Thursday, October 4, 2012

Regarding rumours surrounding IPKKND

Over the past two weeks, several rumours have spread around on the topic of Barun leaving the show.  If anyone has been to the India-Forum boards, you know what I'm talking about.  The only thing that I want to say about this matter is this:

To all fans of IPKKND, do not believe everything you read or see.  There are some people in this world who's primary goal is to seek attention and by believing the stories they produce, you are giving them the attention they want.

On the topic of Barun leaving:
Please do not believe all those articles or spoiler information floating around.  If Barun was to leave the show, he would have informed the fans as he has a lot of respect for the fans of the show.  If the show was ending, StarPlus would have announced it.  The person or people who are spreading rumours of him leaving are only looking for some attention and are trying to ruin his reputation.  Unfortunately, this person was able to succeed in getting attention.

As fans of the show, let's put aside all the rumours and speculations and go back to enjoying the show we all love.  We ourselves are the only ones who can put the rumours to rest by not responding to them.  This is the media's job: creating rumours and false stories to get people fired up and talking.  To all fans, let's stop adding fuel to fire and instead, turn our attention to the show and it's upcoming track as that is what deserves our attention, not these fake stories.

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