Friday, October 19, 2012

Episode Review: October 19th, 2012

NK is at home, pacing back and forth wondering where Arnav and Khushi are as neither of them are answering their phone.  He thinks that the kidnappers might have taken revenge and kidnapped Khushi and begins to worry.  The family sees him worried and asks him why he is talking about revenge.  NK makes a lie stating that he is feeling the love for the family and wants to give back to them.  Mami likes hearing that and states that she'll take a new sari and a movie trip every week.  Just then, Arnav and Khushi arrive home and NK is thrilled to see them and Anjali tells them not to worry about him as NK is feeling a bit more emotional today.  They wonder where the two have been and Arnav tells them they went for a walk, indicating they worked things out.  Later that night, Khushi is narrating to Arnav the story of how she saved Aarav.  As she narrates the story, Arnav seems to not be paying attention to what she's saying but simply stares at her.  After being interrupted by her, he tells her that she is very brave but also very filmy.  He tells her that it wasn't a good idea for her to take Aarav into the car and drive him around as if they got into an accident, she could have killed him.  Khushi is surprised to hear that from Arnav and he explains that she could hurt both of them.  Khushi reflects and what Arnav just said to here and remembers that Aarav said the same thing.  She then begins to put the similarities between Arnav and Aarav together and wonders why they are so similar. They next day, Arnav wakes up to find Khushi serving him breakfast as his personal chef.  She prepared a special breakfast in bed for him as all the women have a fast today for a puja so the men will be eating in their rooms.  Khushi begins to feel hungry as Arnav eats his breakfast and he suggest she eat something as he doesn't really believe in all these pujas.  She says she can't because Devi Mayya will not be pleased with her.  He reminds her of her Teej fast that he broke but she is adamant on keeping this fast.  Arnav reminds Khushi of the last time the puja occurred in the house (the kids breaking his model and drawing a moustache on his picture) and states jokingly that he'll have to keep away from the house today.  She states that at that time, she was afraid of him but now she's not.  Arnav takes her hand and asks if she really isn't and she pinches his cheek.  When he tells her not to do that since he isn't a kind, she wonders why everyone then calls him Chote.  Later that morning at AR Group, a manager is telling a women that she has got the position for their job opening and that the only thing left to do is meet the boss.  The woman is Sheetal.  Khushi is in a toy store buying toys for the girls that will be coming.  She tries to bargin with the store clerk but he refuses to give her a discount.  Just then, Aarav walks in and recognizes her voice.  He tries to sneak out only to be spotted by her.  He tells her that he is waiting for his mom and Khushi asks him to help her pick out toys for little girls.  Unfortunately, Aarav does not like toys and finds girls who play with toys weird.  Sheetal goes to meet Arnav in his office and he is surprised to see her there.  She tells him she applied for the designer position in the company and he remembers that she used to like this stuff back in college.

Khushi has finished her shopping and suggest to Aarav that they go eat something.  He says he's not hungry and Khushi suggest he act like normal kids; ones that talk happy and are laughing.  She tells him to not go around with an angry look on his face as smiling and laughing isn't going to harm him.  She then begins to talk about something when Aarav begins to feel dizzy.  He then faints, shocking Khushi who tries to figure out what to do.  Back at AR Group, a sort of awkward conversation begins between Arnav and Sheetal which ends only when he asks to see her designs.  After taking a look at them, he tells her the job is hers but she refuses to take it.  Arnav apologizes if he's making her uncomfortable and he asks her if she's okay after noticing that she seems worried.

Arnav's phone begins to ring and Sheetal tells him that Khushi is calling him.  He answers the phone to be surprised to hear that Aarav has fainted.  Khushi tells Arnav to inform Sheetal that Aarav has fainted and that she is taking him home.  Arnav tells Sheetal that Aarav has passed out and Sheetal wonders what kind of a mother she is for leaving her son alone.  Arnav tells her not to panic as Aarav is with Khushi and that she is taking him home.  The two then leave for the Raizada house.  At home, Khushi and the family are trying wake Aarav up.  Aarav soon wakes up to find all the women staring at him.  He tells them that he is fine and tries to leave but they all make him sit.  Khushi tells him that he fainted and she has called the doctor.  They then decide to give Aarav something to eat and they begin to make suggestions while he tries to escape, only to be constantly stopped.  When they decide on almond milk, they find that Aarav has escaped.

What worked:  Khushi beginning to put together the similarities between Arnav and Aarav.  Both their names start and end with the same letters, they both have the same attitude and both say "what the".  So far, Khushi has witnessed many similarities between Arnav and Aarav and has begun to doubt why there are so many similarities.  This fact has even got the viewers thinking on why there are so many similarities between the two.  Through all the information given so far (through rumours and articles) it points towards Aarav being Arnav's son.  In addition with Aarav fainting today, I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be diabetic, just like Arnav.  Khushi has not questioned if there was a relationship between Arnav and Sheetal in the past but if Aarav continues to display similar characteristics of Arnav, be ready to see her question Arnav on his past with her.  Khushi's suspicion will help to move the story forward and allow for more of it to unfold.  If Aarav turns out to be Arnav's son, the writers of the show better be ready to take the heat from the fans because they will definitely not like this twist.  There's going to be a lot of chaos, mayhem and hating going on over the next couple of episodes but right now, let's have some faith in them.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight:  Arnav telling Khushi that he broke her Teej fast.  It was only one line of the show but it stood out for one reason: he finally admitted and acknowledged that he broke her fast that day.  He's finally making the connection of their past encounters to their present day.  When he broke her fast, she was the one who told him that he broke her fast but he didn't understand what he just did as he was helping her.  Today, he states that he did in fact break her fast that day, finally acknowledging and understanding what he did that day.  It's all starting to make sense to him as he begins to put these pieces of the past and present together; they were always meant to be.

On a side note, based on how the story is going so far (leading us to believe that Aarav is Arnav and Sheetal's son) I can just hear the chaos that has erupted on social media.  Everyone is coming up with their own theory and guessing what's going to happen next.  So far, the way the track is unfolding is getting everyone talking and wondering what is actually going to happen.  It's a great way to create suspense and keep the viewers interested.  Viewers want to know the mystery right now in order to calm their nerves but don't expect anything to be revealed so quickly as there are no TRPs until December, taking the pressure off the writers to produce content that will generate numbers.  Hopefully, and I mean hopefully, the writers don't make this track into something that the fans will not like or butcher the show.  My advice to the writers: Be very careful with how you write this track; IPKKND fans are intensely passionate and sensitive about the show and Arshi.  Be careful.  

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