Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Episode Review: October 23rd, 2012

The episode begins with Khushi and Arnav sleeping.  While he sleeps, Khushi is tossing and turning, thinking about how similar Aarav and Arnav are and the comparasions made by the family.  Unable to sleep, she gets up and retrieves her chana box before sitting by the poolside and eating them as she talks to herself about her fears.  Arnav soon notices Khushi is missing and sees her by the poolside.  He joins her and asks what she is doing there, jokingly asking why she didn't go make jalebi.  He asks her if she's thinking about Sheetal and she denies it, even though she was.  She says that she was thinking about her past as everyone has a past to; some guy name Bankelal.  Khushi begins to narrate a fake story of her and Bankelal to Arnav who seems confused as to her story.  After her story, she tells him that it was her past and like his, that relationship meant nothing.  Realizing what she's doing, Arnav tells her that he doesn't care about it but asks if her past still means something to her.  She says that it means nothing and that she's what they call modern.  He then approaches her to kiss her however, Khushi has an illusion of him trying to kiss Sheetal.  She then slaps Arnav, asking how dare he do this, with him looking confused at her and replying that he's her husband.  He then gives her a hug and suggest they go back to bed.  The next morning, Khushi gets up to see another illusion, Sheetal helping Arnav get dress.  She calls out to Arnav and notices that it was just her illusion and quickly makes up and excuse for calling his name.  After getting dresses, she heads downstairs, talking to herself and wondering why she is thinking crazy thoughts.  She's questioned by Anjali who wonders if Khushi is okay.  When the doorbell rings, Khushi answers it to find Sheetal standing there.  She thinks it's another illusion to only be surprised that it's really Sheetal.  She stopped by to pick up Aarav's prescription as she left it the day before.  Anjali asks for them to stay for breakfast.  Everyone sits down for breakfast and when Mami asks Sheetal why she's always in a hurry, she explains that it's because they will be shifting into a new house soon.  During breakfast, Khushi watches both Arnav and Aarav eat and they happen to do everything in the exact way (not quite sure if this was real or another illusion).  Aarav then mentions something about watching a football match that day surprising Arnav, who too likes football.  As the similarities between Arnav and Aarav continue to be shown, Khushi gets more and more nervous.

Anjali states that Aarav will stay with the family for the day to allow Sheetal to run her errands.  She originally refuses the offer but is convinced by the family to let him stay.  Khushi hands Sheetal Aarav's prescription and states that she will accompany Sheetal to the doctors.  Khushi actually only wants to go to find out about the relationship (if any) between Aarav and Arnav but tells the rest of the family she's just going for a regular checkup.  The family becomes worried but she reassures them that it's just a regular checkup.  Khushi and Sheetal leave for the doctors, leaving Aarav to be entertained by the family.

At the doctors, Khushi and Sheetal are waiting for the doctor and Sheetal asks Khushi if Aarav being at the house isn't causing much trouble.  Khushi says that there is no problem and asks Sheetal is Aarav is like his father but she gets no response.  When the doctor arrives, he tells her that Aarav has diabetes.  The doctor explains to her that even children can be diabetic and says that with regular medication and a proper diet, his blood sugar can be controlled.  While the doctor hands her a list of items that Aarav can eat, Khushi thinks about how both Arnav and Aarav are diabetic.  She prays to Devi Mayya hoping that what she is thinking is not true; that Aarav is Arnav's son.

What worked: Showing more similarities between Aarav and Arnav.  Yesterday, we got a glimpse of how similar both Aarav and Arnav are and today, we continue to see those similarities.  Both eat in the same way, they both enjoy football and are both diabetic.  With more and more similarities being discovered, Khushi's fear of Aarav being Arnav's son is becoming more and more evident.  Khushi's fear of a relationship between the two was shown in yesterday's episode but today, that fear has grown even larger.  She hopes to be wrong but can't shake the feeling of her suspicion to be right; that Aarav is Arnav's son.  This fear of hers has consumed her to a point that she's now even seeing Sheetal everywhere she looks.  Khushi's fears have usually motivated her in the past to uncover the truth, even if it may not be the best news for her.  We've seen that before when she uncovered Shyam's real truth after putting a few clues together.  It looks like we're going to see more of Detective Khushi for the next little while as she tries to uncover who Aarav's father is.  She's had some crazy plans in the past but when she uncovers her answer, will she be happy with it?

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: N/A

Furthermore, I'm excited to say this blog has reached a mile.  This is my 100th post and I'd like to thank everyone for reading, sharing or following this blog :)

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