Thursday, October 18, 2012

Episode Review: October 18th, 2012

The boy's mother turns around to face Arnav and the two are surprised to see each other.  Her name is Sheetal and she's a former college classmate of Arnav's.  She looks happy to see Arnav but looks upset when he introduces Khushi as his wife.  Khushi explains to her that she wasn't trying to kidnap her son but was saving him from the kidnappers and Aarav agrees.  Khushi tells Arnav that this is the boy with whom his suit was mixed up with.  Arnav meets Aarav and the two shake hands with Aarav asking him a question about Khushi.  Shetal thanks Khushi for saving her son and they depart.  As Arnav and Khushi return to the car, she asks Arnav if he is mad at her and he sarcastically responds that she is so perceptive.  He yells at her for interfering in other people's business but she says she was saving the boy from being kidnapped.  He states she shouldn't have driven the boy around as she doesn't know how to drive and anything could have happened.  Realizing he's not understanding her point, she tells him that she will no longer help anyone in need, even if they are drowning in front of her.  She will just watch.  Not wanting to further argue with her, Arnav drives them home.  At home, NK states that he is very happy to see the two of them.  The family asks why NK said that as they just saw them earlier this morning and he says it's because he loves them very much.  Arnav tells the family he took Khushi out to eat ice cream but she than storms off, making the family realize that something has happened between the two.  Anjali asks if everything is okay with them and Arnav assures her it is.  She then tells him to go make up with her.  Arnav goes to his room and tries to talk to Khushi but when she ignores him, he proceeds to work on his laptop.  He asks Khushi to hand him one of the files on the table and she tells him that she's taken the decision to not help anyone and to stay in her own little world.  After she leaves, Arnav realizes he might have said too much to her in the car. 

The scene shifts to the kitchen where we see Payal and Anjali preparing food.  Khushi is there too and begins to make jalebis, to which Anjali and Payal ask if everything is okay.  Arnav comes into the kitchen and signals Anjali to leave him alone with her as he tries to pacify her.  He asks her wear his shirt is and she states that she doesn't know.  She tells him from now on, she will not keep track of any of his things and that if he asks, she will just say she doesn't know.  She then bites into a hot jalebi, burning her mouth.  Arnav hands her a glass of water but she refuses to take it.  When he grabs her arm, she tells him to let go, with him asking her what she'll do if he doesn't.  She tells him about how she beat the kidnappers up and Arnav tells her that when he looks into her eyes and she looks into his, she becomes totally disarmed.  She covers her eyes with her hand, only to remove them when Arnav asks her to look him in the eyes.  She looks at him with crossed eyes and attempts to leave, just to have him stop her again.  She begins to call out the rest of the family's names but realizes that no one is coming.  He asks her what she'll do now and she says she'll make him eat sweets, almost shoving a jalebi at him, which gets him to let go of her.  Arnav decides to follow her to find her watering the plants.  He says that now she won't let him touch her and avoids being hit with the watering can.  She tells him to keep away from her or she'll throw water on him.  When he takes the water can away, she goes to pick it up and he tries to grab her arm to only grab (an remove) her dupatta.  She asks for him to give it back to her but he ties it around her mouth and eyes, with her struggling to remove the knot.  She tells him to let her go but he says that he is her husband and can do as he wishes.  He then carries her off.

He puts her in the car and opens her mouth, telling her not to try to open her eyes of he'll tie both her hands and her mouth up again.  As they drive, Khushi asks where he is taking her but he tells her to sit quietly.  She asks if he's kidnapping her and he tells her to think whatever she wants.  Just then, they are pulled over by a traffic cop asking to see Arnav's license.  He notices Khushi has her eyes tied shut and asks if everything is okay.  She tells the officer that Arnav is kidnapping her while Arnav explains that she is his wife and is not listening to him.  The two then proceed to fight in the car with the officer looking on.  He then tells Arnav that he can go as he doesn't want to get involved in a husband-wife fight.  Arnav finally stops the car and takes Khushi somewhere.  He removes the dupatta and she realizes they're in his special garden.  He says that he's been trying to talk to her for some time but she states that she doesn't want to listen to him.  When he threatens to use force, she says she'll scream for help to later realize, pointed out by Arnav, that no one is around.  He then challenges her to stay quiet for 5 minutes.  She paces back and forth, trying to keep her silence but ends up breaking it.

Arnav grabs her shoulders to calm her down.  He then bows his head down to her, making her ask why he is doing this.  When he tells her that she's crazy, she tests his patience and causes him to get angry, she thinks he's apologizing to her but he says that he's bowing his head down to her because she deserves it.  He says her courage, her passion to help others and her values make her really special.  He says that he has never bowed his head down to anyone but will do it for her because in his eyes, she's a better person than he is.  He apologizes for everything he said to her in the car and she tells him he doesn't have to as she understood why he was so angry.  He tells her that he knows she's brave but the next time anything like this happens, she should call the police and she agrees.  As the two share a hug, she tells him that she is not going anywhere anytime soon and will always be by his side.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: The use of the body doubles.  I know that body doubles are used in the show when the actor/actress is not available for the scenes.  Unfortunately, the body doubles were very obvious throughout the episode and it seemed like they were being over used.  I don't mind body doubles being used as the actors/actresses may be busy with something else so it's understandable.  However, better editing would have helped to cover some of this.

Highlight: Arnav and Khushi being pulled over by the officer.  I'm with the officer on this one, I would not want to get in on this marital fight.  They way they argued reminded me of the good old days where neither one wanted the other person to have the last word.  They were completely like a bickering couple that had been married for years, when in reality it's probably been a few weeks.  Nani and Anjali were right, their married life is going to be the typical cat and mouse game.  One irritates the other and then goes makes up with them and then vice versa.

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