Monday, October 1, 2012

Episode Review: October 1st, 2012

Arnav carries Khushi to their room and lays her down on the bed.  He then leans in to kiss her but soon backs away, with her than grabbing his arm.  She tells him she feels bad for Dadi leaving and asks Arnav to bring her back but he says that even if she does come back, she won't be happy.  When Khushi apologizes for being the reason Dadi left, Arnav tells her not to as it was none of her fault.  As they talk, someone appears to be watching them from a camera, hidden in a flower bouquet; it's Shyam.  He's watching Arnav and Khushi through the hidden cameras until he's interrupted by Anjali.  He makes an excuse of having work to do and she believes him, leaving him to eavesdrop on the newlyweds.  Khushi than tends to Arnav's wound and asks if it hurts.  When he says no, she says hiding one's pain doesn't make it go away.  She tells him she knows he's in pain but doesn't push him to talk about it.  Instead, she reassures him that she'll always be with him.  Arnav than tells Khushi that when he found out about the truth, he didn't know how to react.  He felt trapped as he couldn't forget what happened to his mother but still wanted to be happy and forget his past.  Khushi tells him that instead of running from his past, he should accept it and make it a part of his life; make his parents a part of his life.  The two than share a hug but are interrupted by a knock at the door.  It is the disturbers, compiled of NK, Akash, Anjali and Payal who drop by to tease Arnav and Khushi.   

They playfully joke around with them, refusing to leave until they get their present.  Arnav promises Anjali to always keep Khushi happy and then pays them to leave.  As he pushes NK and Akash, the flower bouquet with the camera in it falls down but Khushi says it's okay.  After everyone has left, she begins to pick up the flowers and Arnav notices something on the floor.  As he goes closer to see what it is, Shyam begins to fear that Arnav has found the camera.  He is relieved when Arnav simply picks up his phone and walks away but is startled when Anjali walks in the room.  He closes his laptop and continues to tell her she has work.  He finally agrees to have coffee and when she leaves, he checks up on Arnav and Khushi to find them not in their room.  Outside, Khushi is waiting for Arnav.  She asks him why he messaged her to come meet him here and he says its because someone is keeping an eye on them.  He tells her about the camera in the flower bouquet and they both wonder who could have put it there.  Arnav suspects its Shyam but doesn't want to say anything until he's certain.  He says there are probably cameras around the house so they have to be alert.  Just then, Anjali comes by and asks them what they are doing there.  Khushi says that they just wanted to sit outside for a while, causing Anjali to state that no one seems like sleeping tonight, including Shyam

Anjali tells them that Shyam has been stuck to his laptop doing something for a while and doesn't feel like sleeping, causing Arnav and Khushi to be shocked.  When Anjali leaves, Arnav and Khushi confirm his suspicion and determine that Shyam has installed cameras around the house to keep an eye on them.  She states that Shyam always has a plan up his sleeve and Arnav tells her that a man like that will stoop to any level.  He says that their wedding was his biggest defeat and Arnav is sure that not only will Shyam not give up, but he'll definitely be planning something else.  When Khushi states that the cameras must have a wire or a switch, Arnav remembers when NK had noticed weird wires.

They wonder how the cameras were installed in the house and Arnav says that Shyam must have taken advantage of Anjali at that time.  He then remembers seeing the bill for the cameras on Anjali's credit card and puts it together that Shyam bought those cameras with her card.  He then states that with the cameras, Shyam must also have some footage, which he's probably hidden.  If they find the footage, they could use it as evidence.  The problem is is that the footage is probably on his laptop and getting into their room without him noticing will be hard.  Arnav assures Khushi that things will be okay but for right now, they just have to be alert.

 What worked: Shyam's next plan in action.  If he couldn't stop their wedding from happening, the next best thing is to keep an eye on them.  Shyam's defeat has made him more determined to reach his ultimate destination.  What that destination is is still unknown but we do know that the one obstacle in his way is Arnav and Khushi.  Now that the two are married, it's going to be hard to separate them so instead of doing that, he's keeping an eye on them.  Not just them, but he has the entire house under CCTV.  With Shyam more determined than ever, we are bound to see more of his plans unfold to reveal his true reason for wanting to return to the house.  Let's see what Shyam does next.

What didn't work: Where's Dadi?  So the bitter mean old woman enters the house with a bang but we can't even see her leave.  She's suddenly vanished from the house without a trace...just like Masala Mama (BTW, whatever happened to him).

Highlight: Arnav realizing there are cameras in the room.  Finally, the sharp minded ASR is back and back with a bang he is; it only took him one look to realize there was a camera in the flowers.  Arnav has put the pieces together to figure out that Shyam has placed cameras around the house to keep an eye on them.  Why he did this, neither Arnav nor Khushi know but are determined to find out.  With the remarriage and past secrets track wrapped up, it's time to turn our attention to the show's biggest track; Shyam's true colours.  He revealing, the second time around, will definitely be harder than as Shyam has learned his lesson before and will be a lot more careful.  However this time around, Arnav and Khushi have teamed up to take the creep down once and for all.  With Arshi as a detective team, one can expect some hilarious moments, some sweet and romantic moments and the usual arguing and bickering which we all love.  This is bound to be a very interesting track.

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