Saturday, October 27, 2012

Episode Review: October 26th, 2012

In the evening, Khushi and Arnav are sleeping.  Khushi wakes up after dreaming about how similar Aarav and Arnav are.  She decides that in order to clear her doubts, she will do a DNA test on both of them.  Seeing that Arnav is asleep, she takes this as the prime opportunity to take a piece of his hair.  Unfortunately, he ends up waking up and then takes her hand (as he has a habit of sleeping with it) and tells her to go to sleep, having her miss out on a prime opportunity.  The next morning, Nani, Mami, Anjali and Payal are all helping Aarav get ready for his first day of school and he doesn't seem to like the love and attention he's getting whether it is them combing his hair or helping him put on his shirt.  Sheetal tells the family that it's nice to see Aarav receiving so much love and attention as they have been by themselves for quite a while.  When Mami suggest Sheetal get married, she changes the topic of having to drop Aarav to the bus stop.  Khushi comes downstairs with a bottle of oil and says that massaging it in ones hair will provide a strong mind.  She tries to convince Aarav and Arnav for a head massage but both of them refuse.  Unfortunately, Mami asks for a head massage, leaving Khushi getting what she didn't want.  After dropping Aarav at the bus stop, everyone sits down for breakfast.  Khushi is about to serve Sheetal something when Arnav tells her not to.  He tells her that Sheetal is allergic to nuts, recalling an incident when they were seeing each other.  When NK asks how he still remembered, he states that everyone in college knew that Sheetal Kapoor was allergic to nuts.  Hearing that her last name is Kapoor, Khushi asks her why Aarav's name is stated as ASR.  Not wanting to answer the question, Sheetal fakes a cough and then states that she is going to go rest for a little while.  NK then hands her a stick of gum, randomly, and she wonders how she'll get through the day waiting for Arnav and Aarav to return home so that she can get a piece of their DNA to test.  Aarav returns home from school and quietly sneaks into the house, making sure no one sees him.  Arnav sees what he's doing and asks him what is going on.  Aarav explains to him that he's trying to avoid Arnav's family as they are always pinching his cheeks or trying to feed him something.  Knowing what he means, Arnav takes Aarav somewhere he won't be bothered.  

 Later that evening, Arnav and Aarav are both by the poolside walking back and forth, identically.  Khushi stops by and overhears their conversation.  They both are talking about Khushi, saying she talks a little too much and can be a bit filmy at times.  She interrupts their conversation and puts on an act about being upset at what they said.  When she tries to leave, they both hold her duppata and apologize for what they said, saying that it was meant to be a joke.  She then asks both of them to get down on their knees to prove that they're sorry and they both do so hesitantly.  She takes this opportunity to give them a hug while also blowing a bubble from the bubble gum she's chewing.  She purposely gets the gum stuck in their hair and uses this as an excuse to get a strand of their hair.  When she leaves, Arnav thinks that she's completely crazy.  Sheetal then walks in looking for Aarav.  She tells him that it's time for bed and Aarav says goodnight to Arnav, also doing a special handshake with him.  He explains to him that the handshake means that they will be together in good times and bad, making Arnav think about what he said.

The next day, Khushi is pacing back and forth, wondering when the mail will arrive.  Just then, there is a delivery at the door and she signs off on the letter.  As she takes it upstairs, she runs into Anjali who asks her what it is and she lies to her saying that it's just a letter from the bank.  Upstairs in her room, she looks at the letter and realizes that opening could change her life forever.  Just as she's about to open, she gets a change of heart and decides not to open it.  She goes to put it in the closet and is reminded about how similar Arnav and Aarav are, through what she saw and what everyone was saying.  She decides that in order to clear her doubts, she should open the envelope.  Just as she is about to, Arnav comes into the room.  He questions what she is doing and she tells him that it's nothing.  As he is about to leave, he notices in the mirror that she's holding an envelope behind her back.  He tells her that he knows she's hiding something from him and points to the envelope behind her back.  He asks her what the envelope is about and when she doesn't answer, he takes it from her.  He reads the envelope and is surprised to find that it is the results of a DNA test done on him and Aarav.  As Khushi tries to explain herself, Arnav is upset at her for doing a DNA test on him and Aarav.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav finding the DNA result envelope.  His discovery takes the story to a new level now.  Every since the kidnapping track ended, Khushi and Arnav have a newfound sense of trust in each other.  When he finds out that Khushi did a DNA test on him and Aarav behind his back, it hurt him as he feels that Khushi doesn't fully trust him.  Yes, she didn't do it to hurt him and only did it to clear her own doubts but at this point, he feels not trusted by her especially after everything they went through.  Khushi knows that asking Arnav about this may not only show her insecurities but may also show him that she doesn't trust him, hurting him worse.  It is at this time that their faith and trust in one another will be tested.  Did Khushi do the right thing by getting a DNA test done behind his back or should she have just asked him straight up?

What to look forward to: Based on the spoiler pictures and videos, it seems that Arnav finding the DNA results will be just a dream and Khushi will be going into hallucination mode.  Based on this, I'm not quite sure what the writers are doing.  If they're taking this route, it may seem that they're dragging it out a bit to show what this fear and doubt is doing to Khushi.  I actually want him to find the DNA results just to see his reaction to them.

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