Monday, October 8, 2012

Episode Review: October 8th, 2012

The next morning, Shyam is woken up by his phone ringing.  He gets up to answer the call but before he can, his phone stops ringing.  While returning to bed, he notices a rangoli constructed out of flower petals and lights on the floor.  As he touches one of the lights, he ends up receiving an electrical shock.  This causes him to remember how he made Anjali fall down the stairs and is immediately scared.  Anjali comes into the room to see Shyam startled.  She admits she made the rangoli and Shyam begins to yell at her.  She says she only did this as a surprise present for their anniversary.  Suddenly remembering it's their anniversary, he apologizes for getting mad at her.  She then gives her present to Shyam, a knitted scarf, and he pretends to like it.  He lets Anjali know that like every year, he has planned a surprise for her, one that will surprise her.  Arnav comes down the stairs to see Anjali picking flowers by the poolside.  She sees Arnav and tells him that she wanted to pick some flowers for the aarti today.  He takes her by the hand and the two sit down with her asking what's in the box he brought with him.  He tells her that it contains every gift and blessing she's every given him and she opens it to find every rakhi she tied on him.  He tells her that every year when she ties a rakhi on him, he makes a promise to protect her happiness as it is the most important thing to him.  He says that if anyone or anything tries to harm her happiness, he won't let it happen.  He tells her that he knows that today is not rakhi but he still wants her to tie a rakhi on him today so that he can live up to his promise of protecting her and her happiness.  Anjali ties the rakhi on Arnav as Khushi comes by and watches.  Arnav then tells Anjali that if at any point he is hurting her, then she must know that he is doing that for her own good.  Anjali wonders why Arnav is acting like this and Khushi says that he must be a bit emotional after all the wedding festivities.  Khushi tells Anjali that whatever they do, no matter how hard it may be, it is the right thing to do and that they have no intention to hurt someone.  Anjali is now even more confused as to what the two are saying and gives them both a hug, while they both prepare themselves for the battle ahead. 

The family gathers downstairs and Anjali and Shyam begin to take the elders blessings as the rest of them wish her a happy anniversary.  Khushi gives Anjali a pooja thali and asks her to offer prashad on her behalf too.  Shyam and Anjali then head out to the mandir.  Khushi informs Arnav that with Shyam gone for a while, they can do the things they need to do for their plan.  They both head upstairs to Anjali's room where Arnav places a CD in the CD player and Khushi hides a phone in the plants.  On returning downstairs, the see that all the decorations have been completed, with NK assuring them that things are going as planned.  Anjali and Shyam return home and Anjali is taken aback by the decorations.  Mami informs them that this year, the party will only consists of the family members as suggested by NK.  Khushi notices that Arnav is getting upset by this and calms him down, reminding him that they will only have to put up with Shyam for a few more moments.  As Shyam and Anjali head upstairs, Arnav notices Khushi getting worried and reassures her that everything will be alright.  In their room, Shyam gifts Anjali a mangulsutra and she is ecstatic.  He then begins to use his sweet talk by mentioning that he spent so much time accumulating the funds to buy her the necklace.  She notices the prices tag on the necklace (3 lacks) and immediately goes to write a check.

She hands Shyam a check of 5 lacks and reminds him of the vows they took when they got married.  Shyam however does not care about the vows and states that it is very easy to manipulate Anjali.  Khushi comes by their room and tells Anjali that all the women are getting ready in Payal's room and invites her to come.  After she leaves, Shyam looks at the check and says that even though he got the money, it's still not enough.  He wants everything.  When Anjali and Khushi walk by NK, Khushi gives him the clear signal, preparing him for his next step.

After getting changed and making sure the doors and windows were closed, Shyam lays down on the bed and begins to look at the check again.  As he begins to laugh, he suddenly begins to hear baby cries.  Surprised at what he's hearing, he begins to look around the room, trying to find a tape that may be playing the sounds to prove he's not hearing things.  Unfortunately he can't find anything.  As he continues to hear the baby cries, he begins to freak out and go into panic mood, trying to block out the sounds.

What worked: Arnav and Khushi preparing Anjali for what's to come ahead.  Arnav's talk to his sister was his way of telling her that something big is about to happen.  Not only was the conversation well executed but it also reminds us of the beautiful bond shared by Arnav and Anjali.  Every since their parents death, they have been each other's support.  To Arnav, Anjali is less like a sister and more like a mother to him, which is why he fights so hard for her happiness.  Arnav and Khushi both dropped hints to Anjali about protecting her, not wanting to hurt her and doing things for her best interests, even though she didn't understand any of it.  This time around, they want Anjali to know that whatever they do, it's in her best interest and they are not out to destroy her happiness.  With the plan set in motion, it's only a matter of time before Shyam's true colours are revealed to her.  What she does after learning that he caused her miscarriage is definitely worth a watch.

What didn't work: The pace of the track.  It's only a week since Arnav and Khushi got married and they are now about to expose Shyam's true colours to Anjali.  The pace of the track just seems to be a little too fast to me; like they're trying to wrap up this storyline very quickly.  I would've expected the track to be much longer than this and would've expected that his exposal the second time around would have been much harder.  Let's see what the writers have in store for us post this track.

Highlight: Shyam freaking out over hearing the baby cries.  Abhaas Metha is truly a talented actor.  He's consistently played the villain role to the tee, whether it was him being manipulative or him defending his actions. He's always brought a new twist to Shyam, showing how far he'd go to get what he wants.  Today, he really stood out depicting Shyam's panic attack over hearing baby cries.  Normally, this would not have affected him but since killing his own child, this was bound to come back to haunt him.  The sheer panic on his face as he heard the screams, the refusal to believe he was hearing them and the attempt to block them out was amazingly performed by Abhaas.  He's done an amazing job on the show, being a primary driver of the story.  Let's see how he tries to defend himself when his lies are finally revealed.

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