Thursday, October 25, 2012

Episode Review: October 24th, 2012

As Khushi and Sheetal leave the doctor's office, Khushi thinks about how Aarav has diabetes and the fact that Arnav too is diabetic.  She asks Sheetal if she's diabetic and she says no.  When she asks about Aarav's father, Sheetal ignores the question and suggest they return home.  At the house, both Arnav and Aarav are watching the soccer match together and seem to be enjoying each other's company.  Akash states that looking at the two, it seems that they are clones.  When Khushi and Sheetal arrive home, Khushi informs them that Aarav has been diagnosed as diabetic.  The family is upset on hearing the news but they all tell her not to worry as with a proper diet and exercise, his diabetes can be controlled.  Arnav also reassures her not to worry about Aarav as he too is diabetic.  Sheetal and Aarav are about to leave when she gets a phone call.  When the family asks her what happened, she tells them that they will not be getting the keys to shift into their place and will have to find another hotel to stay at.  At this time, Khushi encounters a good versus evil moment (like the scenario where you have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other).  She contimplates over what to do about Sheetal.  She then asks Sheetal for both her and Aarav to stay here until she gets the keys to her place.  Sheetal refuses at first but the rest of the family ask her to stay as they can help in taking care of Aarav and getting him adjusted to being diabetic.  After much convincing, she agrees to stay and they return to their hotel to begin packing their bags.  Arnav asks Khushi why she did that as he seems not happy with her decision.  She goes by the poolside to talk to him, knowing that he's angry.  She tries to justify herself by saying that she was doing this for Aarav and the fact that Arnav and Sheetal are friends.  Arnav reminds her that Sheetal is his ex-girlfriend and having her stay at the house will be very awkward for them.  Even though he's mad at her, he understands that she did it for Aarav's health.  Wanting to get answers to her pondering question, Khushi begins to ask Arnav about his relationship with Sheetal.  She begins to ask what they talked about, what their dates were like, what they did, etc.  Arnav is confused as to why she is asking these questions but decides to answer them, not wanting to ask her what is wrong.  When she asks if him and Sheetal ever thought about getting married and having kids, he reminds Khushi that at that time, he didn't believe in marriage and it wasn't until he met her that he knew what love meant.  Khushi then attempts to ask Arnav if he and Sheetal ever slept together, in order to figure out if Aarav could be his son.  Unfortunately, she's unable to actually ask him the question and begins to talk about jalebi.  Arnav calls her a crazy woman and the two share a hug with Khushi wondering how she's going to ask Arnav this very intimate question.

Later that day, Khushi is sitting in their closet, eating chanas and talking to herself saying that this is the only place she can talk without being interrupted.  She realizes that in order for her to muster up the courage to ask Arnav that question, she have to be reborn twice.  Arnav walks in the room to not find Khushi there or by the pool.  As he's about to leave, he hears her voice coming through the closet.  She vows to figure out the relationship between the two somehow.  Just then, Arnav opens the closet and is surprised to see Khushi sitting at the bottom.  She explains that she was cleaning the closet and he tells her that there are people who are paid to do this work and orders her to get out.  She ends up bumping her head twice while getting out, which Arnav expects.  He then tells her to sit on the bed and watch TV, allowing her not to move.

While he goes to do something, Khushi watches the horoscope show.  Just like in the past, the show seems to know what she's thinking and asks her about a secret that's been eating her alive.  The horoscope person tells her a way to get the person to reveal their deepest secret; using hypnotism.  Khushi has now got a way to get Arnav to answer her question.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi trying to ask Arnav if he and Sheetal were ever "together".  Who else laughed out loud during this scene?  I was dying of laughter, watching her attempt to ask him this question.  How is a girl suppose to ask her husband if he slept with his ex-girlfriend?  Apparently, there is no easy way to do that.  Khushi's interest in this question is to know if there is a possibility of Aarav being Arnav's son, based on the similarities she's noticed.  It's strange that she finds these similarities disturbing while everyone else finds them cute and sweet.  They all won't be laughing when the truth is revealed now will they.

What to look forward to: Khushi using hypnotism on Arnav.  Why do I get the feeling that she's going to be using hypnotism on him to try to get him to reveal his secret.  I can see this ending well.  This is going to be a scene worth watching.

1 comment:

  1. It’s no secret that a man’s ego has a powerful pull on him.

    In fact this hardwired need to impress and to WIN is so deeply embedded into the male mind...

    That nearly everything a man truly desires is based around this biological “drive” to prove, succeed and to win.

    It’s why so many men become workaholics, gym junkies or become obsessed with their hobbies.

    But what most women don’t know... how deeply this “drive” is connected to his love, desire, and attraction for the woman in his life.

    And I’m about to show you how you can “tap into” a man’s ege to refocus that same drive and gut level obsession...

    ...on pleasing you, romancing you, and proving his love for you like you’re his sole purpose in life.

    Here’s how: ==> The “Go Ahead” Signal That Makes Him Obsessed With Winning Your Love

    Mr Gix

    P.S. When you tap into a man’s ego this way, you can cause him to literally become obsessed with proving his love for you. So please don’t use this on a man unless you are ready for something serious.

    Thanks again.
