Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Episode Review: October 30th, 2012

Dressed as a peon, Khushi makes her way to the principal's office to find out who Aarav's father is.  In order to get into the office, she pretends to be mopping and makes her way inside.  Inside, she finds another teacher sitting there.  In order to get rid of him, she tells him that the principal is calling him to the canteen for tea.  After he leaves, Khushi quickly begins to search the various binders to find the one containing Aarav's admission form.  She ends up finding the binder with the form in it but is unable to read the form as water spilled on it and the ink is unreadable.  She then hears the principal coming but when she tries to step down from the stool, she almost falls.  Luckily, she is helped by Aarav who asks her why she is dressed as a peon and is in his school.  Khushi makes up an excuse that she was going to a fancy dress competition and wanted to see how a peon acts.  Just then, the principal walks in and she hides behind a cupboard.  Aarav lies to the principal, saying that he was in the office to remove a cat that came in.  When she asks why he is not back in class since his break is over, he states that he has to use the bathroom.  After she leaves, Khushi thanks Aarav for covering for her and asks him to not let anyone know she was here and he agrees.  Back at home, Khushi thinks that for a while, she should stop trying to figure out who Aarav's father is and just trust Arnav with his word.  Downstairs, Aarav is upset with his painting; he received 2/10 on it.  Sheetal tries to cheer him up by saying that he will do better on the next one.  She then suggest they play basketball and Aarav agrees, asking his mom to let him win this time.  Arnav is passing by at this time and overhears their conversation.  Arnav tells Aarav that when they used to play in college, Sheetal would lose at basketball and that she was no champion.  This gives Khushi an idea of how to cheer Arnav up. 

The next day, she suggest that the boys have a basketball match; Arnav, Akash, NK and Aarav; while all the girls will be watching.  Sheetal gives Aarav tips on how to play basketball and NK attempts to flirt with her with no success.  Arnav and Sheetal proceed to argue again on how she would lose in basketball in college, with her claiming he cheated and he claiming that he'd let her win.  They decide that in order to prove who's right, they'll have a basketball match.  At the court, the boys are all present.  Khushi shows up in her suit, wearing basketball shoes and a headband.  She wonders why everyone is staring at her and then notices that they are staring at Sheetal.  She feels a bit uncomfortable as Sheetal stretches and warms up.  Mami even joins the team and Arnav wonders if they are really serious about this.  NK explains the rules of the game to both the teams.  The game then starts with the boys, Akash and Arnav, playing very well.  At one point, Khushi ends up getting the ball but instead of passing it, she kicks it.  NK calls it a foul but gives her a second chance as it is her first time playing the game.  The game continues but it seems that Arnav and Sheetal are just playing against each other.  As Khushi notices this, she becomes a bit uncomfortable.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: The current track.  What started off on a good note with suspense and drama has now turned into a laughing joke.  A basketball match, really.  Was that even needed in the story.  At this point, I have no idea what the writers are up to.  It just seems they are putting in random things into the story and its making the current track a bit unbearable to watch.  If their trying to show us Khushi feeling insecure and jealous, they are other, more effective ways to do that, but what they are doing right now isn't one of them.  I know that it's hard to write good material everyday but it's not that hard to write decent stuff; why be lazy with your writing.  The only thing working for the show is the fact that there are no TRPs until December.  If there were, you would see the numbers drop, putting the writers under pressure to produce good content and not lazy writing.  Hopefully, this track does not ruin the show's ratings when they return in December.

Highlight: N/A

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