Thursday, October 25, 2012

Episode Review: October 25th, 2012

While covering his eyes, Khushi takes Arnav upstairs.  She says that she wants to spend some time with him alone but he tells her that they were alone in their room as well.  He lets her have this one and the two sit down.  Khushi tells him that she read in a magazine that in order for a marriage to be successful and for love grow, the couple should stare into each other's eyes.  Arnav asks if it's necessary to do this at this time but agrees to it anyways.  As the two stare into each other's eyes, Khushi says something to Arnav but he doesn't understand.  She suggest they do something else.  She will say a word and he will respond with the first thing that comes to mind.  They start: Khushi à crazy, Arnav à me, love à trust, relationship à done.  He tells her to keep her concentration or else she'll lose but that's exactly what she wants.  She wants him to have his fully concentration in the game in order to clear her suspicions.  As they continue to stare at each other, she quietly places her ring on a chain.  She then begins to swing the chain back and forth, with Arnav's eyes following it.  She begins with the hypnotism, telling Arnav he's feeling sleepy.  She then asks him to say a girl's name and he says hers.  She asks to him to name another girl's name that is very close to his heart.  She is surprised when he says okay, asking if there is another girl.  She asks him to describe her and he does so.  He says that she is very pretty, loves him too and is very fond of jalebi.  All the while, Khushi thinks he's talking about Sheetal and she stops swinging the chain.  She asks him who this other girl is to realize he was describing her.  He then tells her that he is feeling tired and that both of them should go to bed, carrying her off.  The next morning, Khushi thinks of how Arnav can't do anything right.  NK answers the door to find Sheetal and Aarav there.  NK seems to be smitten with Sheetal at first sight.  She tells the family she is working hard to get the keys and won't stay long at their place.  She then tells the family that she's running late as she has to get Aarav admitted into school today.  Aarav is apparently going to the same school Arnav did.  Khushi decides to go with them and NK too wants join them but is reminded of his previous commitment with Nani.  At the school, Sheetal, Aarav and Khushi are talking to the principal.  She mistakes Aarav as Arnav's kid but Khushi corrects her saying that Aarav is Sheetal's son but the principal says that Aarav is just like a younger version of Arnav.  The principal hands Sheetal the admission form and she begins to fill it out.  Khushi attempts to get a look at the form in order to find out the name of the father but is unsuccessful.  When she hands the form back, the principal tells her she forgot to write in the name of the father.  Suddenly, Aarav tells Khushi that he has to use the bathroom, right now.  Khushi takes Aarav to the bathroom while Sheetal explains to the principal that she's a single mother.  Khushi decides to ask Aarav about his father but Aarav doesn't seem to answer her questions.  Sheetal and the principal finally leave the office and Khushi returns inside to get her purse.

Khushi goes in to retrieve her purse and tries to take the opportunity to look at the form to find out the name of Aarav's father.  Before she can look at the form, the principal walks in and takes the binder away.  Khushi uses the excuse of wanting to see what a form looks like, just in case for the future and then leaves the office.  Outside, Sheetal and Aarav run into Arnav who finished work early and decided to stop by.  The two talk about the admission and Arnav looks through Aarav's book, while Khushi looks on from a distance.  She wonders if what she's thinking is true; that Aarav is Arnav's son.  In her heart, she feels that she's right based on how similar they are.

Everyone returns home and Aarav does not seem to be liking the overly love attention.  Mami is reading the paper and tells the family the story of two kids being born at a hospital and then being switched and the parents not knowing who's kid is who's.  NK says that today, technology had advanced greatly and there are many ways for people to figure out who the parents of a child are.  He mentions a DNA test, where anything from a hair to a nail can be tested and matched against each other to determine if a child belongs to a family.  This gives Khushi an idea and Sheetal looks very worried.  Khushi says to herself that this is one way she can figure out if there is in fact a blood relationship between Arnav and Aarav.

What worked: Sheetal's constant worried look and Aarav asking to use the washroom at the right moment.  Something fishy is definitely going on here.  Just when the principal asks Sheetal the name of Aarav's father, Aarav all of a sudden asks to use the washroom and that too to Khushi.  This standout point shows that this whole scenario is a very well constructed ploy, with the kid in on it too.  Why else would he ask Khushi to take him to the bathroom instead of his mother.  This way, he goes along with the plan and helps to plant the seed of doubt in Khushi's mind.  As per rumours that have been floating around, Aarav is going to be revealed to be Arnav's son, which is why they are so similar.  This is not going to go down well with the family as Nani and possibly Anjali will be very disappointed in Arnav.  The bigger question is: how is this going to go down with Khushi and will her relationship with Arnav change.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: NK smitten by Sheetal.  Aw, how cute he likes her at first sight.  We've all been wanting for NK to have a love interest and it seems that he does.  Too bad it's not going to last, especially when the truth is finally revealed.  Oh well, it's okay just bring in another girl for NK.  I would love to see him fall in love with a girl.

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