Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Episode Review: October 17th, 2012

Khushi returns to the car thinking about the kid she just met.  When she gets into the car, Arnav asks her what is on her mind and she explains to him that she just met a kid inside who is exactly like Arnav: same style and attitude but just younger.  As he looks at the suit jacket, he thinks she may have lost it.  He states that the suit jacket is an old fashioned style but quickly says that he likes it before Khushi can say anything.  At home, the family is watching the news when Arnav comes downstairs, in the jacket that Khushi gifted to him.  NK asks why he is wearing new and expensive clothes to the market and Arnav corrects him saying that he is going to work while NK is going with Khushi to the market.  Before they can leave, a news report appears on TV talking about the recent kidnappings of children.  Nani and Mami both state that crime has risen drastically in the country and the police are not doing much.  Khushi disagrees saying that every country has its good and bad parts but India is still better than others.  She then begins to list several people who have made a difference in the country.  She then calls herself a brave and honest citizen, just like the people she listed.  Arnav makes a comment about how people like her shouldn't really be active but quickly covers himself when he reminds them about going to the market.  At the market, NK is worried that someone will kidnap him and looks around at everyone present, paranoid.  When someone bumps into him, he begins to freak out thinking the guy is going to kidnap him, but Khushi is able to calm him down.  NK goes to put the grocery bag away while Khushi talks to the grocery clerk about how to recognize a kidnapper.  As she begins to explain the ways a kidnapper works, she notices that everything she says is happening in front of her eyes; a little boy is being kidnapped.  She shouts that the boy is being kidnapped and asks for someone to call the police. 

Realizing that it will take time for the police to arrive, she decides to save the boy herself.  She tells the kidnappers to let the boy go but they tell her to leave them alone and go back to her business.  The little boy ends up escaping and hides behind her.  She refuses to let them take the boy and they begin to approach her.  Khushi now realizes that she's gotten herself into a fix by standing up to the goons without a backup plan.  She boosts her own confidence and grabs the vegetables laying around and begins to hit them with them.  The young boys tells her to get in the car and drive and both her and the boy do that.  They successfully drive out of the market but are not driving on the road.  NK, who saw Khsuhi driving out, calls her to find out where she's going.  When she picks up her phone, the boy tells her not to talk and drive so she hands him her phone to answer it.  Unfortunately as she's making a sharp turn, the boy drops her phone out the window.  Unable to get in contact with her, NK calls up Arnav.  He informs him of Khushi driving off with a little boy after saving him from kidnappers.  Arnav is shocked at what he hears and tells NK to return home while he looks for Khushi.  Khushi and the little boy continue to drive around, with the boy yelling at her to keep her focus while she finds the boy annoying.  The boy realizes that she doesn't know how to drive and sort of regrets asking her to get behind the wheel.  Arnav drives around, looking for Khushi, to finally spot her.  He follows her, honking his horn to get her to stop.  Unfortunately, Khushi thinks it's the kidnappers who are following them and continues to drive.  Unfortunately, she's all nervous and makes several close calls, causing both the little boy and Arnav to fear for her safety.  The boy tries to teach her how to drive but she brushes him off and Arnav wonders why she's not stopping.  After another close call, their car comes to a stop and the boy is relieved, stating to her that she put his life is more danger than the kidnappers and that he would have escaped by himself. 

Khushi realizes the boy is ungrateful and wonders why she helped him.  Just then, Arnav's car arrives behind theirs and she realizes that it was him and not the kidnappers who were following them.  She gets out of the car to see him while the boy gets out to be greeted by his mother (it is revealed that his name is Aarav).  Arnav asks Khushi what she thought she was doing and states that anything could have happened to her.  The boy's mother asks him about his whereabouts and he tells her that some people tried to kidnap him.  Khushi approaches the woman to explain what happened but she mistakes Khushi for the kidnapper.  She asks Khushi how she could have done this, especially being a woman.  The boy tells his mother to listen to him but she refuses to.  She thinks that Khushi was doing this for money and goes into her wallet.  Arnav tells the woman that Khushi had saved her son and to give her a chance to speak.  The woman turns around to face Arnav and the two look surprised to see each other.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi driving around, with the little boy scared for his life.  Khushi driving makes Arnav nervous, very nervous especially based on the fact that she hit his car the last time she drove (it was a scooter).  The scene Khushi and the little boy (Aarav) was cute, especially with him trying to teach her how to drive and her up to her usual antics.  Khushi does have something to be proud of; she's saved two people from kidnapping in one year.  You go girl!

What to look forward to:  The way that Arnav and the boy's mother looked at each other shows that they know each other.  How they know each other is the big secret.  Hopefully, the revelation won't cause many problems for the couple or won't butcher this beautiful love story that has been told so far.  Let's see what the writers do.

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