with their own strength.  Arnav has the power and money to get things done and also has an alert eye (noticing the cameras right away) while Khushi has the ability to think on her feet and make up lies while also being very resourceful.  With the two of them working together, they are bound to get into a few fights and quarrels over ideas and views but those will be very entertaining to watch.  Let's see how far Team Raizada gets in taking Shyam down.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arshi's "under the blanket" romance.  Yes, the scene was simple and sweet and probably lasted only 30 seconds but it was really adorable.  It's nice to see that even with cameras watching their every move, they are able to create their own world, just for the two of them.  This is them: crazy, unique and just so cute.  These simple romantic scenes really show us the beauty of the couple.  They don't need an elaborate or long scene to show that they care or love each other; it just comes naturally.  Best part was when she stated that she finds the outside world a bit weird and he responds with maybe the outside world finds her a bit weird.  The way she hit him on the chest was really cute.

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