Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Episode Review: October 31st, 2012

The episode continues with the basketball game.  Mami tries to get the ball away from Aarav and is unsuccessful.  She ends up pinching his cheeks and is called out on a foul, leading to her exit of the game.  The game continues and Khushi is blocking Akash.  Sheetal and Arnav end up bumping into each other and share an awkward eye lock, to which Khushi notices.  Sheetal passes Khushi the ball but she is still taken aback by what she saw and does not move.  Aarav ends up taking the ball from her and makes a shot and misses but Arnav gets the shot on the rebound.  As the game continues, Khushi tries to convince Akash to give her the ball, which he refuses.  She ends up putting her foot in a way that ends up getting her tripped.  She says that Akash purposely tripped her and he receives a foul, sending him out of the game.  He later tells the other ladies Khushi did it on purposes, and she quickly gets up to return to the game.  The game continues with Arnav, Aarav and Sheetal playing basketball while Khushi stands at the side like a statue.  The score ends up being tied at 3-3 and the next shot wins the game.  Khushi ends up getting the ball but unable to pass it, she runs with the ball and makes the shot.  She's excited to make the shot and all the girls think they've won.  Unfortunately, because she ran with the ball, she is called out on a foul and ends up leaving the game.  As everyone watches the rest of the game, Aarav ends up having the ball and goes to make a shot.  To help him out, Arnav lifts him up and he ends up making the shot, winning the game.  Everyone celebrates the boys winning the game.  Arnav and Aarav share their secret handshake and then Aarav shares it with his mother.  All the while, Khushi is watching this from the side.  Without anyone noticing her, she quietly leaves the area.  She goes to the kitchen to calm her nerves and her doubts about Sheetal and Arnav.  As she starts to make jalebi, she sees Sheetal walk in, who asks her why she is making jalebi since Arnav can't eat it.  She then sees Arnav come in and Sheetal is all over him, convincing him to kick Khushi out of the house.  He agrees with her and Khushi begs him not to kick her out.  As she drops to her feet and beg him not to kick her out, she realizes that it was all her illusion.  Instead, one of the servants is standing in front of her and asks if she needs any help.  She says no and regains herself. 

Everyone returns home from the game and are all talking about how much fun they had.  Arnav says they should have seen them in college, where he and Sheetal played on the same team.  He states that they even had a nickname but couldn't remember it.  Sheetal states it was "awesome twosome" and the two share an awkward high five.  Aarav states that since he is now part of the team, it'll be awesome threesome.  Arnav then asks where Khushi is and she says she's right there.  Apparently, she had been standing there the whole time.  Mami then takes the plate of jalebi from her and begins to hand them out to everyone, starting with Aarav.  Both Arnav and Sheetal both state that Aarav can't have the sweets.  To change the subject, Arnav talks to Aarav about being a better basketball player and that if he wants to be a better basketball player, he needs to look after his health.  As Aarav goes upstairs to do his homework, Anjali tells Arnav that his bond with Aarav has shown that he can handle kids.  Mami adds that it'll now be easier when he has his own children, but neither Khushi nor Arnav react to this news.  Later that day, Sheetal is upstairs looking at pictures in her room.  Khushi notices that she's alone and goes to speak with her, apologizing for not knocking before coming in.  As she attempts to put the pictures away, Khushi asks her what she was looking at.  When Sheetal says nothing, she asks about Aarav's father again and states that every time she asks about his father, she ignores the question.  Sheetal tells her that she's put that part of her life in her past and has moved on.  After she leaves, Khushi is about to leave the room until she notices something on the floor.  She picks them up to see the pictures Sheetal was looking at; her and Arnav playing basketball in college.  Khushi thinks that if Sheetal was looking at these pictures, she may not have put her full past behind her.

What worked: An oblivious Arnav.  Where's the Arnav who wanted to be around Khushi nonstop during the wedding rituals?  Where is the Arnav who could sense her around, without having to hear or ask for her?  What happened to the Arnav that could sense if something was wrong with her?  That Arnav has now turned oblivious.  Ever since Aarav and Sheetal have begun living at the house, Arnav spends a lot of his time bonding with the little boy.  As he begins to spend more and more time with Sheetal and Aarav, this begins to make Khushi more and more insecure about herself.  Why would a guy like Arnav want to spend the rest of his life with a crazy and weird girl like her when he seems much more compatible with someone like Sheetal.  Khushi's own insecurities are causing her to have hallucinations and doubt Arnav's love for her.  Unfortunately, Arnav has not noticed Khushi being insecure as of this moment but when he does, it will definitely be a worthwhile conversation to watch.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: N/A

***Something to note, there are visible hints in the show that could point to all of this being a ploy to split the couple up.  The first hint was Sheetal's diary.  It was stated that her and Arnav studied together at Harvard but she mentions in her diary about going to see the London Eye with the boy she liked.   If I remember correctly, the London Eye is in England while Harvard is in the US.  Second, today, Sheetal was looking at the pictures vertically but when Khushi saw them, she was looking at them horizontally and indeed, the pictures were in a horizontal format.  Why would anyone want to look at them in the incorrect way.  I don't know if this was bad editing on their part or clues to a much bigger picture but I will restate what I've said before; all of this seems just too good to be true....something very fishy is going on.

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