Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Episode Review: October 3rd, 2012

Shyam walks into his room and looks surprised to see no one there.  He goes to his laptop and opens it but before he can do anything else, NK arrives and forcibly leads Shyam back downstairs.  Khushi and Arnav are then seen hiding behind the closet and Khushi tells Arnav to control his anger before they leave the room as there are cameras outside.  Khushi comes downstairs and tells Anjali about a massage oil that Buaji gave her which will help to relieve the pain in Anjali's foot.  Arnav comes downstairs and Nani points out to him how much Khushi is doing for Anjali.  As she continues to massage her foot, she looks down and sees the cuts on the bottom of her foot.  Scared, she looks at Arnav, confirming both their suspicions.  As Anjali teases the two, both of them are focused on what they saw in the video.  After finishing the massage, Khushi tells Anjali and Nani that her and Arnav are going out for some work and the two leave to talk outside.  Outside, Arnav states that he was right; Anjali's miscarriage was no miscarriage but was a purposely done murder.  Khsuhi can't believe Shyam would do such a thing and apologizes to Arnav for bringing him back to the house.  Arnav goes to teach him a lesson but Khushi stops him.  She says that even though they know it's Shyam who put the glass pieces on the carpet, they have no exact evidence.  She reminds Arnav that Shyam can twist and turn any piece of evidence against him into something else.  Just like he did during Arnav's kidnapping.  She says that since Anjali believes everything Shyam says, they need to break this blind faith first.  She tells Arnav to believe in himself and them as a pair and that as long as they work together, they will be able to figure something out.  Just then, Arnav remembers the drummer group and wonders if they may be able to help them out.  Inside the house, Mami is fast asleep as Nani and NK come by to wake her up.  Nani tells NK that this is Mami's sleeping time.  Nani then tells him that Mami may have her faults, but she's not bad at heart, except for the fact that she never accepts her own mistakes.  NK looks at Nani with a determined look and tells her that Mami will accept her mistakes one day.

Khushi and Arnav go to meet with the drummers.  The employer tells them that on the day of the mehendi, one of the drummers was replaced with a temporary one.  He describes the temporary drummer to them and Arnav realizes that Shyam was present at the mehendi ceremony.   After evening prayers, NK hides behind the Devi Mayya idol and begins to call out Mami's name, pretending to be Devi Mayya.  Mami falls for the trap, thinking Devi Mayya is speaking to her, and comes in front of the idol.  NK tells Mami to reveal her bad deeds in front of everyone.  Mami begins to reveal the bad things she's done, including mixing Buaji's drink with alcohol while Anjali and Nani have a good laugh.  Arnav and Khushi return home to witness Mami's strange behaviour.  Mami then admits to being the one who made a hole in the sari that Khushi brought when she came to the house for the first time.  Feeling like she's had enough, NK comes out from behind the idol, surprising Mami and giving the rest of the family a laugh.  As she leaves, she promises to sort our NK for his little prank.  When Khushi asks NK why he did this, he tells her that by pulling this prank, he was able to get Mami to fess up to all her deeds.  This gives Khushi an idea.  Khushi tells Arnav of her idea to get Shyam to expose his own deeds.  Arnav thinks the idea won't work but Khushi assures him that this may be a way to expose him to the entire family.  The next morning during breakfast, a group of painters arrive at the house.  Arnav explains to Nani that he's arranged for the house to be painted before Diwali as it has been a while.  Arnav and Khushi notcie Shyam's behaviour as he's worried about the cameras being found.  Shyam makes an excuse about work, leaving the breakfast table.  In his room, he's upset at this new problem that's arised.  He knows that if the painters notice the cameras, they will tell Arnav about them so he decides to remove the cameras for a few days.

Shyam begins to remove the cameras, staring with Arnav and Khushi's room.  As he begins to remove the one attached to the plant, Arnav enters the room.  Shyam hides, waiting for him to leave but Arnav senses that someone is in the room.  Knowing who it is, he picks up a file and leaves the room.  He goes downstairs and with a nod, lets Khushi know that everything is going according to planned.  Shyam begins to remove all the cameras

Khushi and Arnav re-enter their room, nervous and alert.  After a check of the room, Arnav assures Khushi that all the cameras are gone and she is relieved, saying that they can now do anything they want.  Taking her hint, Arnav starts to walk towards her.  Khushi thinks he's approaching her to flirt with her so she tries to retract her statement, to only realize he went to pick up his phone.  When she tries to leave, he pulls her towards him and teases her about what she thought he was going to do.  Arnav then tells her that her plan will not work as she doesn't know Shyam's will.  Khushi asks Arnav why he thinks so negative and is now miffed with him not supporting her plan.

What worked: Arnav and Khushi's plan in action.  We now officially have a story going here.  Arnav and Khushi have teamed up to take Shyam down and have put their plan into action with the villain so far not noticing.  The idea of painting the house to get rid of the cameras for a while has given them a few days to expose Shyam, without having to sneak around and avoid being spied on.  Currently, Shyam doesn't know that Arnav and Khushi know about the cameras or have seen the videos, allowing him to be easy manipulated into their trap.  Shyam sometimes hasn't been the smartest villain but when he realizes that he's about to be taken out, he usually comes up with a counter plan that unfortunately succeeds.  Let's hope this time around, Shyam doesn't get whif of Arshi's plan and the couple is able to finally take him down.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: NK. This is why I love his character so much.  He's the perfect combination of humour, advice and support.  He's is the type of character that doesn't have to be exaggerated and can work just about anywhere.  Bringing Karan back to the show has been the best decision the production house has made.  Today, not only did he bring a smile to everyone's faces with his prank on Mami, but he also provided Khushi with an idea; get Shyam to confess to his wrong doings.  Yes, like Arnav said this plan may not work but it is the only way to expose him in front of Anjali as she has blind faith in him.  NK has always had great plans, from using a camera to figure out Shyam's password to pretending to be clueless.  Like I've said before, his intelligence is not to be underestimated.  A job well done by Karan today.

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